As the girl revealed her painful story, Logan's empathy and anger surged. He couldn't stand idly by when someone had suffered such an injustice. Determination etched on his face, he said, "We can't let him get away with this. We need to report him."

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes, and she hesitated for a moment before nodding. She whispered, "Okay, let's go." She stood up, and with trembling hands, she took Logan's hand.

Logan felt the warmth of her hand in his, and it strengthened his resolve. He couldn't turn his back on her or let her face this ordeal alone. "No one deserves to be treated like this," he said firmly.

She squeezed his hand, grateful for his support. "Thank you for helping me," she whispered.

Logan led her toward the manager's office, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. Along the way, he couldn't help but notice the torn state of her dress and the smudged makeup on her face. It pained him to see her in such a condition.

Without a second thought, Logan began unbuttoning his long-sleeved jacket. He removed it and gently draped it over her shoulders. "Here, wear this. It'll help cover up your dress," he offered.

She hesitated, her eyes filled with gratitude but also a sense of pride. "I can't take your jacket. You might need it."

Logan chuckled softly, trying to ease the tension. "Trust me; I've been in worse situations. Besides, you shouldn't wear that torn dress out. People might laugh."

Reluctantly, she accepted the jacket and slipped it on, thanking him with a soft smile. The jacket, though slightly large on her, provided her with a sense of security.

As they approached the manager's office, Logan couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions. He was determined to help the girl, but his newfound wealth and the extraordinary turn of events had left him somewhat overwhelmed. Yet, seeing the girl's courage and resilience inspired him.

However, as they moved closer to their destination, Logan's initial courage seemed to wane. Doubts and fears crept into his mind, and he suddenly stopped in his tracks.

The girl turned to him, her eyes filled with concern. "Is something wrong?" she asked.

Logan hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "No, I'm fine. Just some thoughts running through my mind."

She smiled, understanding the weight of their situation. "I'm here with you. We'll get through this together."

Logan felt a rush of gratitude toward the girl. He secretly wished that she would discourage him from proceeding further, allowing him to save face. He longed for an excuse to retreat and return to his newfound wealth, which seemed both thrilling and intimidating.

As Logan and the girl stood before the manager's office door, Logan couldn't shake off the gnawing feeling of hesitation. He let out a subtle sigh, his reluctance showing on his face. It wasn't as if he didn't want to help, but the thought of confronting the manager brought back unwelcome memories of his own insecurities.

The girl, sensing his inner turmoil, turned to him and asked gently, "Logan, are you sure about this? We don't have to do it if you're not comfortable."

Logan couldn't help but admire her kindness and understanding. He knew he had to be honest with her but dreaded revealing the truth – that he was backing down out of fear. In the past, his ex-girlfriend had left him, and he had faced a lifetime of being looked down upon for his perceived weakness. He didn't want the girl to see him as that same weakling.

He tried to muster a sense of humor and replied, "Well, it's a bit late for me to back down now, isn't it?" His smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

She gave him a reassuring smile and said, "It's never too late, Logan. We can figure this out together."

Logan's mind raced as he contemplated how to express his concerns without appearing cowardly. He finally asked, "But, do you think this could result in something bad for you?"

Her eyes briefly clouded with uncertainty before she nodded. "If the manager remains in power, it could. But I can't let him get away with what he did."

Logan seized upon this opening to present his reasoning. "Look, sometimes it's better to let go of something that could bring you trouble later on. It's not about giving up; it's about making the smart choice."

He couldn't help but notice a flicker of disappointment in her eyes, as if she wasn't entirely happy with his decision, but she understood that he couldn't change the situation on his own.

Just as Logan was beginning to accept his choice, a sudden, unexpected intrusion startled him. The system's computerized voice resounded in his head, causing his eyes to widen with surprise.

"Congratulations, host, on your successful mission completion. You have been assigned a new mission: to expose the bank manager publicly. Success will reward you with a 700% profit, while failure incurs a 70% deduction."

Logan couldn't believe his ears. He had just managed to find a reason to back out that the girl could accept, and now this new mission threatened to complicate everything. The weight of responsibility pressed down on him, and he realized that he had a unique opportunity to make a real difference.

The girl watched him, her curiosity piqued by his reaction. "Is everything alright Sir?" she asked.

"My name is Logan," he replies as he realizes that he hadn't really introduced himself to her. She nods in responds as she askes him if he was alright again but with his name this time around.

Logan hesitated for a moment, torn between his fear and his sense of duty. Finally, he turned to her and said, "No.....Yes I'm fine. I've just been given a new mission. It seems like there's no backing out now."

"What mission?" Was her response as he quickly covers up laughing it off. "Don't mind me. I'm just pulling your legs."

She nodded understandingly, a glimmer of admiration in her eyes. "Then let's do it together, Logan. We'll expose him and put an end to this."

Logan couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. If she could summon up this much courage, why couldn't he? He had faced his fears and chosen to stand up for what was right. With the girl by his side, he knew they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, whether it was exposing the manager's wrongdoing or confronting his own insecurities.

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