He absentmindedly walked the streets of CidaVille like a zombie in an apocalypse without looking, the thought of his past ordeal in less than twenty-four hours made him suicidal.

How can a man lose his job, money, wife, son, and respect in one day? It was draining and too much for him to handle. Now he was heading to the hospital, only God would decide the fate of his ailing mother.

While crossing the road in his lost thought, he heard a loud screech of tires with nonstop honks, alerting other road users. However, he stood still in the middle of the road with a dilated pupil as his life flashed before his eyes. He had just escaped being bashed by a big sophisticated monster truck.

Three able-bodied men dressed in black suits came out of the car, two looked like they were in their thirties while the boss looked like he was approaching sixty. They cracked their knuckle and wiggled their neck as they walked closer to him with a flexed muscle.

“I’m so sorry, it was an honest mistake…..” 


The force from the heavy blow landed Ken on the coal tar, with bruised lips and blood escaping out from the corner of his mouth. He wasn’t even allowed to apologize, but on second thought, it was best to be punched, rather than lose his life or be asked to pay for whatever damages.

Ken rolled up his sleeves, trying to get up from the ground. They tried to give him another punch but he blocked it with his left hand.

“I said I’m sorry! I was absentminded.” He exclaimed with a frown as he spat out blood from his leaking mouth.

“Hold on a second…” Their leader stated, walking closer to Ken with squinted eyes, his gaze solely focused on his arms. 

He forcefully grabbed Ken's arms, raising his sleeves even higher to see a strange, dark, and unique birthmark on his arm.

The middle-aged man dropped Ken’s arm in shock, this time his gaze was fixed on Ken’s face, staring at him like he had just seen a demigod. He moved back a little, his expression unreadable as he bit his index finger.

“Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Unbelievable! Emperor Greg???” He bowed down immediately, snapping his fingers continually to the other men, signaling them to bow down as well.

“Who is Emperor Greg?” Ken’s brows furrowed as he stared from the floor in confusion, still hurting from the punch earlier on.

“This is funny, why are they prostrating?” He muttered in confusion, ogling at them like they were intoxicated.

“Emperor Greg! This world is indeed mysterious, the universe has a way of turning things around.” The elderly man stated in awe.

“My Lord, Please forgive us, please!” He bowed forty-five degrees and stretched out his hands to Ken, aiding him to get on his feet.

“Gentlemen, I’m sure there is a mix-up somewhere, I’m Ken Gregory, my name isn’t Greg. You have the wrong guy, trust me.” He stated, dusting his pants and readjusting his sleeves.

The elderly man kept lurking around him in astonishment, his eyes gleamed with hope and joy. Ken’s eyes darkened as his gaze followed the gentleman as he moved around him.

“Emperor Greg….”

“I beg your pardon! Stop calling me an Emperor, do I look like one to you?” Ken unknowingly barked, frustration building up in his voice as his heart rate increased.

“I hope this isn’t a scope to get me kidnapped!” He whispered to himself.

“Hold on a minute…” 

The middle-aged man reached out to his suitcase and brought out a photograph from it, dusted it with a white face towel, and handed it over to Ken.

“Here you go, Emperor, have a look.” He said gently, his voice laced with respect and total submission.

“I do not remember taking this picture, and whose little boy is that seated on my thighs? I’m confused!” Ken’s pupils narrowed in shock as he kept staring at the photograph.

“That young man in the photograph is not you, but your father, the grand Emperor Gregory, and the little boy in his arms is you, Emperor Greg.” 

He smiled momentarily and continued. “You bear a striking resemblance with him, but the birthmark gave you away, your father, the grand Emperor, bears the exact birthmark as you, my Lord.

Ken exhaled loudly, placing his hands on his waist. “I’m confused, this sudden revelation is messing up with my head, My mom who is supposed to answer all my questions is lying critically ill in the hospital. She needs urgent heart surgery, and I can’t even come up with the bills for the surgery.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Your acclaimed Emperor.” 

“Your mom? Hmm..”

“Nonetheless, that would be resolved immediately, Emperor. It gladdens my heart that after thirty years of nonstop search for the young Emperor, we have finally been Favoured with your presence. I am indeed privileged to be among those who witnessed this timeless salvation.”

Ken sighed in disbelief, still looking at them like they were sent by the Simpsons to prank him further. Everything felt like a dream to him, he had never in his life expected the tables to turn in his Favour. He was scared and worried, yet happy his mom might likely survive if they were genuine. 

“What is your name sir?” He asked the elderly man.

“I am Joe Cosgrove, the chief butler to your father, the Grand Emperor Gregory.” He bowed, with his hands across his chest.

“Can you all please stop bowing before me? It’s weird, I’m just a normal guy like you all. Please.” He asked calmly, his countenance laced with discomfort.

“What is the name of the hospital and your mother’s name my Lord?” The butler asked.

“Nadia Philemon, City Hospital Cidaville,” Ken replied with squinted eyes, he didn’t want to get too excited so he didn’t raise his hopes high.

In less than three minutes after giving out the information, his phone beeped with a message notification. He opened it and his mouth dropped in astonishment.

“What the actual f….?????” He exclaimed. Staring at the butler with genuine fear and shock in his eyes.

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