Chapter 90, Dead sibling, and broken bones.

Zara and Leaf didn't waste much time. After dealing with the corpse, they hurriedly concealed it, wiping away most traces of blood to prevent the ground from reeking of death. The duo then silently left the armory, though not without Leaf arming herself with a short sword.

They retraced their steps, moving faster this time. For reasons unknown, most of the guards had left their posts, leaving the rear of the auction house defenseless.

Eventually, Zara and Leaf reached the corridor leading to the underground slave prison, but their luck ran out there.

Two heavily armored guards stood by the unlocked shaft, much like the others they'd encountered, ordinary city level blessed.

"Hey bro, is this supposed to be unlocked?" the first guard asked, scratching the back of his head.

"Of course not, dumbass. A demihuman probably escaped," the second guard replied.

"Oh, shouldn't we chase her then?"

"It's fine. Her collar will self destruct the moment she leaves the auction house. For now
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