Chapter 101

Lecter's phone rang during the dead of night. He took his eyes off the computer that he was working on and saw the no called ID. Lecter hesitated before he picked up the phone

"Lecter James. I can see that you have successfully put tension in my family. Trying to set my best fighters against me. How dare you!" Ivan groaned on the other side of the phone.

Lecter scoffed.

"Ivan. How dare you?" Lecter asked him.

"I should be asking you that question. Did you really think that you could turn my soldiers against me? Did you think that their loyalty is as fickle as that? Well, let me tell you, it's not. Umar did not betray me. He already knows everything and he is still here by my side," he bragged to Lecter with a scowl on his Face. Lecter smiled.

"Well, I already knew that. When he came to me with Kelly, I knew he was an ant. So, I decided to do what anyone else would do. Step on the ant. And that has led you to me. I was hoping that you all would kill each other during the confrontation,
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