Justin went up the stairs and entered Mr. Stanford's office without knocking. He was in the middle of kissing a young woman who was dressed in the same uniform as his staffs. He stood there and waited to be noticed.

The woman noticed him first and pushed away from Mr. Stanford, who looked dazed. She ran out of the office, her face flaming. Justin turned to Mr. Stanford, who still didn't seem to have gotten his wits back, since he kept on looking at him confused. Justin smiled when Mr. Stanford finally recognized him and let out a gasp.

“I see you still remember me. And you're still in the stage of liking them a bit young.” He indicated the door where the young woman had run through.

Justin could see the wheels turning in his head and decided to wait for him.

Justin sat down and made himself comfortable before Mr. Stanford could finally voice out his confusion.

“What are you doing here?” He asked, eyeing Justin.

“You mean, why do you look like this, right? As for your question, I'm here to see you because I have a special message for you.”

Mr. Stanford fixed his messy hair and Justin grimaced. “Didn't I mention you never showing your face here again when you left?”

“You mean when you fired me, right?” Justin nodded. “Sure. I remember, but I don't think you should be telling me that right now.”

Mr. Stanford looked confused,” What do you mean? The restaurant is mine, and I can determine who can come and who cannot. Just because you borrowed some clothes doesn't mean you can come here and run your mouth, you useless fool. You had better leave before I call the cops on you.”

Justin smiled at him amusingly, “How is your gambling habit coming along?”

Mr. Stanford paled and Justin smirked. The exact reaction he had been looking for. Mr. Stanford must have kept it a secret that he had a gambling addiction and had placed his restaurant as collateral if he was unable to pay. It was amazing what his private investigators could find for him.

Justin stood up and patted him with mock concern. “Don't worry about it. Nobody will know, and I did something to ensure that.”

Mr. Stanford paled further, as if he knew what he had done. Justin clapped,” Exactly. I didn't take you for the intelligent type, but you're surprising me right now.”

Mr. Stanford sputtered,” You did not buy my restaurant. I am not selling.”

“Well, that was no longer an option since you had refused to pay. You ought to be grateful, I paid your debt for you. Aren't you grateful?”

Mr. Stanford glared at him. “I'll contest the sale. I never asked you to pay for me. The court will recognize that.”

Justin laughed,” It's amazing what a little power can do, don't you think? Oh, I'd forgotten, you know exactly how it feels, don't you?”

Mr. Stanford narrowed his eyes,” Is that what you are doing? Taking revenge because of the way I spoke to you? You can't be serious.”

“Why not? You can do whatever you want, so I can do whatever I want. Have you forgotten already?” He asked referring to the time Mr. Stanford had humiliated him in front of some customers, and Justin has been sued as a result. Since he hadn't had the money to pay it off, he'd had to work for Mr. Stanford for free for the next six months.

Justin pushed the memory away. He just wanted to forget everything that had happened to him at Mr. Stanford's hands.

“I see you remember that one experience.” He said when Mr. Stanford started shaking. “ Now, I want you to pack your things. Only your personal things, everything that belongs to the restaurant was also paid for, and leave this place.”

Mr. Stanford stared at him with tears pouring down his face. “I'm so sorry for everything that happened. I was just young and didn't know any better.”

Justin laughed,” And what of me? I'm going downstairs, by the time I come back upstairs, you had better not be here because I'll be bringing lawyers and people that will make sure you leave, and you will not like that experience at all.”

Mr. Stanford saw he was serious and began packing his things. Justin saw that there was no need to go downstairs any longer, Andrew, Ted, and Sheila were watching what was unfolding from the door. He turned fully to them.

“It's unfortunate that we have to meet again, but I'm sure you've gotten the memo.”

Sheila narrowed her eyes at him,” What is giving you this strange and fake confidence?”

He smiled at her, “It’s strange, isn’t it? I want you three to take the bags you came in with and leave my restaurant now.”

Andrew laughed derisively, “And what if we don’t. It’s unlawful firing, and the public will side with us if this goes out.”

“Is that what you think? That it will go out? What if proof is provided that you abuse the customers or, worse, serve food that is unsanitary?”

“But we don’t do that.” Sheila protested.

Justin nodded. “Yeah, but you’re the only one that knows that. The public will side with the person that has power to change the flow, and you will do best to remember that. Pack your things and leave my restaurant now. The next time I see either of you near this place, I’ll place a restraining order on you.”

He didn’t wait for them to respond, and instead started down the stairs. His work here was complete. It was a small factor in his revenge plan, but he was enjoying the feeling, and he was going to enjoy running the restaurant even more. He could thank the Romano’s for that, they had trained him well in housekeeping and management.

Just as he was about to come down the last stairs, a group of men rushed into the restaurant caring sticks and wearing masks, causing chaos to ensue. Customers that were formerly enjoying their meal ran out as the men started hitting tables and breaking chairs. Justin sighed, Now who was behind this?

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