Chapter 98, Battling almighty pt2.

The state level almighty effortlessly floated down from the private room, her presence commanding the entire space as she hovered mid air, defying gravity with a grace that left the lower level blessed in awe.

It was as if the very air around her bowed in deference, parting softly as she descended, her every movement exuding a power that was both ethereal and terrifyingly real.

Her form was immaculate, not just in its physical beauty, but in the aura of invincibility that surrounded her, possibly a radiant force field that seemed to push against the fabric of reality itself.

She was more than just a blessed, she was a living embodiment of the divine might that all others below her could only dream of possessing.

Though her true age was hidden behind an ever ageless face, every line and curve of her features sculpted by powers far beyond mortal comprehension, her rank granted her the ability to manipulate her appearance to a certain degree, allowing for sustained youth.

Her skin, sm
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