“Hello…” Ken stated, his heart beating faster than usual as he closed his eyes tightly, hoping not to hear bad news.

“My goodness, Ken! I have been trying to reach you all day! Your mom is critical and has slipped into a coma. She needs to undergo an emergency surgery in two days, or else we might just lose her.” A sobbing feminine voice laced with fear and urgency stated from the other end of the line.

Ken sighed and sleeked his hair backwards, his anger palpable.

“No way! My mom can't die!” He responded, unable to hold back his emotions anymore as his eyes glistened with tears, he blinked, letting it flow with the rain dripping on his face.

Atleast no one was there to see the very fierce and strong hearted Ken shed a tear. He was emotionally bruised!

He immediately hung up and held tightly to the cell phone, while the rain mercilessly dropped on him, soaking him from head to toe.

His mom was the only family member he had grown to know, She had always been there for him despite being dumb. Now that she needed her son to cater for her in her trying time, he couldn't deliver due to the circumstances he had found himself in. 

Ken wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt if she had met her end due to his poor and inadequate financial state. For heaven's sake, he had worked hard for this particular aim, he didn’t just know why the universe was against him.

“I need to get home immediately!” He muttered to himself as a thought flashed through his head. 

Despite trying to avoid that thought, unfortunately, that was the only alternative he had left. His grandmother-in-law, Mrs Simpson, was owing him a whopping sum of a hundred thousand dollars. He needed to get home and ask her nicely to pay him so he could save his mother's life.

Although he had already planned to forfeited the money because he lived in her mansion, it would be weird to ask for the money knowing how mean and arrogant his in-laws were.


After taking a train to CidaVille central, he realized he had exhausted all his money in his hands, so he decided to jog his way down to the Simpsons mansion where he lived even though he was freezing.

In his drenched and damped-looking clothes, he immediately started jogging down to his in-law's mansion where he stayed. After an hour and thirty minutes, Ken arrived at the mansion, sweating profusely and breathing heavily. However, the environment seemed joyous and ceremonial making him wonder what the occasion was.

“Hmm! Why are there many cars in the parking lot?” Ken questioned, he halted and scanned through the premises in confusion as he cleaned off sweat dripping from his face. He needed a change of clothes because his temperature was already spiking up due to the rain.

He had always been allergic to cold as he began sneezing at interval.

“Oh shit! It’s our fourth anniversary! How do I disclose my ordeal to Ashley?” Ken stamped his foot as he recalled the date. His demeanor immediately turned sour with guilt. He had been away for a month and there was absolutely nothing to show for it, not even a present for their anniversary!

He walked through the living room, admiring the highly sophisticated decor, with the black and gold theme twinkling from every section of the room.

“Shhhhhhh! Be quiet, the celebrant is here.” Mrs Simpson whispered from a hidden spot, her voice audacious, signaling everyone to keep mute.

Ken was startled and baffled, he squinted his eyes in disbelief, trying to understand why his in-laws especially Mrs. Simpson, his grandmother-in-law, who detested him with every cell in her being, were putting efforts to celebrate him. He guessed Ashley had informed them of his arrival, too bad he came bearing bad news!

Despite looking terrible in his damp outfits, he still didn’t want to ruin their kind gesture so he stood at the midpoint of the living room, his cheeks a little bit red from blushing, and his big gray eyes laced with utmost appreciation and thanksgiving.

“Thank you all so much.” He folded his hands in acknowledgment, his heart still racing with shock and excitement. “Honestly, I'm indeed very humbled, thank you all for remembering our special….” 


Ken’s voice trailed off when he felt a heavy strike on his chest, his grandmother-in-law, Mrs. Simpson, had just tossed her heavy designer shoe on him. Signaling him to walk away quickly as her eyes burned with rage.

He couldn’t neglect the look on his in-laws' faces, which were filled with mockery and insulting gestures, they all glanced at each other, silently making fun of his actions.

The generational wealth and fortune of the Simpson family had eaten deep into her family members, even though they were still basking in past glories, neglecting core values and treating low-class individuals as slaves. Nonetheless, Ken always took pride in himself and never paid heed to their taunts or insults. 

He didn’t let the humiliation bother him, his mind was solely focused on how he would ask Mrs Simpson for the money he lent her some years back. Even though it was going to cause a commotion, that was the only way he could arrest the situation at hand.


Mrs. Simpson’s voice echoed, and the lights were turned on immediately. Numerous confetti blasted into the air pouring out its shiny particles on Ashley and Steve who walked into the living room with locked arms.

Celebrants?" Ken raised his brow, trying to figure out who they were.

Ashley’s eyes brightened, her beautiful smile and sassy aura were divinely mesmerizing. She looked like royalty in her sophisticated red flare gown that assentuated her curves and complimented her radiating white skin.

Beside her was a huge blonde gentleman names Steve, he was finely dressed in a cream designer's suit, perfectly complimenting the red dress Ashley had on, they looked like the perfect duo.

Congratulations began to echo from every corner of the living room, with numerous bouquets of fresh roses handed over to them, accompanied by each family member taking turns in congratulatory hugs and kisses.

“Why don’t you spill the tea, darling granddaughter? Why are we celebrating?” Mrs. Simpson asked, her gaze laced with malicious intent, accompanied by an unrelated laughter.

“Well guys,” Ashley chuckled as she turned to look at Steve beside her. 

“Today is a special occasion for myself and Steve, as y’all can see the big glittery stone on my middle finger,” She raised her left hand, wiggling it in the air to make the ring obvious to all. 

“It’s an indication that I will be tying the knot with this handsome man beside me in a week,” Ashley stated without stammering as she made known such an important announcement without formally ending her current marriage.

Ken’s mouth and eyes drastically dropped in disbelief, his world immediately froze as he felt it was an expensive prank, but she hated pranks, why then was she pulling one on him now? Was it a punishment for being away for a month?

An expensive prank it got to be!

People present gasped, and their heads started turning with murmuring sounds from every corner of the living room, without minding the presence of the one they were mocking. Ken's heart sank, he immediately became cold and nauseous unable to keep silent anymore.

“What is this, Babe?” He stated calmly with a tightened fist as he hurriedly approached his wife. 

They have never had any serious issue that they couldn’t mend in the four walls of their bedroom, why on earth was she taking such an enormous decision without informing him first?

"What does it look like, Ken?" She retorted casually, still waving and smiling at well wishers with utmost composure.

“If this is a joke, please end it, it's degrading." He gritted his teeth, forcefully pulling her hands away from Steve’s tight grip as he tried to take her away from the scene.

But Steve was very quick to intervene as he caught her other hand very tightly forcing Ashley to halt. 


“Get your stinking hands off my bride-to-be!” Steve’s voice thundered after forgetting his hands on Ken's cheek.

Unbelievable! Reality dawned on Ken.

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