Chapter 9

Justin hurried down the stairs, but as they saw him coming down, they all ran away. He cursed and started chasing them, but they were faster and quickly drove off in a van that didn't have a plate number.

Justin stopped running and stared at the trail of smoke the car had gone, panting when Benson came to meet him with water. He collected the water Benson had brought for him and downed it.

“Did you see those men?” Justin asked Benson, who had also finished drinking his bottle of water.

Benson shook his head, “I tried taking some pictures, but they are all well covered. I'm sorry I wasn't there when they went into the restaurant. I was on a phone call with the company’s director.”

Justin waved away the apology. “Don't be. Like I said, I'm not a child. Let's get back to the restaurant.”

Justin walked back to the restaurant, wondering who they could have been. The annoying part was, there were a lot of suspects in his mind. He would have to watch, and eventually they would get caught. He was sure of it.

He entered the restaurant and sighed at the damage they had been able to do in the short time they were there. It was a wonder none of his customers had been hurt, but what was that stunt going to do for the reputation of the restaurant now?

Benson surveyed the damage. “Was anyone hurt?”

Justin shook his head. It had all happened so fast, but he hadn't seen anyone get hurt. “I don't think so. It happened in a blur, but I think they were more focused on my tables and chairs, not the people. Who could have sent them?”

Benson glanced at him. “It looks like you have some enemies, if this was an intentional attack on you. But we're leaving out the fact that they had not expected a change in hand, and that's why they escaped so fast.”

Justin nodded slowly, thinking about it. Since Mr. Stanford had been owing, it was possible it was an attack to scare him either into paying or giving up the restaurant. But he had paid the debt for the restaurant.

“Benson,” Justin called him. “I don't think the second option is feasible. I've paid the debt for the restaurant, so why do you think they came?”

Benson thought about it for a while. “That's true. I guess it will remain a mystery for now. If they had come for you, they will definitely come back, and we'll make sure they won't escape this time.”

Justin nodded and sighed again at the state of the restaurant. He had really been looking forward to running it. “Since this is a high-profile place, is there a possibility of keeping this out of the press?”

Benson nodded, It won't be difficult if they haven’t heard already.

Benson couldn't have answered any later. Justin groaned as he heard the unmistakable siren of a news van.

Benson moved to Justin's front. “I can stop them from approaching you and the restaurant.”

Justin looked at him curiously. “And how would you do that?”

Benson shrugged, “Buy their silence.”

Justin was learning, a lot. He was almost glad the experience had happened, but he didn't like that idea. Why waste money when he could put their curiosity to good use? He laughed, “Don't waste money. I have a better idea.”

Benson looked at him, unsure what his plan was.

Justin turned to Benson. “When they come, we'll give them free rein into the restaurant, let them shoot whatever they want. I think we should also give this station the right to have it as their exclusive content.”

Benson turned confusing eyes to him. 'That means you will be in the spotlight. They will have to interview you on what happened. What will you claim happened here? Will you be comfortable with people knowing you?”

Justin smiled, “Benson, you do come up with the best solutions, did you know that? Your explanation is more feasible. They came to scare the former owner to leave since he had used the restaurant as collateral, and they only just realized it had been paid for when they got here. As for knowing me, that’s perfect. I will be displayed as the owner of this restaurant, but I want nothing about who my parents are.

Benson nodded. “I can do that. And that way the restaurant will not suffer damage.”

“Exactly.” Justin turned to Benson and winked at him. “Trust me on this.” and then turned a charming smile to the people that were already moving towards them.

“Hello. How may I help you?” Justin asked with an easy smile.

The person holding the microphone brought out a card and handed it to him. Justin collected it and saw he was an employee of 'Star Craft communication agency.'

The man stretched his hand and shook Justin's hands. “I'm Maison. We heard that there was an attack in this restaurant a few minutes ago.”

Justin turned to the remaining crew members. “My bad. I'm so sorry I kept you standing here. Let's go inside.”

They entered the restaurant and began taking pictures of the damage. Justin smiled; his plan was working perfectly.

“Can we have an interview with you? Are you a witness here?”

Justin nodded and sat down on the chair Benson had provided. “Of course. I'm the owner of the restaurant. I would like this story to be exclusive to you only. I’m not willing to have another interview.”

Maison nodded. “That's perfect. Can we have an interview now?”

Justin nodded, and they positioned their mics and cameras and started shooting.

“Can we get a detail of what happened here tonight, sir?”

Justin nodded, his voice filled with confidence. “Most people are not aware, but the former owner had taken a loan using this place as collateral. The people that came here earlier came here not knowing the debt had been paid. Unfortunately, since their protest to get their money was not done gently, they scared some of our best customers off, and for that I apologize. We promise that such will never repeat itself again.”

Maison nodded, and Justin could see the flicker of respect in his eyes. “So, what's the plan going forward?”

Justin smiled fully. “Since I just took the restaurant today, there are still some decisions to be made, but for now, this restaurant is going to undergo a massive renovation. There will be renovations in the menu, the staff, and the entirety of this restaurant. I really hope you look forward to it.”

“And cut.” The director shouted, and they stopped rolling.

Maison packed his camera and shook Justin's hands. “That was amazing. You speak like you have so much experience in this field. Do you?”

Justin laughed. “Not at all. I guess I'm just a natural at this.”

Maison brought out another card and handed it to Justin, who looked at it in confusion. “I have your card already.”

Maison smiled. “This is my personal card. If you need anything, you can just dial that number.”

Justin nodded and shook his hands again. “Thank you so much.”

Benson watched with Justin as they finished packing up their equipment and left. Justin checked the watch on his hands and saw that they were already past lunch hour. “Come on, let's go home. I'm starving.”

Benson laughed. “I was so impressed today. You will make the perfect businessman, just like your father.”

Justin smiled. He couldn't really explain how happy that statement made him feel.

Tyler picked up the wine cup and threw it at the television. He had looked so different. So the rat thought he could do whatever he wanted just because he was out of his clutch? He was going to make him regret the day he was born, especially the day he had dared to lay his hands on him. The bastard.

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