Ken held onto Ben tightly in the car, sniffing and pressing kisses on him as they zoomed off the Simpsons premises. Leaving everyone in complete shock and astonishment. He finally had a sense of pride as he looked through his son's eyes while he was seated on his lap.

“Who are all these serious-looking people, Dad? Whose car is this?” Ben asked curiously while playing with his Father's beard.

“Don’t worry son, you won’t understand. But firstly let’s get you some new clothes and some fancy kicks.” Ken stylishly flagged off the questions with a shopping treat.

Hearing they were going on a shopping spree, made Ben's face light up with joy and expectations. Ken’s eyes glistened with happiness, he couldn’t stop staring at his little boy. 

The joy of finally giving him luxury was top-notch and unmatched, he could count the amount of expensive items he had gifted Ben since he was born, so it was finally time to spend on his bloodline.

“Let's branch the luxury store for some items for Ben.” He instructed the butler in the front seat and the butler commanded the driver.

He had always imagined seeing his family in luxurious attire and fashionable items. It was indeed a dream come true for him to finally afford such expensive stuff for his kid.

When they arrived at the luxury store, Ken glanced at the premises, it was a great honor to eventually shop at one of Cidaville's biggest luxury stores. 

Ken asked the butler to remain in the car, he wanted to share such an intimate moment with his son alone. So he lifted his son to his neck and they made their way into the store.

They were intrigued when he walked through, it was indeed fancy and filled with the elites and celebrities from the state.

Ben quickly asked to be put down when he saw a fancy shoe that was emanating lights from its sides. His little gray eyes glistened with awe as he stamped his feet in joy.

“Daddy! I want this one, I want this one Daddy!” Ben jumped in excitement, pointing at the shoes as he ran towards them and took them from the showcase. Ken, who was living for that moment, wasted no time in adding them to the cart. 

“We are here for you son, pick whatever you want. Your dad is now rich.” He stated to his son while rubbing his little scalp like a puppy.

“I’m very happy Daddy, and I hope you remain rich every other day,” Ben stated.

It was a bit nostalgic for Ken, making his family happy and giving them the finest things in life had been one of his greatest desires, and thanks to the stars he was able to live up to it.

While shopping and filling his cart, Ken realized a particular man, who was corporately dressed and looked like the manager was watching his every step. He wondered if they felt he was suspicious hence the spying.

Ken ignored him and continued pushing the trolly with his little boy seated in it. When his phone suddenly vibrated, he stuck his hands into his pocket to check the notification when the manager suddenly showed up in front of him. 

“Hey, I have been watching you!” He moved closer to Ken.

“What did you just throw into your pockets?” The manager asked with narrowed eyes as he proceeded to search Ken. 

“I beg your pardon? Ken raised his brows and scoffed. "Trust me you don't want to do this." He added, not sparing him a single glance even though the manager kept insisting.

“Bring out your pockets or I will call my superior at once.” The manager stated callously, his gaze cold as he quickly picked up his phone to call his superior.

If only he knew who he was dealing with, he wouldn't have dared to bare false witness.

“Trust me, you have just met your Waterloo. You will be dealt with today, I know your type, y’all sneak in here with little kids in disguise of shopping and end up leaving with a valuable item. You will be treated as the scapegoat today.” He vibrated.

Ken held onto the cart, Ben’s eyes already dropped with sadness, he might be a kid but I’m sure he understood what an assault was. However, Ken's demeanor was calm while he patiently waited for his so called superior to come so he could gladly make the manager pay for the disrespect.

“Who is constituting a nuisance in my store!? A familiar male voice thundered, causing little Ben to tremble.

Ken turned his head just to see the one person he dreaded most on earth, Mr. Steve Fletcher, his ex-wife’s new fiancé. To crown it all, his ex-wife, Ashley walked behind her husband-to-be, she was already performing her wifey duties even before the marriage. The annoying sight rejuvenated soreness in his heart as he clenched his jaw.

Immediately Ben saw his mom, a sudden wave of fear gripped him and he held onto his dad's hands from the cart. Living with the Simpsons, especially with his very ruthless great-grandmother governing the home had turned Ben into a lily-livered young boy. he looked traumatized and scared either from past or present experiences.

“Who allowed this good-for-nothing opportunist into this space? Who?” Steve’s voice rang off, as he gave Ken a death stare.

He had seen the most perfect opportunity to exert his superiority over Ken, just to prove he was a better option and man enough for Ashley. However, Ken continued to glare at Ashley, totally ignoring Steve’s meaningless roar.

“Did you kidnap our son from my house? I guess that’s why you are here, to steal so you can make a living for you both.” Ashley stated rudely, ignoring the presence of her little son.

“Come over here at once! you stubborn squirrel!” Ashley yelled at Ben, stretching out her hands to snatch him from his seated position in the cart, but Ken wasted no time in blocking her off.

“Don’t be scared son, she can’t lay a finger on you,” Ken said, authority evident in his voice.

Ken gently lifted Ben out of the cart and whispered, “Go sit down at the reception, daddy will be with you shortly.” Ben quickly took to his heels, Ken stood still as he watched him leave, ensuring he got to reception safely before turning and facing the duo.

“You have the effrontery to come into my shop to steal? You have given me an avenue to deal with your poor ass, Ken Gregory.” Steve chuckled, a mischievous smirk playing across his lips.

“For your information, I don’t look like the Simpsons that fed you for years. I would rather feed you with your flesh!” Steve raked, his ego spiking over the roof whereas ken exumed an annoyingly calm demeanor while he stared at them.

“IIts because of this little cubicle my ex-wife opened her legs for you huh,Mr Steve Fletcher? How shameful.” Ken stated calmly, an evil smirk playing across his lips.

Ashley sighed and rolled her eyes, yet wondering how Ken suddenly had guts. Being charismatic was understandable, but the guts!


“Let him go, babe, if you get him arrested that means Ben would have to come back to the mansion, I wanna give you my whole time and not babysit anyone,” Ashley advised, placing her hands on Steve’s chest, trying to calm him down.

“I felt you had a motherly heart.” Ken scoffed shaking his head. “But you are nothing but a scoundrel, just like this piece of shit over here!” Ken stated unapologetically.

“How dare you????" Steve sneered bitterly.


“What the actual fuck!!!!” Ashley exclaimed.

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