chapter 7 (busted)

"Am gonna break your bones right now". xandre clenched his fist ready to trash mike,but Koda pulled him back.

"xandre,just let this pest be,you will zip this mosquito mouth tommorow at the sparring contest".Koda whispered.

"oh yeah,you are right bro,I will not waste my strength on a piece of sh*t like you,but bear in mind, tommorow won't be your lucky day,i will beat the life out of you".xandre whispered to mike ear and left.

"I be ready for you xandre".mike mumbled.


"hey".a girl in military called.

"err,are you calling me".mike asked looking sideways.

"yeah,am calling you".the girl replied.

"am sorry but I don't know you".mike said.

"yeah,you don't".the girl agreed.

"then what's the matter".mike asked.

"nothing much,I just want to ask a question and please don't try to lie cuz it will only make you afraid of me".the girl replied.

"what kind of question does this girl want to ask, am I in trouble, what have I done".mike asking different question's in his head.

"okay,am listening ".mike replied.

"why didn't you fight back, instead of letting them talk sh*t to you".the girl asked.

"my name is Cassie".the girl said.

"nice name Cassie but I don't understand your question".mike replied.

"you understand what I asked well,why are you acting weak,when you know what you are capable of now". Cassie replied.

"huh, acting weak.......... capable of what".mike asked.

"I saw you last night,when you single handedly took down three well trained space soldiers".Cassie replied.

hearing what Cassie said mike was in six and seven's,mike think,if this girl wanted to report me for fighting soldiers wearing a mask in a curfew,she would have done it already and the best punishment is to kick me out of the camp,but why did she come here,what is she planning to do".mike thought much.

"then why did you come here,you could easily report me to the commander ".mike asked.

"you're right,but I can't report anyone without knowing whether the person is guilty or not,and why the person risk his life and came out in the curfew period wearing a mask". Cassie replied.

"in other words...."mike asked.

"am here to know why you came out in a curfew wearing a mask,and please am begging you again,don't lie cause it will just get you in trouble". Cassie replied.

"I came out in the curfew period to get something very important to me ".mike replied.

"which is what ". Cassie asked.

"my necklace,it is all I know about my parents".mike replied.

"who took it....I mean the necklace ". Cassie asked.

"A brainless motherfu**er named Luca".mike replied.

"huh,Luca is a strong space soldier and he's noted for his bulling characters and other things including beating the trainees unnecessarily, but he has never stolen anything in the camp". Cassie said.

"Then why the hell did he and his damn friends threatened me and stole my necklace when I was on earth"mike clenched his fist.

"so what's your plan ". Cassie asked

"why do you ask ".mike replied with a question.

"I just want to know,if there is any way I could help". Cassie replied.

"why do you want to help me".mike asked.

"to be sincere,I don't know exactly why I want to help you,maybe it's because you have a clean heart". Cassie replied leaving.

"wait!!!!!".mike yelled.

"what". Cassie asked.

"how do I find you if I need you".mike asked.

"come to the s.s base,you will always find me there". Cassie replied.

"his me knowing this girl a good luck or bad luck".mike thought.



"commander crugger,there is bad news ". squad leader said

"what's the bad news ". commander crugger asked.

"the crakas have striked,they attacked one of our defense ship and took four space officer's hostages,it seems they are still in titan" squad leader replied.

"what about all the soldiers stationed there". commander crugger asked.

"we lost connections,but here is the last call". squad leader James replied.

✓✓space 1...this is space 2 do you copy✓✓

✓✓this is code red crakas attack✓✓

✓✓we can't hold them much longer ✓✓


"that was the last contact we made with space 2,

I think they are all dead, what should we do commander". squad leader asked.

"should I send some space soldiers to get the mission done". squad leader James asked.

",send the trainees". commander crugger replied.

"sir,do you just mention the trainees". squad leader James asked.

"you heard me well squad leader,send them". commander crugger replied.

"but sir,they are far from ready,they will all be killed, they're still inexperienced". squad leader James said.

"the base just need six elite squad called the justice squad so send them all,if six group can come back alive with the four officers,they will be the justice squad ". commander crugger replied.

"so I will have to cancel the contest". squad leader asked.

"yes cancel it,send them tommorow morning,you can inform and get them prepared,they have four days to get the job done,and also to blow up the ship". commander crugger replied.

"Alright sir....I . wi..will do it". squad leader stammered.



"mike!!".Noah called.

"yeah,what".mike answered.

"Are you done practicing".Noah asked.

"yeah,hope nothing is wrong".mike asked.

"no,I just want to tell you that there will be curfew soon, it's getting late". Noah replied.

"And I also came here for a challenge,me and you,1 v 1"..Noah added.

"challenge accepted bro".mike replied.

Noah was stationed in his fighting stance prepared for anything mike had to throw at him,while mike stayed perfectly.

"bro,are you sure you can take me down, I'm now fast with my fists".Noah asked.

"let's see how fast you are,brother".mike replied.

Noah attacked first sending multiple blows to mike,but mike was perfectly dodging Every single hit but failed to dodge the last hit.

"nice one bro".mike said cleaning the little blood on his cheek.

mike clenched his fist hard, sending his own attack too,Noah was dodging barely,he used the mantis technique but mike dodged it and use the tiger kick straight to mike stomach.



"time out...time out,man that was hard" Noah said.

"so you surrendered".mike asked.


"it hurts".Noah groaned.

"I take that as a yes".mike said.

"my skill is still not good enough,I will keep on practicing no matter what".Noah signed.

"bro, don't take things hard on your self,you are really fast,I hardly dodge your attacks".mike said.

"thanks man".Noah replied.

"let's go it's almost curfew period".mike said.


(s.s base)

"nice necklace,you got".nova said.

"thanks,I earned it". Luca replied.

"yeah really nice,where did you get it". Cassie asked.

"why are you that much interested in my necklace".Luca asked.

"am not interested in the necklace,am interested in where you got it". Cassie replied.

"I earned it when I was on earth".Luca replied.

"how did you earn it". Cassie asked.

"what do you mean".Luca asked furiously.

"well am just asking,if you truly earned it in a right way why are you scared to tell me how you earned it......... Cassie paused

"or you stole it ". Cassie asked.

"what!!!!,you bitch".Luca snapped taking out his space gun aiming it at Cassie.

"easy with the temper man".nova said.

"next time,if you try any shi*t with me,I won't care if you are the commander daughter,I won't hesitate to pull the trigger ".Luca warned leaving.

"I guess he is right". Cassie said.

"who".nova asked

"no of your business nova". Cassie replied.

"girls so quarrelsome ".nova said leaving.

"what did you say". Cassie asked.

"I said you are great ".nova lied.



"so you two are here".jerdy said.

"bro,we know that there will soon be curfew,you didn't have to come and tell us".Noah said.

"Actually that's not what am here to tell you,the squad leader is calling all trainees,he had something important to tell us all, something urgent".jerdy replied.

"ok,where is Justin,Erin and Emily". mike asked.

"there are already in the hall".jerdy replied.

"what will be so urgent".Noah asked.

"I don't know bro,am not the squad leader".jerdy replied.

"no more questions,let's go".mike said leaving.



*mike,Noah,jerdy,over here ". Erin called.

"erin,what's going on ".mike asked.

"I have no idea,we have being here for 4 hours,maybe something serious happened ". Erin replied.

"stop being negative ".mike said.

"what else could it be,this is the curfew period and the squad leader is calling a meeting ". Justin asked.

"am tired of waiting here wasting my time,it's just a false alarm, everybody go back to your rooms".xandre laughed.

"xandre,can you please shut your mouth,if you wanna leave,the door is opened, instead of disturbing us with your noise ".mike said standing.

"what did you just say". xandre asked.

"you heard me fool".mike replied.

"I will crush you this time". xandre clenched his fist.

"that's enough ". squad leader shouted.

"fighting is not always the solution". squad leader said.

"we are sorry sir".they pleaded.

"you may all be surprised why I called you at this late hours,well the contest is cancelled,a new thing has happened instead......the crakas attacked one of our defense ship and took four officers hostages,their names are captain Morgan,Dr Joe,major zino and sergeant Leo,this four officers are the root of the force,so the commander had decided all of you to rescue them and blow up the crakas ship... squad leader paused.

"And any group..... squad leader paused again.

"Any six group that come back alive with the officer's and the crakas ship blown up,will be the justice squad "squad leader said.

"is this a be continued...............

what happens next..................

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