All Chapters of Justin Sandler From Underrated To Unstoppable: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 chapters
Justin straightened the crisp on the banner he was sure wasn’t needed, but he needed to please his mother-in-law to ensure his peace of mind. He had been on his feet since four o clock that morning making sure the venue for his wife, Rosetta's movie premiere, was perfect. He wasn't in charge and didn't have any say involving any decision, he was merely a hired help his in- laws could order to do their whims."Does that look straight to you?" Martha, his mother-in-law, berated. She pointed at the worker that was hired for the purpose. "Come down. You go up there and straighten it. If anything goes wrong, I'm going to have your head."Justin Romano lowered his head in shame, refusing to meet the eyes of the worker, who was looking at him curiously as he came down the ladder. Justin climbed up the ladder and redid the banner, making sure it was as straight and crisp as possible. He looked to his mother-in-law for her opinion, but she merely gave him a scathing look."Are you going to sta
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After forty-five minutes of intense sweeping, Justin wiped the sweat pouring down his face and looked at the hall in satisfaction at what he had been able to achieve. All the banners were up, the decorations were eye catching and the floor was sparkling. He was finally done. None of his in laws were around, and he guessed they had gone to change into their outfits to begin welcoming their guests.Justin went to the bathroom in his room in the apartment that had been hired close to the hall and washed his face. He was tempted to go and get dressed himself since he was walking the red carpet with his wife, but he knew he could be called out of the blue to take care of something that might cause a stain which would really tempt his in-laws to kill him, he was sure.He went to the kitchen to check on the progress of the cooks and nodded with pleasure when he noticed they were almost done. His wife came in and he smiled at her. It was the first time he was seeing her since they had arrived
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Justin groaned as he struggled to open his eyes. For some reason, his head hurt and he could not open his eyelids. He threw his head back on the bed when his intense pounding in his head got harder. What happened? The only time he had felt like this was when he’d had a terrible hangover when he had drank on his twenty-first birthday, but he was sure he hadn't drunk. Or had he? He couldn’t remember what had happened the previous day.A warm body beside him reoriented him a little. Even with how horrible he was feeling, he knew he couldn’t have been beside his wife. He peeled open his eyes and gasped as he met the eyes of a strange woman… who obviously looked like she had also just woken up.He jumped out the bed, taking the covers with him, when he realized he was stark naked. He realized his mistake when his eyes met the woman’s naked body. What the heck had happened the night before? He took his boxers and ran into his bathroom, pulled it on and splashed water on his face willing him
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Justin stared at the ornate door the Romano’s were so proud about and ignored the security men that were watching him suspiciously and rang the bell. Amazing how people could change, it wasn’t long ago he was considered a part of the house. He had arrived earlier that day and had to plead with the security to be allowed to go and pack his things before he had been allowed. His access cards were no longer working, dang, his ex in laws were fast.Justin, having been thrown out of the rented apartment the day before after signing the divorce papers, had slept at his older brother's place, but he had come back to the Romano Villa to pick his things. He knew he wasn't going to be met with friendliness, but he was determined to take all he would be able to. He had important documents in his room, his in laws would destroy if they found.He rang the doorbell again and sighed, knowing he was intentionally being ignored. Well, he wasn't a part of them any longer, so he would not allow himself
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Justin looked at the message again. “You have been credited with 800 billion dollars to your PayPal from Benson Murphy” and truly, his account that was formerly on zero had 800 billion in it. He wasn't sure what he was more shocked at, the amount or the name of the creditor. Even children knew who Benson Murphy was, he was the butler of the most influential and wealthy family in all of America, the Sandlers. There were even rumors that the Sandlers worth in terms of properties could no longer be measured because of how plenty they were.He remembered where he was and how many minutes he had been given and hurried to his room, going straight to his wardrobe. He removed the file that had all his important documents and looked around the room. That was the only thing that was his in the room, even though he had lived there for the past three years.He remembered the first time he had been taken to that room. It was the very day Eugene had died. He had formerly being in a guest room an
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Benson sighed. “At fist. I decided to watch you, so I would know if you were living a good life and if you will be interested in what I had to say.”Justin nodded, he could remember bit by bit the circumstance that had landed him in the hospital.“I was in front of the gate that day and I immediately brought you to the hospital.”Nora frowned at Justin,” Why did you continue like that? Don’t you have pride?”Justin narrowed his eyes, annoyed, “I guess I lost it. But you’re one to talk. Don’t tell me they treat their staffs kindly.” Nora worked in the Benson’s company, where they produced industrial machines. It had been coincidental that they had ended up together since she had started working before he had met Eugene, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about her to them.“Stop arguing on who did better, both of you. We need to let Justin make his decision on what he is going to do. Forget the Romanos, what do you want to do now?” Nelson berated.Before Justin could talk, Benson interru
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Benson stopped the car and turned to Justin, whose was staring open-mouthed. He couldn’t help it. The house they had pulled into looked nothing like he had imagined. The Bensons were also wealthy, and their house had surprised him the first time he had seen it, but his parent's house was several levels higher.He had finally decided to refer to them as his parents after the Andersons had called and expressed their happiness over him finally reuniting with his parents.The house was huge, that was the only adjective available to describe it. It was both wide and, from the looks of things, it looked to be about five storeys. He turned to Benson, who was watching him with a smile.“Was this place really theirs?”“Yes. And now it is yours. Don’t worry. Mr. Justin, I was also shocked when I first saw it, even though I had been serving your parents for two years then.”“Please call me Justin. How many floors are in the house?”“There are five floors. Let’s go inside so I can give you a tour
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Justin went up the stairs and entered Mr. Stanford's office without knocking. He was in the middle of kissing a young woman who was dressed in the same uniform as his staffs. He stood there and waited to be noticed.The woman noticed him first and pushed away from Mr. Stanford, who looked dazed. She ran out of the office, her face flaming. Justin turned to Mr. Stanford, who still didn't seem to have gotten his wits back, since he kept on looking at him confused. Justin smiled when Mr. Stanford finally recognized him and let out a gasp.“I see you still remember me. And you're still in the stage of liking them a bit young.” He indicated the door where the young woman had run through.Justin could see the wheels turning in his head and decided to wait for him.Justin sat down and made himself comfortable before Mr. Stanford could finally voice out his confusion. “What are you doing here?” He asked, eyeing Justin.“You mean, why do you look like this, right? As for your question, I'm he
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Chapter 9
Justin hurried down the stairs, but as they saw him coming down, they all ran away. He cursed and started chasing them, but they were faster and quickly drove off in a van that didn't have a plate number. Justin stopped running and stared at the trail of smoke the car had gone, panting when Benson came to meet him with water. He collected the water Benson had brought for him and downed it. “Did you see those men?” Justin asked Benson, who had also finished drinking his bottle of water. Benson shook his head, “I tried taking some pictures, but they are all well covered. I'm sorry I wasn't there when they went into the restaurant. I was on a phone call with the company’s director.” Justin waved away the apology. “Don't be. Like I said, I'm not a child. Let's get back to the restaurant.” Justin walked back to the restaurant, wondering who they could have been. The annoying part was, there were a lot of suspects in his mind. He would have to watch, and eventually they would get c
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Chapter 10
Martha rushed into the room at the sound of glass shattering. “What the heck, Tyler?” The glass had shattered the television screen, causing glass to spread across the room, and a piece had embedded itself into Tyler's fingers. “Are you okay?” She rushed towards him. Tyler shrugged her off, mad with anger. “Do you know what I just watched?” His mother shook her head, and Tyler stood up, shaking with anger. “I just saw Justin on TV. Apparently, he has his own restaurant now and thinks he's a big deal.” Remembering the punk’s smile during the interview was making him more furious. Martha frowned. “What do you mean? Which Justin?” Tyler glared at his mother. “Which other one do you know?” Martha shook her head. “You must have seen wrong. It cannot be that pathetic dog.” “I saw him. He was just on the news. Apparently he's taking over a restaurant and renovating it now, and from the responses of people that were interviewed, they are really looking forward to it's reopening.
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