It was around 8 am the next day and the morning was a bit gloomy. Ken just got out of the shower, his mind still racing from the revelation that had occurred the previous day. He glanced through the mirror and he saw the reflection of a better Ken, indeed it was a miracle.


His thought was distracted by his vibrational ringing tone, and he quickly cleaned up his hands and face with his towel before rushing to take the call.

"This ringtone, so dreadful! I must change this phone." He mumbled while glancing at the caller ID.

“Good morning, Emperor Greg.” The butler greeted from the other end, his voice firm but respectful.

“Good morning Joe, when are we leaving for the assignment today?” Ken replied, optimism laced in his tone.

“We are outside the hotel, Emperor. Patiently waiting for your presence before we embark on the productive assignment, boss.”

The assurance in the butler's voice made Ken even more confident and keen about going to fetch his son. He was positive it would indeed be a happy day for him.

“We? Okay” Ken's brows furrowed at the butler's statement. “I will be with you shortly.” He hung up and punched the air in excitement. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his in-law's faces when they finally realized he had miraculously upgraded. Maybe he will finally get the respect he had always yearned for. But cares anymore? Definitely not Ken!

He quickly dressed up in his sophisticated white two-piece set he ordered from the hotels boutique last night, he put on his cologne and sunglasses, and headed outside to meet up with the butler. 

when he got outside the hotel's premises, he was flabbergasted by what his eyes caught. There were fleets of cars in Convoy and entourages, consisting of the best law firms in the country, some state security personnel, private security personnel, child rights activists, and also his guards and butler.

The total number of exotic cars amounted to ten, it was indeed going to be a movie. At that point, Ken became very scared of his new identity, even though he was excited, he still didn’t know how to digest all of it.

A well-dressed man in a white suit came out from the white Maybach that was leading the convoy. He took off his hat and bowed forty-five degrees before proceeding with opening the door for Ken to go in. 

ken exhaled deeply, he gave a little nod in appreciation as he entered the car. The smell in there was totally different from what he had ever smelt. And yes! There was stars on the roof, it was the coziest car ever.

Immediately he shot the door, the driver started the engine and they zoomed off, with the siren of the security echoing as they progressed on a single file. The other road users parked, paving way for their convoy. The whole procession gave Ken the chills.

“I wish I could just slam some dollars on Ashley’s promiscuous face. Darn! She hurt me badly, it’s quite unfortunate she allowed herself to be influenced by her greedy grandmother.” He muttered to himself while he submerged in the luxurious smell of the car. His eyes brightened with hope. 

As they approached the Simpson’s mansion, the noise from the siren alerted the members of the family and they all rushed out to witness what the fuss was all about. The gatekeeper was frightened when he saw the fleet of cars, he wasted no time in opening the gate and ushering them in with a salute.

The cars drove in one after the other, with their thunderous double-exhaust engine blasting out carbon monoxide as they settled in. The Simpsons were startled wondering what the hell was going on, Mrs. Simpson, the grandmother walked towards them in class and poised after checking out her makeup in her mirror phone case.

“To what do we owe this pleasant visit?” She asked with a welcoming smile on her face, even though her eyes were laced with uncertainty.

The butler quickly stepped out of the car, leaving Ken inside for the main time so he could state the reason for their unannounced visit.

“We are here in respect of our little boss, Master Ben Gregory, whom you have deprived our Lord, Emperor Ken Gregory, of having access to. We are being backed up by legal personnel and agencies from the finest firms in the country. So we urge you to comply so there will be peace. ” He stated cordially with his both hands folded behind his back.

“You speak in riddles, gentleman. The Simpson is a noble family, that derives no joy in coveting people's properties. Who is your Lord and what did he say the Simpsons took from him?” She asked, a weak smile playing across her lips as she struggled to maintain composure. 

"I only know one Ken, but I'm certain...."

“Enough of the chant Mrs Simpson, I’m here to retrieve my bloodline!” Ken's voice echoed, as he gently stepped down from the back of the Maybach.

Other family members and workers muffled an involuntary gasp at the Sight of Ken, they couldn’t believe their eyes. They covered their mouths with their hands while they kept murmuring and making side utterances.

“Why a whole entourage and paparazzi for a commoner? I wonder where Ashley and Steve went to. They need to witness this revival!” 

Voices from different angles kept talking as heads kept turning. I’m sure they were shocked to their bones. Who would have expected a common laborer to have such connections?

Revival indeed!

“Ohh, I see.” Mrs. Simpson rolled her eyes in displeasure. “What in God's name did this animal say to you, that made you all leave the comfort of your homes and offices to accompany him here.” Mrs. Simpson scoffed, her face laced with mockery.

“Watch it, woman!” The butler barked, rebuking Mrs. Simpson’s derogatory statements. Whereas other guards had brought out their baton to attack. But Ken signaled them to remain calm by raising his hands.

“Trust me, gentlemen, I have lived with this man for years, he doesn’t have a single dime attached to his name.” She stated shakily, fear laced in her tone. “I guess he had deployed into fraud since the Simpsons chased him out of her property. You should investigate him.”

"keep shut woman! You mustn't speak till you are asked to." The butlers voice thundered casting a rod on Mrs Simpsons heart as she jerked.

she fidgeted in shame, her gaze unsettled as she quickly climbed down from her heels. She was running out of breath even though she managed to maintain composure.

"Now where is my Son?" Ken asked, an evil smirk playing on his face following Mrs Simpson's sudden humility. Ohhh that stare on his Ken's face was crushing Mrs. Simpsons heart to pieces. Too bad Ashley wasn't in, she would have melted.

“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” Ben ran with speed and hugged his dad tightly. Ken picked him up, twirled him, and tossed him into thin air.

“I have missed you so much champ!” He stated pressing numerous kisses on his face.

“Gross Daddy! Don’t kiss me like that, I’m not a little child anymore.” Ben stated jokingly with a broad smile on his face. "Where did you go to? I thought you were  returning from the factory yesterday?"

Ken eyes glistened with joy as he watched Ben blab about unrelated stuffs.

“I want to go with you Daddy, they made me do a lot of dishes last night and I didn’t get to play with my toys,” Ben complained with a frown as he pouted his little pink lips.

Hearing Ben’s innocent statement, Ken clenched his jaw in anger. Thank God the child Rights activist was there and was documenting the child’s statements.

“Daddy, is it true, would I be sent to a child’s boarding school? Great-grandma told me you will never come back for me, and I will be a failure just like my daddy. Are you a failure Daddy?” Ben asked with squinted eyes, unaware of the weight of the question.

“What????” Ken retorted. Turned his head to face Mrs. Simpson while he stroked Ben's hair.

“Daddy isn’t a failure, son. I’m here for you. You aren’t going to a boarding school. We would leave now!” Ken’s eyes burned in rage as he glared at each family member and staff of the Simpsons mansion.

"Officer in charge of child rights!" Ken yelled out with a snap. And one jogged to his front immediately.

"Arrest this woman for child physical and emotional abuse." Ken declared angrily, his eyes brimming with hate and disgust.

Mrs Simpsons eyes widened, She didn't know if she would fall to her feet or cry. She fidgeted, her hands trembling while she tried calling Ashley to inform Steve so the situation could be cubed. But no! Her phone slipped out of her hands.

"please Ken have mercy, remember how I fed you for years, I housed you without collecting a penny!" She diverted to emotional blackmail. But Ken was wise to see through her.

"Don't send me to jail!" She cried, her mascara flooded off her face leaving behind a dark paint. "I'm like a mother to you, have mercy."

"Before you go to jail, I will pay you off for the inconvenience over the years. Even though I offered all my salaries to this home. But for abusing my kid, that I will not forgive!"

Hearing about money, Mrs Simpsons eyes widened with greed. It was a perfect opportunity to see if Ken was really rich. “A million dollars!" She sobbed, shedding fake tears. "I am not asking you pay me back, Ken, all I need is your forgiveness."

Everyone gasped, turning their head to ponder and gossip about the huge sum of money, Mrs. Simpson had just exaggerated. They all knew she was lying but they didn't dare to interfere.

Her thought was suddenly distracted by the beep on her phone. She picked up the phone from the floor and her pupils dilated the same way her mouth dropped.

“Three million dollars?“ her voice was shaky as her hands trembled in disbelief.

"Bundle her away at once!" Ken spat, his tone cold as ice as the authorities cuffed Mrs. Simpson and forced her into their van.

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