001.13 | Gratitude For Saving Me

When the question was asked, everyone else stopped eating. They locked their gaze on the individual who had posed the query. What are you doing? Did you know that the Jun Family and Ru Industries were in competition with one another?

Jun Zihao was about to take a bite when he was interrupted by the question. He set the fork down and sat back, restlessly eating the food he'd just taken a bite of. Jun Zihao stooped his head, attempting to make himself smaller. He had the appearance of a child who was being bullied.

For a while, the room was deafeningly silent before a faint whisper broke the trance.

"Um... Y-you could guess I have some connections w-with them."

He didn't directly reveal his position. Everyone was aware of the huge family size of the Jun Family that even the main branch had five sons. They were guessing which family branch Jun Zihao belonged to.

"Ah... That's good, very good," someone tried to ease the tension. "I never thought we were working with someone from the Jun Family, right guys?"

Everyone instantly agreed.

"The Jun Family, right? Which branch are you from?"

"The main-"

There was a collective cry of disbelief from the astonished colleagues. Jun Zihao received a scorching glance from eyes that were filled with bewilderment and amazement. The person in question grimaced, uneasy with all the attention. It made him lower his head further.

"I am sorry for hiding it," he said, stifling. "I didn't mean to do it."

Wen Yuan was surprised when he saw that Jun Zihao is about to cry. "Hey, what's wrong? Why are your eyes red?"

Jun Zihao shifted to avoid being seen directly. "You guys probably hate me."

"Ah?" They could not understand what the young man was talking about. "Why do you think we will hate you?"

"I didn't tell you about my identity. You must have thought I was a spy."

"NO!" Everyone chorused. Who would dare to hate him? Why would they think that he is a spy?

Wen Yuan heaved a sigh. Jun Zihao was such a soft guy that such a unimportant thing was enough to make him cry. He patted Jun Zihaos' back and reassured him that nobody would ever accuse him of being a spy.

"Boss Wen is right!" Someone agreed. "We are just surprised that we are working with someone from such a influential family. We are talking about the Jun Family here. They are the most reputable family in our country!"

Everyone agreed. Jun Zihao could see that his colleagues did not give him the cold shoulder and was instantly happy. He wiped the small tears away and blushed slightly for showing an embarrassing side.

"Um... If you don't mind me asking another question..." one person trailed his words when he received another glare from his group. "What? I am just going to ask what made him work for our company."

"What is there to ask?" Someone retorted. "Is it wrong to work in our company?"

"No, no, it's okay! It's not really something that I am hiding," Jun Zihao affirmed. "It's just that maybe you guys will assume that I am using my family influence to enter, so I kept it secret."

"No, Xiao Hao is really hardworking. See, even without your family, you were able to reach your position!" One member supported the drooping figure of Jun Zihao.

"Then... why do you enter the Ru industries if you have your own family business?" The said person asked.

Jun Zihao first looked at the person who asked him with a straight face. Then, all of a sudden, a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

Everyone witnessed how Jun Zihao suddenly became flustered as he was trying to hide the blush on his face. All the women in the group could not help but capture the very moment with their phones while the males squeezed their hearts back to their chests.

They think that seeing him like this can cause them an instant heart attack ah!

"I... I'm a bit embarrassed to tell you the reason. You might laugh at me," he said, his voice getting smaller at the end. The women who wanted to persisted as though they were just talking about their crushes.

"Don't worry! We won't laugh," they all promised.

"Then... keep it as a secret too!" Jun Zihao added. Everyone clasped their right hands, as if taking an oath before their country's flag. It is only in this gesture that Jun Zihao is willing to share.

"A-actually it is because of the Boss Ru We-"

"What about the boss?" The girls, who were rotten to the core, suddenly started seeing something.

Jun Zihao entered the company because of Ru Weimin. Seeing the blush on his face, was there any reason why he was here? If it is not related to romance, then what was it? The more normal headed ones listened to the continuation.

"Well, you see, I was really a very naughty kid when I was young. I somehow got distracted and went down the path.

From his shaking voice, the group realized that Jun Zihao did not want to reveal this part of his past. They were not quite sure what kind of "naughtiness" he meant, but as his elders, they could connect this and that.

"I got in trouble one day. That almost took my life. Then Boss Ru came to save me. He gave me my second life."

From that statement, it was safe to assume that their Boss Ru Weimin had saved the young Jun Zihao from death. Whatever event happened, Jun Zihao only vaguely told them.

They wanted to know the whole course, but being able to share this information only means that Jun Zihao trusted them. It was enough to keep them in line while not crossing the personal boundary. His opening up made them closer.

"So I worked hard to get back on track. I told myself that I would work hard to pay back the favor the boss had given to me. Only by working on his side can I reassure him that I can return the life he gave to me."

Everyone felt like crying. Such a heartwarming event actually happened to this child. They could not help but give him a hug and praise. Jun Zihao said that his wishes had been granted since he is working under Ru Weimin now.

It could be said that he had finally reached the destination that he wanted. The group congratulated him on a job well done. They continued eating dinner, going to the last course where the wine bottles were finally opened.

Jun Zihao has been extremely satisfied with today's accomplishment. He not only established a close connection with this group of people, but also made clear his intention of joining the company.

Even though only a few people know it, they are enough to support him counter-attack that traitor who will soon show its existence. Moreover, the wonderful notification from the system giving him a thousand points made the joy in his heart overflow.

Well, that was the case until a pang of pain suddenly knocked him over.

His sight became all black, causing Jun Zihao to close his eyes for a while. Only by squinting a few times did his eyes start to see again. However, it doesn't mean that the pain has subsided. Instead, it moved to his ears, which made a very thin ringing sound.

The pain started to become physical as his face started to become pale white. Wen Yuan, who had just glanced at the youth, perceived the sudden change in his color. He swiftly moved beside the youth to inquire what was wrong.

"Hey, you are getting pale. Is there something wrong?" Wen Yuan asked in a low voice. He did not want to arouse the other people yet.

Jun Zihao endured the pain, trying to not show the pain in his face. He just shook his head sideways. "No, I'm alright."

"But you don't look fine. Want me to take you to the hospital?" Wen Yuan offered.

A few days ago, they sent Jun Zihao to the hospital. Even though his diagnosis only said "simple head pain," it doesn't mean that there was nothing wrong with his body. The gradual paling of his lips became evident.

"No worries. I just felt a bit constipated," Jun Zihao said, holding his stomach. "E-excuse me. I think I needed to use the bathroom."

The figure of the youth dashed towards the door. The members noticed the figure was running out. Even the butler who was about to open the door was surprised to see the young master. If he hadn't stepped back, they would have collided.

The butler watched as the figure made a beeline towards the comfort room, puzzled. He looked at the people inside the room who had the same expression as him.

Wen Yuan sat back in his chair. His one phrase resolved their questions. "He said that he felt a bit constipated."

Then, him running towards the toilet means that he will be doing number 2, right?

Janlou Mitsitsiyo

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