“Any problem, my Lord? Why are you staring like you just saw a ghost?” The butler asked jokingly following Ken’s sudden exclamation.

“I just received a text message from my mother’s caregiver, stating they had just taken my mom into the theatre for surgery.” His eyes glistened with joy, as he folded his hands to thank them sincerely from his heart.

The greatest burden of his life has been lifted off his shoulders. The guilt that was pricking his heart had suddenly gone away, now he could breathe freely without having anxiety attacks at intervals.

“Don’t thank us, Emperor Greg. Please do not fold your hands before us just because of thirty thousand dollars, that’s an insult to your person, my Lord. I guess you don’t know who you are just yet.” The butler stated respectfully with a soft smile, still maintaining coordination and professionalism.

“Who the hell am I?” Ken’s eyes widened, he suddenly became interested as he paid keen attention to the butler. His heart was already filled with joy despite having other scores to settle, but those were secondary. If they could clear up his mom's bill, then there could be a trace of truth in their statements.

The butler cleared his throat and adjusted his bow tie as he began narrating Ken’s story to him.

“Thirty years ago, you were involved in a fatal accident that claimed the life of your birth mother, the driver, and your nanny. We had high hopes you were alive because we didn’t get to see your body alongside the others.” He paused, took in a deep breath, and continued.

“We have been searching for you ever since then, your dad had been so miserable and sad. But I’m glad the universe had blessed us with your presence after thirty long years. Right now, your father had ordered an intimate grand celebration at the villa, even though he wouldn’t disclose the reason yet.”

Ken was a bit skeptical, it felt surreal and fraudulent, but those men had enough proof to quench every flame of doubt setting up in his mind. Ranging from the photograph to them sorting out his mom's hospital bills, that right there was the miracle he hoped for.

“Here you go Emperor, hold on to this for today, if I had known I would be blessed by your presence here today, I would have been more prepared. Here is a card, I’m sure its content would be enough to settle little expenses for today.” The butler handed over an envelope to Ken, containing a Black platinum card, a token, and its pin.

“What is the card limit, Joe?” He asked in a low tone, not wanting to sound too forward or excited.

“Apologies Emperor, it’s just a little amount. I will make sure to bring the business documents and the golden card to you, before the end of tomorrow. But in there is just a little token of ten billion dollars.” 

“A little token, you say?” 

Ken’s pupils dilated on hearing the amount, he had never seen a million dollars at once in his entire existence talk more than a token of ten billion. He held onto the envelope tightly wondering if the universe was playing a heavy prank on him.

“Is this a joke gentlemen?” 

“You mean I can walk up to any Automated Teller Machine, and this card would work?” He asked with squinted eyes, his heart about exploding with excitement.

“Start getting used to your new status, Boss.” The butler replied.

“It’s getting very late, Emperor. We will continue our discussion tomorrow. But for your safety, don’t disclose your identity to anyone. Your father the Grand Emperor had instructed. In due time, preparation would be made for that.” The Butler stated, taking a ninety-degree bow as he turned to leave.


After checking up on his mother who had just had a successful heart surgery, Ken quickly took a cab to Hotel Classical, it had been his earnest desire to spend a night with his wife in the very sophisticated hotel. Which was only visited by the high and mighty elites in the society, but too bad he was now single Pringle.

As he walked through the hotel, he was immediately enchanted by the porshe and standard interior, the smell of riches that filled the air gave him a sense of settlement. 

He had only seen such highly magnificent interiors on television and magazines, it indeed felt very emotional for him to have a first-hand experience after so many years of living like a riff raft.

“You’re welcome to Hotel Classical sir, how may I help you?” A good-looking man dressed in a formal ceremonial suit approached him, handing him a glass of champagne to cool off.

Ken gave a soft smile, his ego skyrocketed as he felt on top of the world, it was indeed a good feeling not to be looked down upon.

“I need an executive suite for the weekend,” Ken stated with utmost composure.

“Weekend? Are you sure about that?” The receptionist asked with a smirk as he scanned Ken from his head to his toe. Judging from the clothes he had on, he wasn’t looking like someone who could afford a single room, and talk more about the executive suite for the weekend.

“Hello? I said I want an executive suite right away!” Ken's voice rang off, irritation palpable in his gaze.

“Well, if you insist sir, it would only cost three million dollars. One million per day.” The receptionist stated with a grin, hoping the price humiliated Ken, but unfortunately, he was shocked to see Ken nodding in approval while he handed over the Black platinum card to him.

“Swipe the card!” Ken uttered, his nostrils flared in pride as he handed over the silver card. Even though in his heart he was bit worried about the card declining.

“A Black platinum card?” The receptionist's eyes widened as he muttered, his face suddenly gleaming with respect.

”Are you in any way affiliated with Greg and Gregory’s Empire?” He asked gently, trying to act friendly with Ken out of the blues.

“Is that part of your job? To question clients about their personal life?” Ken replied icily, putting him in his place.

“I’m sorry, Mr. I was just curious. Enjoy your stay in Hotel Classical!” He chanted, bowing down forty-five degrees as he handed over the receipt and key in a gold-plated tray to Ken.

The hotel Stewards wasted no time in ushering Ken into his luxurious room, where they showed him around and also demonstrated how to use some of the electrical and digital devices.

The ambiance of the room was surreal, it felt like heaven, a lot more classier than what he envisioned. The wall designs and craft were alluring, coupled with the transparent glass swimming pool on the balcony. 


Despite adjusting to his new comfortable lifestyle, Ken was a bit unsettled. His mind kept flashing back to Ashley’s derogatory words at him and how he had lost the love of his entire life. If only she was a little patient though.

No! He furrowed his brows. "I guess if I wasn't ousted  I wouldn't have met my luck." 

“Ben…. Yes, Ben. I need my son back, I need to go fetch my bloodline.” Ken stood up with force, as the thought of his son flashed through his head.

He quickly reached out for his cell phone on the bed and called Joe, his butler.

“Hello, Emperor Greg.” His butler responded quickly.


“I have a son, but he was taken away by my in-laws. I need him back.” Ken stated, his voice firm but laced with urgency.

“Go to bed boss, don’t bother about anything. Tomorrow is going to be a freaking movie, my Lord!”

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