chapter 8(mission impossible)

"but sir,we are all far from ready".mike protested.

"I'm ready". xandre said proudly.

"don't you ever shut your mouth".mike snapped.

"stop it,you two,there is no other alternative choice ,the only way to leave the mission is to quit and by quitting it means you are out of the force and also back to the orphanage,I know you are all far from ready but you have no choice but to continue riding to reach your goal". squad leader paused.

"so make your choice now". squad leader said.

"mike,what should we do now,we can't give up".,Noah asked.

"Group a is ready sir!!!!".mike shouted.

"we are ready too".xandre shouted too.

"same here boss".Zack said.

"we can't give up,we are ready too".lorgan smiled.

"Good,you must all be ready when you face the crakas,they don't have feelings or emotions and they never show mercy". squad leader explained.

"But sir,we don't know how to strike them with a dagger,all we know is with a space gun".mike asked.

"killing them with a dagger is easy,all you have to know,is to aim for their neck, their neck is like a source of life for them,also for you to know the crakas has two tricks inside their ship,the drone and the bugs,you should always try to avoid them,cause if you are spotted by the drone,it will alert other crakas and also will be attacking you, so please be careful when you face it,and also the bug,the bug is a self destructive bot and it only self destruct when it spot it's enemy,so if you see it in the crakas ship,give it a long distance and take it down". squad leader explained.

"A ship will take you to titan, immediately when it land's on titan,it will go back to base". squad leader explained further.

"But sir,how the hell are we supposed to get back". Zack asked.

"getting out of the red zone,is up to you guys". squad leader replied.

"What!!!!!!!!!!!!".they all chroused.

"sir,are you playing or you are trying to play,cause it is impossible " lorgan protested.

"the word impossible is not in my dictionary". squad leader replied.

"but sir.........................................,,, enough". squad leader shouted.

"if you want to quit,the door out if the mission is opened,if you want to leave,am not stopping ya,I know y'all not ready for all this type of mission but there is nothing I can do about it,I know y'all still weak so if you wanna quit just quit instead of dying in battle,but if you wanna keep on moving,go the battle warehouse and get prepared for tommorow,those who are prepared should meet me outside the camp tomorrow at 3:00pm". squad leader said leaving.

*I....I...i can't do it".lorgan stammered.

"but lorgan,you can't give up,you are our group leader".lorgan group chroused.

"to hell with leadership,you guys can lead yourself,am not gonna die in a mission that has no means of survival,am quitting". lorgan shouted.

"if you quit,where will you go". lorgan elder sister whose name is emma asked

"I will go to the orphanage". lorgan replied.

"so you will go to the orphanage, sleeping and waking in sorrow, dreaming hopelessly having no hope to live on, your life will be meaningless". Emma said.

"why don't you just stay and fight, die fighting the crakas who killed our parents is much more better than dying hopelessly in the orphanage ".Emma added.

"I don't know what to do sis,am scared,am really scared".lorgan cried kneeling.

"mike, what should we do ".Noah asked.

"what else but to keep on riding".mike replied standing.

"where are you going,man".Noah asked.

"I'm going to the warehouse".mike replied.

"like I said the day I met you mike,you are enjoying all this drama". Erin said.

"No am not enjoying anything,am scared of the mission,but the reason why am ain't giving up is that I know why am in the base,I have a goal here,and I won't stop until I reach my goal".mike replied leaving.

"wait for us,bro".Noah said.

"I can't let my bro go out in a mission alone,and also you can't take all the credits".Noah added.

"even if I want to leave, there is no place I can go,am coming too". Justin said.

"well,I vowed to my late parents to avenge them and I won't lose the opportunity to do so, let's do this".jerdy smiled.

"wait...wait,we girls are still on a mission to show the world that girls are unbeatable and also better than boys".Erin said.

"that's right,my twin".Emily agreed.

"thanks guys,let's do this,let's go to the warehouse and get prepared".mike smiled and they left.

"boss,this is our opportunity to shut down the group a losers and be the best,let's go to the warehouse and get prepared, tommorow will be the last day for group a".Koda whispered.

"let's go". xandre agreed.


"so,let's get suited".mike said.

mike and his friends got suited and got or the tools involved in destroying crakas,which includes,space guns,space grenades, daggers and oxygen bags,are we all prepared.

"yes,we are prepared".they replied.

"let's go outside the camp to wait for the squad leader ".mike suggested

but as they were about to leave,xandre and his group entered.

"Hello, group a losers*.xandre greeted.

"hey,will you just leave us alone ".justin said.

"what do you want, xandre".mike asked. "nothing,I just want to tell you to always watch your back,a shot can come from anywhere,bang bang".xandre replied.

"its you that should watch your back the most,I might accidentally shot you, come on guys, let's go".mike replied leaving.

"fool,who is he trying to threat". xandre laughed.


"hey, soldiers,where are you all going fully equipped at this late hours". Cassie asked moving close to the soldiers.

"hey Cassie".mike said.

"huh, how did you know my name". Cassie asked.

"it's me mike,the guy you met on the field".mike replied.

"then why are you suited in s s uniforms and also with space guns". Cassie asked.

"haven't you heard about the attack".mike asked.

"what attack". Cassie asked.

"the crakas attacked one of the force defense ship and took four important officers prisoners,all the trainees are sent to rescue them and blow the crakas ship".mike replied.

"what!!!!, that's a suicide mission,even 500 soldiers can't get it done easily". Cassie said.

"well,we have no choice but to accept the mission,if we reject the mission all years of struggling will be in vain".mike replied.

"mike I know rejecting the mission will be nothing for you and your friends to gain,but you don't know what the crakas are,the crakas are terminators,if their gun is shot at any thing,it is a straight death". Cassie explained.

"i understand Cassie,but I can't stop,I have a mission to accomplish,me and my friends won't stop until our goal is a success,we never stop".mike replied.

"alright then,good luck, always watch your back and also I will need this back from you". Cassie said giving mike her necklace.

"you must bring it back ". Cassie added leaving.

"nice girlfriend,you got".Noah said.

"I just met her today man".mike denied.



"Luca, Cassie is coming this way".drax said.

"what is the plan ".sky asked.

"we will just give her a little scar on her face".Luca replied.

"it won't be easy,she is a top fighter".drax said.

"well she can't take the three of us down,put your masks on and get to your hiding spot".,Luca replied.

few minutes later, Cassie showed up,drax and sky came out of the dark.

"who are you guys". Cassie asked.

"we are your worst nightmare".drax replied.

"let's get her".drax said swinging his dagger towards her and sky also doing the same, Cassie dodged all their attacks and gave them some distance.

"I see it's time to stop playing". Cassie said taking out her dagger.

drax coming with another attack but Cassie dodged his attack and gave him a cut on his elbow.


"you are gonna pay for that". sky said sending a punch towards Cassie but Cassie was able to hold sky fist and hit his head on a wall


sky fell down unconscious.

before Cassie could look back Luca kicked her straight to the stomach and gave her another kick on her face, Cassie wasn't feeling so good anymore but she got back up again.

"you are so stubborn"Luca said giving her a uppercut and she fainted.

"let's get out of here,drax carry sky". Luca said.

"his she dead".drax asked.

"shut up and let's go".Luca replied.


"well,is already 3:00pm,time to open the gate". squad leader said.

when he opened the gate,he saw group a,b,c and d waiting for him.

"we are ready sir".mike said.

"we are not gonna give up that easily". lorgan added.

"let's go sir,it's getting late".Zack said.

"he is right sir". xandre agreed.

"alright then,let's go,into the ship my boys and girls"squad leader James said happily.

"wait...wait. wait".stark shouted running.

"stark,where did you go, oh let me guess you forget something precious to you". xandre asked

"wow,you guessed it right,I forgot my lucky teddy bear".stark replied.

"hahahahaha" they all laughed.

"alright let's go ". squad leader shouted.



"Cassie,where are you,where can she be at this late hours". commander crugger thought still searching

until he saw someone body.

"who his that". commander crugger thought moving closer untill he saw that the person was is daughter Cassie.


....................................,to be continued.

is Cassie dead🤔🤔🤔🤔

find out in chapter 9

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