001.12 | Gratitude For Saving Me

It would be wrong if Jun Zihao did not ever question why the system was giving him these tasks. To give him points by just doing small tasks – isn’t that a disadvantage to the other side?

Considering this, the extra missions' simplicity did not correspond to the difficulties of the Main and Side missions. It hasn't been until now that Qi Sying grasped the significance of these sentiments.

The extra missions paved the way for Qi Sying's integration into the world as well as let him decide on Jun Zihao's fate. The system did not issue him any restrictions but also did not allow him to just recklessly act things out. These small tasks worked as suggestive options that would guide him towards the path of no regrets.

No wonder it was called "extra mission" since it was not an obligatory action.

Qi Sying was now undergoing an important event that might help Jun Zihao in the future.

According to the story, Jun Zihao brought his senior colleagues to dinner. He didn't take them to a fancy restaurant, though; instead, he brought them to a little pizza parlor. Jun Zihao had thought out his plan to hide his identity thoroughly, therefore he didn't dare to act like a big shot.

He was also worried people would assume he was flaunting about his wealth. He wasn't stingy, but he was afraid of being seen as a spoiled second generation. He'd learnt his lesson from the past and didn't want to be overwhelmed with such gratuitous kindness because of familial ties.

So instead of actually exposing his identity, he hid it very well.

This is why, when it was revealed that he was a member of the Jun Family, he was immediately labeled a traitor. He was also worried people would assume he was flaunting about his wealth.

Even though it was not obligatory to disclose a family ancestry, the situation made Jun Zihao appear like a two-faced person.

After all, if he wasn't a traitor, why would he keep his true identity hidden?

If Jun Zihao was truly committed to the company, he would reveal his true identity. He was hiding in the dark because he was afraid people would notice his deception. Only traitors would do such a thing!

So his plan of not using his family influence to enter the company backfired in a bad way. He wass not wrong for doing such an honorable deed but it made the other people think he had ulterior motives. If ever he did use the Jun Family to enter the company, then at least he only needed to show his skills to prove he was worthy for such a position.

In addition, the Jun Family's prestige carried his name, so he won't be treated badly like what he was experiencing now. Maybe people would even be respectful towards him.

In order to change the inevitable, Jun Zihao had to step out first to show he was rich and that he was from an influential family. By just doing this, it was as if he was revealing a part of him. This dinner was a good start to show his intention.

The formerly tense mood was replaced by a cheerful one. Accepting the truth and settling into their seats, the group gradually began to feel more at ease. When the appetizer was brought, they were initially hesitant to eat. But when they found Jun Zihao just simply eating it without considering the proper etiquette, they also followed.

Jun Zihao only knows how to use sticks, and the basic spoon and fork. He also has no idea which spoon size should be used when eating this and that. So to not complicate things, he just used the spoon and fork to poke whatever was being served.

After the appetizer, the first course has been served. It was a dish of meat and vegetable. The butler muttered a foreign name that nobody could pronounce. They all just know this dish looks vibrant and smells extremely tantalizing that it made their stomach growl.

After the butler left, the group started eating. Some of the female employees that like to take pictures took time to snap a few images before digging in. Jun Zihao saw them posting it to their social media but did not bother to stop them.

This was exactly what he wanted to happen. These people from the creative department have many connections from the other departments since they were the central system of the whole company. They were the ones that handle the creation of new projects, so it was normal that a lot of people would know them, and as the same time will befriend them for benefit purposes.

Though, some do have real friends from other departments.

Anyways, many people are following them on their social media account for the purpose of monitoring some new things. And the new post coming from one of the beautiful woman of the department gathered a number of audiences.

[Sweet Dumplings~~]: Xiao-Han invited us for dinner. Did not expect that we will be eating something foreign. [PICTURE POSTED].

The perfect photography plus the good image of the food made the audience drools right on the spot! The likes and comments flooded the post, asking the account holder the name of the food and the place they were dining.

The lady did not reveal it since she knows the name of the place is very famous and only rich people could afford the entrance. She even left out the name Jun Zihao as Xiao Hao, which is a nickname given to the youth by the group.

[Turtle_fURY_MadneSS]: I asked the butler many times how this food was called but I could still not pronounce it well. [PICTURE POSTED].

Another picture coming from the same department garnered their attention, shifting their questions towards the man who has a weird account name. They teased him for not knowing the name, but it only proved it was a foreign dish.

The account holder was known for his good speech and eloquence so to become mute for not properly pronouncing the name made the whole thing strange. Questions like who was Xiao Hao and where they were continued but nobody gave an answer.

[Call ME Boss WEN]: I am never a fan of desserts but just seeing this is enough to make an old man like me want to taste it. [PICTURE POSTED].

The one who had the greatest base of followers would be Wen Yuan. When he posted the delicious looking sweet ice cream dessert, it captured a horde of female fans that wanted to kill the department head for showing such food while they were on their diet. They commented crying emojis saying that whatever is happening to the Creative Department for posting such delicacies, they hope they will be struck by a lightning.

This is very unfair ba! Who is this Xiao Hao that treated them in such a place?

A few people who were logically minded connected the pictures to a certain place. After five minutes, they showed to everyone that the group was currently in a five-star restaurant and the food that they were eating costs several zeroes.

See the first dish? That one was equal to a brand-new car? That dessert Boss Wen posted? Yes, one serving of that could account any of the company's minor projects. Calculating the price of food placed on the table was enough to buy a fully furnished two-storey house in the capital.

The audience was silent for a while before the Creative Department accounts started to lag due to the number of influxes coming. Their site could no longer control the crowd!

[Sheep_mian_mian]: Eeeeeh! How are they treated to food then we are not? Who is this Xiao Hao? Is he also an employee in our company?

[Jujuberries]: Xiao Hao... Xiao Hao... isn't the name familiar? I think I've heard that name being called in their department.

[Shijie_Likes_Candy]: Is there a 'Hao' in their department?

[Ball_of_FURY]: Wait! I think I know who is this 'Xiao Hao' they are calling!

Before anyone could reveal the mystery man, another photo was posted. This time, it showed the completely long table still filled with food. The faces of the members of the Creative Department broke into the greatest smiles as they looked up at the camera.

At the very end of the long table came the face of the youth that most of the people recognized. That charming jovial smile that captured the hearts of the audience named only one person: 'Jun Zihao'.

[Tsun_Tsun_Dere]: Wha-! Isn't that Jun Zihao, the newbie?

[Marry_Me]: Xiao Hao, Jun Zihao... It's him!

[Shakekkkk]: Eeeeh? Jun Zihao treated them to this restaurant. Is he rich?

[WwwUUWWW]: Of course, he would be. How can he afford such a place?

[Herbal_Tea]: This is a SCAM. A SCAM. These photos are just photoshoped!

[Almmmonnds]: I agree! There's no way they are eating there. Wuwuwuw #-__- so jealous

[Boss_Boss]: Jun Zihao... don't you think he is related to the Jun's?

[Sore Sore~~]: Hmm? What Jun's?

[Boss_Boss]: You know, the Jun Family...

The system was narrating the events happening so Jun Zihao need not to open his phone to see what chaos was happening on the internet. This result was enough to make him smile. However, the people who are monitoring their accounts found the last statement puzzling. They secretly took a glance to Jun Zihao and wondered.

Is he related to the Jun Family?

If yes, then it answers all their questions! There's no way that he was just a simple person after spending a huge amount of money. One person who was sitting nearby Jun Zihao took the opportunity to ask the question.

"Xiao Hao... are you from the Jun Family?"

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