001.10 | Gratitude For Saving Me

Despite the fact that Jun Zihao had already been appointed to become the CEO's personal secretary, it was clear that this was merely a false title. After observing his "odd" activities for a few days, the company's employees discovered he was no different than a servant.

Because Jun Zihao had done nothing else but brew coffee, make tea, buy him lunch, get this brand-new shirt for the CEO, the boss was thirsty offer him cold water, dump the trash downstairs, photocopy this blank bond paper, get the boss an umbrella, park his car, massage his shoulders...etc.

The last thing hasn't happened yet, but he'll be ordered to do it sooner or later.

Jun Zihao had completed all of the errands that were required of him during the first week, establishing him the reputation of being a perfectly obedient dog. His every step was followed by the executives working in the vicinity, and they couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

It would have been nice if all of Jun Zihao's hard work had resulted in anything beneficial, but it was evident that he was being fooled.

As an example, there was a time when foreign investors arrived to exchange some trade. Jun Zihao was tasked with researching the investors' preferences in order to acquire their favor. The next day, he became the investors' personal attendant, carry out whatever things he deemed appropriate.

During the meeting, he was ordered to brew coffee for them. Jun Zihao took his time brewing the beans since it wasn't a good idea to use instant coffee. As yet, when he was about to serve them, the investors had left.

Unable to throw the coffee away, Jun Zihao offered the coffee to his colleagues, which they accepted unhesitatingly. He returned to the office to continue walking, but as he was passing by, San Zhao ordered him to brew tea for a couple of new investors.

But, as was the case before, the people had hitherto left when he arrived to serve them. The original soul will merely believe he was too slow to catch up to them. However, the new soul inside was well aware of the ploy.

When Jun Zihao first started out, he didn't give much thought to what he was doing. According to what he read in several books, there were indeed orders requiring him to serve the boss in this manner. He utilized that example to demonstrate his worth, and he worked tirelessly to do so.

The only mistake that this original soul did not understand was the treatment on the books was an act of bullying. He was too naive to decipher the covert messages behind the written actions.

Incensed, Qi Sying kept up a happy-go-lucky façade. He tolerated everything with a hearty smile. Regardless, these small orders were beneficial to him because they had become an extra mission. And each mission undertaken corresponds to points.

Like brewing the coffee will give him fifty points, and throwing the trash is worth thirty. Just by this, he was willing to lower his integrity. Hearing the system announce his success in doing the side tasks makes him smile widely. This smile that he beams has been translated by the people around him as the enthusiasm to do work.

His colleagues had seen his diligence and would not give him a hard time. They would help Jun Zihao whenever he was tasked with carrying a lot of stuff or direct him to use a 3D printer. The seniors imparted several good pieces of advice to encourage the youngster survive his predicament.

As for Secretary San Zhao, he suddenly became everyone's public enemy. Whenever they see him roaming around, they will make sure to give him a death glare to exhibit their hostility. San Zhao noticed the attention but disregarded it like brushing dirt.

Who cares if they loathe him for bullying Jun Zihao? What could they do? Fire him? Evict him from the company?

San Zhao would only roll his eyes. They could not do anything, so why bother?

In addition, he was not the only one who was undertaking all the bullying. Ru Weimin also had his equitable share of work. It was just his involvement in the case was just a spectator.

Ru Weimin was secretly having fun seeing the obedient dog - coughs -, seeing Jun Zihao follow the orders ne~

Today is Friday.

San Zhao did not give Jun Zihao any jobs and merely informed him that he could go home early. Qi Sying took a look at his schedule and found there would be a dinner meeting with some people from the branch. He was surprised San Zhao was letting him go.

"No worries about that," San Zhao chuckled.

He noticed Jun Zihao holding his planner covered with scribbles. The beautiful handwriting was striking against the slightly yellowed pages. San Zhao sighed ruefully, patting Jun Zihao's shoulders.

"It's okay. Ru Weimin won't be going, so it is fine to not attend it. I can do it by myself."

Qi Sying could not quite understand what San Zhao was trying to do, so he merely agreed. He didn't think the secretary would turn back on his words.

Little did he know the secretary was starting to feel guilty. He wanted to see Jun Zihao reveal his true colors, going all berserk and complaining a lot about the abuse. Yet, all Jun Zihao gave him was his adorable, foolish smile, diligent work attitude and respectable manners.

San Zhao noticed this kid was extremely stupid, far too stupid to plan anything.

If this one cannot differentiate between the jobs of a servant and a secretary, then how can he also possess the brains to scheme?

San Zhao thought if he ordered Jun Zihao to jump off from the top floor, would Jun Zihao jump? He did not know about Jun Zihao's history, because if he did, he would know that Jun Zihao would not hesitate to follow his orders. If it makes Ru Weimin happy, then Jun Zihao will work it out like a genie.

So, he decided to stop the teasing. It was only fun if the person getting bullied responded to their expected reaction. Ru Weimin also decided to stop teasing Jun Zihao too much.

After all, he is still part of the Jun Family.

If ever someone from that house learned that they were ordering Jun Zihao around like a dog (Ru Weimin, you are the one to talk), they don't know what kind of retribution they will receive.

So for today, San Zhao issued his last errand. And that was getting the take-out order from the ground floor.

The 「extra task」 popped out, so Qi Sying gladly accepted the task and went down to receive the take-out. The food had been left on the counter, so Qi Sying only needed to retrieve it from the front desk.

He greeted the people assigned to the post, who had been giving a constant look of pity and told him to not work too much. Qi Sying simply agreed with them before saying goodbye.

Extra Task: Fetch the Take-out order. Completed. The host received fifty points. The host had already accumulated one thousand three hundred fifty points. Keep up the good work.

Jun Zihao hummed along with the notification. Receiving points for hard work feels extremely good. If he can get points this easily, it will not matter if San Zhao continues his servant-like errands for him.

He was more willing to do a few more jobs just to get plenty of points from easy work.

He had been so preoccupied by the merit that he had received that he hadn't noticed the presence of another man beside him. If the other person did not talk, Jun Zihao wouldn't notice him at all.

The youth heard his name called, so he looked at the person beside him, whom he had not seen for the past few days due to their different departments and schedules.

"Senior Wen Yuan!" Qi Sying exclaimed, he was so gratified that he had a hard time containing his smile.

"You shouldn't be calling me 'senior' anymore. You have a higher position than me now," the older person said. Qi Sying shook his head, disapproving his words.

"Senior Wen has more experience than me. Also, if not because of senior, I won't be promoted to my position," Qi Sying bickered.

"Your promotion is due to your hard work. I've got nothing to do with it," Wen Yuan said.

However, he was wondering what trait of Jun Zihao made the CEO took notice of him. He can guarantee that Jun Zihao's adorable self can attract anyone, but was it enough to capture Ru Weimin's attention?

"Well, I will not argue if that's what the senior thinks," Jun Zihao just agreed. Just then, another notification arrived from the system.

EXTRA MISSION: For 1000 points, invite the Creative Department out to dinner.

Jun Zihao was surprised when the extra mission showed a rather larger point scope. He earned the thousand plus points by completing menial tasks with only a maximum of fifty points each, but only with this one will he receive a thousand?

Jun Zihao did not question the system and thought of a way on how he can invite his former department staff out for dinner. That's when he remembered the promise he made to Wen Yuan for a dinner that never happened since he was besieged with work.

"Oh, by the way," Jun Zihao twirled around to stop before Wen Yuan, signaling the other person to stop walking. He suddenly made a ninety-degree bow.

"I promised Senior Wen for dinner but wasn't able to do it. Let me take a chance to invite Senior and the others out again. This will serve as my gratitude for helping me in my first six months."

"You don't really have to-"

"Please, accept my invitation, senior!" Jun Zihao barred him. "Let's just say this will be a celebratory dinner for my promotion. How is that?"

Wen Yuan wanted to refute it, but since the youth wanted to treat them, he let him do it. Jun Zihao told Wen Yuan that he would send the reservation to the older man. It was up to Wen Yuan to invite all the staff from the department.

Their team only has fifteen members. It was not small, not a lot, but enough to work efficiently. When Wen Yuan notified them about Jun Zihao's invitation, all of them exclaimed in glee and accepted the offer.

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