Chapter 99, Battling almighty pt3.

Liam catapulted forward, his aura blazing like an inferno, rippling through the air as it distorted the very space around him.

The earth beneath him shattered, sending chunks of debris spiraling into the sky as his feet dug into the ground.

His target, the female almighty was ever ethereal, her calm demeanor unshaken by the fury of Liam’s assault,

She floated there like a statue of indifference. His fist shot forward, colliding with her face in a thundering crash.

The sound reverberated through the air, but it was Liam who felt the backlash. His fist erupted into a grotesque mix of blood and bone fragments, the pain searing through his body like molten iron.

Yet, she didn’t so much as flinch.

Liam staggered back, blood dripping from his mangled hand, but retreat wasn't on his mind. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, his chest heaving as he funneled every ounce of energy into his aura.

His wounds closed almost as soon as they had opened, flesh stitching itself back to
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