Chapter 89, Romeo.

The demihumans freed themselves from the cells, but the iron slave collars posed a problem to their escape. Not only could the collars not be removed by those wearing them, but they also required something sharp enough to cut through iron.

"How the hell did he do it with his bare hands?" Zara cried out in frustration as she failed to break Leaf's collar.

Leaf sighed lightly. "We can't remove them by ourselves, or they might detonate. We need to find the armory."


Zara and Leaf decided to venture to the surface on their own while the rest waited for them within the underground prison. The outside was warmer, and the halls were dimly lit by torches, casting flickering shadows that danced along the stone walls.

Zara and Leaf stuck close to the shadows, prioritizing stealth. After all, this place was littered with human blessed, and one wrong move could result in their heads on spikes, or worse, being sold to a twisted wealthy family.

Their footsteps were light, barely a whisper on
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