Ken’s eyes suddenly became red from the weight of the humiliating slap, the sharp pain that struck his heart was more from Ashley's betrayal than the humiliation he faced. 

He was charged and triggered with rage, he tried attacking Steve right back with a molded fist, but Steve's security wasted no time in blocking him from attacking his ruthless boss.

Darn!!!! Ken's fist clenched in burning rage, protruding his firm knuckles. His eyes spitting fire as he glared at Steve with pumped chest.

He knew fully well he might end up in jail if he had revenge because he didn’t have any supporters in the Simpsons family. Instead, he gulped loudly as he  painfully returned his gaze to Ashley’s emotionless face.

She didn't even flinch! Rather she was checking out and caressing Steve's hands, the same one that landed on her husbands cheeks some minutes ago. How cruel!

“Honey! What has gotten over you? Are you in the right frame of mind? Let’s go inside and talk things out like we usually do. I’m your husband and you’re still married to me!” Ken stated, but Ashley wasted no time in taking the shield under Steve’s egoistic embrace. Giving Steve a sense of pride and an upper hand over her husband.

"You are just embarrassing yourself, Ken. It's obvious I made my choice, and I regretted not doing so a long time ago.“ Ashley mocked giving an irritated gesture as she openly downgraded Ken in the presence of family and guests.

“What???” Ken raised his brows, scratching his scalp in shock. “All my life in this marriage I have worked tirelessly to meet your standards, I give you ninety percent of my salary every month. Where exactly did I go wrong??” Ken’s frustration was evident as he felt his heart ripping apart.

Being adamant, he grabbed her hands again but Ashley swung it off his grip this time. Her brown eyes laced with so much hatred and disgust. But when did it start? Ken was confused.

“Get your hands off me, you poverty ambassador!” Ashley barked, her words sharp, causing a rush of commotion in her husband’s heart. 

“I’m burnt out, I’m exhausted, can’t you see? I don’t wish to carry this burden called marriage anymore.” She stated harshly, her words sending chills down Ken’s spine as she clung tighter to Steve’s chest. “You claim you give me ninety percent of your salary, but that doesn’t even cover ten percent of my weekly expenses.”

The living room suddenly became cold and quiet, everyone’s attention was fixed on the couple, some startled, while some wore smiles of fulfillment seeing that the marriage was almost hitting the rock.

“Look, Ken,” Ashley said, raising her head to meet his eyes.

“Ken? Are you now referring to me as Ken? Wonderful!” He scoffed, brushing his hands through his hair in annoyance as he forced himself to keep a calm demeanor.

“I need a real man who can chest my bills witjout so much analysis and calculations, not a man who has to save his three months' salary before giving me one little luxury gift,”

“So this union has been transactional for you huh?" Ken shook his head in disbelief, words failing him. "I’m not idle, I’m hardworking and you know it.” Ken replied with a calm voice, but his puppy eyes were pleading for mercy.

Ashley let out a sigh of exhaustion,

“I'm done, Mr. Ken Gregory, I have sent the divorce papers to ur email, do well to sign it as soon as possible. As you can see, I have opted for a better life.”

Ashley stared unapologetically as Steve bent his head down to steal a kiss from her lips, his eyes laced with so much pride and contentment. Entirely forsaking the bro code, what a cruel man!

“Well, well, well.” Mrs Simpson interrupted. “ I’m glad you have finally removed the crust from your eyes my darling.” She stated with a smirk, her voice laced with mockery.

“A man who isn’t capable of properly catering for his son since birth, what do expect of him? Nothing I guess!” She continued, her face hardened with disgust as she glared at Ken from head to toe.

“What the heck? I take care of my son!” Ken interjected angrily, his temper rising above sea level coupled with the fever he caught from the rain earlier on, his lips were already trembling from cold. 

“Grandmother, with all due respect, leave my son out of this! Y’all shouldn’t spoil him with ingratitude and discontentment.” He barked.

Steve uninvitedly hopped into the scene after clearing his throat.

“Not my intention to intrude, but how does a man breathe freely, knowing fully well his wife’s family is catering to his basic needs every single day of his life? If I were him, I wouldn’t have hesitated in taking my life.” Steve remarked mockingly, his eyes laced with sarcasm as he gently stroked Ashley’s hair.

To mock Ken even further, Steve reached out to his pocket, brought out his wallet, and tossed a hundred-dollar bill at Ken. “I’m sure this will go a long way in your miserable and hungry life. You look like a shepherd who played in a pig’s pen, take this and leave my jewel alone.” He giggled mockingly holding Ashley tightly by her slender waist.

“Please Ashley, for the sake of little Ben, our son. Don’t break this union.” Ken pleaded, forsaking his ego. He never planned on raising a son in a broken home.

“This isn’t a union Ken, it has never been one! Rather, it is charity.” Ashley interjected rudely, not minding the weight of her words.

After a while he saw his luggage being thrown outside the mansion by the servants of the Simpsons, the Simpsons weren’t ready to take any chances, so their dream son-in-law didn’t change his mind about marrying Ashley. It was their only chance of reviving their already dying reputation and keeping up their lavish way of life.

He knew it was a serious deal and he had lost his wife, Ashley. How bad can his day go? He turned his head to Ashley just to see Steve vigorously kissing her lips, to hurt him the more. Damn!!! His heart bled as he looked away for a second.

“Ashley! Even in my presence? Is that what you have reduced yourself to?” He asked, trying hard to fight back the tears already welling up in his eyes.

“How do you think I get to maintain my beauty? Do you think it’s with the little token you give me monthly? And for your information, he is a better man in bed.” She replied unapologetically, following a demeaning forced laughter.

It was at that moment Ken realized he had been played all along, such a disgusting act from the woman he had loved and trusted, darn it!

Ken swallowed painfully and looked away, unable to reply to her any further. He walked up to his grandmother-in-law, his eyes twinkling with pain and sadness.

“Mrs Simpson.” He called, but she ignored him after giving him a death stare.

“Ma’am!” He called out the second time with his 

chest pumping up and down in anger, following a gentle tap on her shoulder.

“How dare you lay your filthy hands on me, you barbaric scoundrel, do you want to infect me with poverty?” Her voice rang off, drawing the attention of invitees.

“If you are sending me out of your house, the hundred thousand dollars I lent you years ago can come in handy. My mother is sick in the hospital and needs surgery,” Ken stated openly, his gaze cold as ice.

“Sons-in-law are mostly blessings in their families, but I don't know why the universe had chosen to give me a curse instead. Since you married my granddaughter, we have been accommodating and catering to your needs, both basic and secondary needs. How unfortunate can I be?” She sobbed pretentiously, cleaning fake tears from her dry eyelids.

“If I should sum up all the money for your feeding alone, don’t you think you would be the one to balance up?” She continued.

Ken’s eyes became very red and veiny, and his face hardened. He was tired of the public humiliation so he got his phone, went to his email, and angrily signed the divorce papers.

“I have signed the papers for good,” He raised his phone, letting the Simpsons know that nothing was binding them any longer. Even though it was the toughest decision he had ever gotten to make, he needed it to keep his dignity intact.

“Ben! Ben! Bloodline!” He called out to his son, but unlike his son, there wasn’t any response. “Can I have my son now? I know you guys want to play games with me.” He stated boldly, his anger palpable.

“Delusional!” Ashley interrupted him. “What do you intend feeding him, stones?” She scoffed. “Ben will follow me to Steve’s house after our marriage, and Steve will adopt him because you have nothing to offer yourself talk more, Ben.”

“He is my blood, and I have rights over him. You can’t take my child away from me, I won’t take it likely.” Ken stated angrily as he tightened his fist.

“No doubt, he is our son. But it takes more than a bloodline to cater to a toddler! He isn’t gonna feed on blood when he isn’t a vampire, is he?” She stated sarcastically, closing her mouth from laughing out loud.

“I will be back, trust me!” Ken declared despite not knowing where the wind of life was directing him to.

“Before you leave, kindly take off the designer's belt and pants I got you! I have sorted out your luggage and have retrieved all the luxury items you manipulated me into getting you.” Ashley stated without fear.

“You said what?” Ken asked.

At that moment Ken was already fighting with his demons, he didn’t know how to react anymore. Everyone around stared at him waiting to see his next line of action, but they gasped involuntarily when he took off his belt and pants. 

Some frowned at the ruthless declarations while some mocked, but Ken kept a stern look as he walked out of the mansion with a shirt and his underwear.

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