001.9 | Gratitude For Saving Me

The ladies were troubled by Qi Sying's distraught expression.

This person would not appear unless someone specifically requested his presence, right?

Furthermore, no matter how meticulous San Zhao was, there were instances when he forgot to alert the personnel on the reception of someone's arrival. They recalled that they had previously blocked the CEO's sister from visiting her brother.

They got in contact with the CEO's office because they didn't want something like this to happen again. As was customary, the call would be channeled through the secretary before being forwarded to the CEO.

San Zhao answered the phone right away. Jun Zihao's appearance prompted him to immediately make an excuse, telling the lady to hold the call for a minute since there was another call on the same line.

The lady was well aware that the majority of the calls in this office were important. They instructed Qi Sying to wait for a while because the secretary was currently occupied.

However, this was not the case. The secretary only wanted to stall for some time to bully the new employee.

Twenty minutes later, the secretary still did not call back, but the phone was still on-hold. Qi Sying can feel his own legs cramping. 

Since this was the front desk, there would be no chairs where people could sit and rest. So he has been standing for the past few minutes, trying to get relief by leaning on the wall or talking with the ladies on the counter. 

One of the women noticed his sluggish action and offered her chair but Qi Sying refused. If he will take that chair, where will she sit?

Qi Sying's face began to turn pale as the clock approached the thirty-minute mark. Aside from the needle-like numbness that was torturing his legs, his head began to pulsate. 

He started to feel dizzy, and all he wanted to do was lie down and sleep for a bit. He contemplated whether or not he should continue to wait or simply leave. Qi Sying opted the latter and prepared to leave in search of his medicine's comfort.

However, the secretary's timing was impeccable, as the phone connected just as Qi Sying was about to walk out the door. The secretary apologized for holding on so long because the person on the other end was "very important". Qi Sying could hear the excuses from the receiver and couldn't help but feel compelled to wring that secretary's neck.

Qi Sying could handle it if it was only for twenty minutes.

But thirty minutes? 

Even though he was just an employee, it was disrespectful to have someone wait for thirty minutes without any notice. He still has the right to complain. 

Additionally, given Jun Zihao's condition, this approach could be construed as a form of abusing the disabled. 

The lady acknowledged Qi Sying's arrival and led him to the CEO's office. Qi Sying expressed his gratitude and continued on his way. Even though he was familiar with the layout of this facility, he still had to put on a show of ignorance to pretend that this was his first visit.

It's true that this is his first time. There's nothing to do. However, with his internal GPS, he would be able to go to whichever place he desired. It was just that it would be inappropriate if he suddenly knew the way without asking.

He finally reached the boss's den after a few steps and a little snooping. The only thing there was a closed door with metal handles. Two potted plots were placed on each side to bring some color to the otherwise dreary area.

Qi Sying straightened his clothes as he knocked on the door three times. Only after hearing the voice of the secretary did he dare to open it. If only he is allowed, he would just want to barge in and knock the door over. He will then assassinate San Zhao for being a motherfaka. 

On the other hand, Ru Weimin is reading some documents on his hand when he heard a small voice after the three knocks. His position was far off from the door, and the blinders on the glass walls separated his image from the outside. 

However, he can pretty much see everything from his position. 

He had witnessed the interaction from his secretary, who was seriously arranging some documents on his paper, up to that small cute head that took a peek inside first before actually entering the place. 

That cute gesture made Ru Weimin's eye to constrict. In his mind, he can nearly see his dog's head poking out of the ground.

San Zhao had known the plan beforehand. Even without the script, he could act well according to Ru Weimin's standards, so he wasn't afraid to tease the newbie for a while. 

He made Qi Sying seat on the chairs in front of his desk while focusing his attention on the documents at hand. Flipping through the pages elicited a familiar lullaby. Qi Sying sat there and watched the secretary as the other brushed him aside like a flea.

At the very least, he was sitting in a nice chair inside an air-conditioned room.

It was a brief respite, however. His head began to throb once more as a result of the frigid temperatures. The slight pulsing suddenly became evident, causing the veins on his temples to visibly show a thumping motion. His nose also started hurting, feeling some swelling on the bridge part as it stung from the cold air.

He gently pressed his hand against his nose, attempting to massage it. He was hoping it wasn't an approaching nosebleed, otherwise he'd be brought out for another test.

Fortunately, the secretary finally stopped idling. He placed all the unnecessary items to the side of the table and faced Qi Sying. 

"You are a new employee right?" San Zhao said. "I heard a lot of good things from you."

"Ah... t-thank you sir. I... I am just doing my j-job.

Qi Sying showed a nervous expression. His eyebrows fluttered beautifully with cheeks red from embarrassment. Jun Zihao had aspired of meeting the CEO one day and even trembled the first day he met Ru Weimin. 

Qi Sying and the system agreed that Jun Zihao was truly a hardcore fanboy. He did not only worship Ru Weimin like a god, he also foolishly offered his life without exchange. If nobody knew about their relationship, Qi Sying would have assumed that they were a pair of lovers. 

San Zhao did not comment on Qi Sying's stutter and remained smiling. But one can easily see that his smile didn't reach his eyes. It was just a standard business expression to show decency. Who knew what this bastard secretary was thinking behind his mask

"I can see that you are adapting well to your work. Many of your colleagues approved of your behavior. To have such a young talent like you is a pleasure," San Zhao stated. 

"I ... I am d-doing my best," Qi Sying responded enthusiastically. He gained a bit of confidence from the compliment and added, "I will do everything in the best interest of the company."

"Exceptional! People like you are what we need in this company," San Zhao took out a contract of work under his desk and showed it to Qi Sying. He pointed out a couple of important premises from the paper. 

"Since you are that good, the CEO wanted to promote you and become his personal secretary. 

Qi Sying processed the words very carefully, comprehending each letter after words. Only after knowing what it meant did he almost fall down from the chair and choke on air. 

"P-personal secretary? H-how... W-why?" 

Disbelief was painted on the newbie's face. San Zhao examined his expression to see if he was bluffing. Of course, he is. Qi Sying already knew the plot, so he wouldn't be surprised by such a revelation. He only used an expression pack he bought from the shop to fully showcase the intended emotion to be shown. 

"Our company only accepts people with talents, and those highly skilled should be given higher positions. Your contribution to the company was still a little but your hard work and effort had made the higher ups to notice your potential. Plus, your university's recommendation had reached our desks," San Zhao explained some nonsense shit that only people with low EQ will believe. 

What does he mean by "highly skilled"? Jun Zihao knows that the original was just on average. There are also other workers that can be called 'skilled', but never Jun Zihao. 

And the recommendation letter from school? 

Even though it could secure him a high position, it was not to the point where he could serve the CEO directly. But for the soft-hearted and kind Jun Zihao, he would not refuse a position that could give him a chance to pay back the life that the CEO had given to him. 

"T-then, thank you for accepting me!" 

Jun Zihao jovially stood up and gave a ninety degree bow to San Zhao. His enthusiasm made San Zhao think if this youth is really here to become a spy. In this kind of innocence... no, maybe he is just acting. The secretary stood up to pat the shoulders of the new employee. 

"Don't be so tensed up. Just treat me like how you treated your department head, okay?" San Zhao said. "We are like family here. Let's become familiar with each other ne~"

"Y-yes sir!" Jun Zihao looks at San Zhao with stars in his eyes. 

The original never thought that the people here were so approachable, so he was happy. The original shows his emotions exaggeratedly, so he also has to show the same fun. Well, if the other side wanted to act like some goody-toe shoes, then they would also act naive. Let's see who will win between them.

"Okay, now let's start your work by..." San Zhao looked at the glass-incased room. "... by making his coffee..."

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