Logan was abashed. He could not believe what had happened but chose to think more about the situation at hand than his newly acquired powers. That was certainly something he would be looking forward to working out but until he does that, he would have to wait and see how far he can get away from the goons.

One or two of them were already rising up. They glared at him distastefully. From the corner of his eyes, he saw another pick up a club and he knew he was ultimately done for.

Or wait...

The system was a power activator, right? Logan started to wonder if by any chance it would still fill him up with the much power as it had earlier. He did not want to be disappointed at all or to say the least, pushed around. He also did not want to spend time figuring out what probably was non-existent.

One of them now made a move towards him.

"And where do you all think you're going to?" The other guy that was still trying to raise Carter over his back with the help of another asked them.

"Well, he hurt Carter. He has to pay." The one with a club said, pointing his weapon at Logan.

Logan instantly froze on the spot as he stared wide-eyed at them.

"Um, system....if anything. Now would be the right moment to make an appearance." Logan thought to himself.

He did not want to get hurt one bit. From the last beating he had received and the one before that one, Logan was already hurting and not healed. His rib side hurt and his bruises were not gone totally. He needed them to understand and not hurt him any further than was necessary.

"And are you all crazy?" The other guy from earlier asked them.

"Huh?" Another muttered as they stared back confusingly at him.

"Look at yourselves. You're all coming up against someone who obviously won his place at being let free." He said to them.

Logan kept watching as he wondered where all this would be leading.

"What's that supposed to be? He defeated Carter!" One cried out.

"He embarrassed our leader who is your friend!" Another added.

"I wonder whose side you're on sometimes!" Another screamed.

"You know, you're the ones obviously embarrassing Carter. Have you no idea what a duel is? They agreed right before us to make a single dual and whoever wins gets to go free. Is it his fault that this dimwit won? It is Carter who lost and we must respect his wishes and let the dimwit go." He explained to the members.

They looked at him and Logan heard his own heart in his ears as he was really frightened. It was almost like his world would come crashing down and he would face a lot of troubles if they did not agree. Like, it was just one man speaking up against someone the number of others.

"You know what, Blue, you're right. We're dishonoring Carter if we attack him and Carter is a man of his word." The one with the club said to the guy who had spoken up for him.

Logan breathed out in relief.

"Hey you, you get to go free now but just bear in mind that it was Carter who let you win." He said to Logan.

"Of course. He let me win." Logan said finally now he was no longer holding his club.

"Now, scram." The guy said to him and Logan turned away.

He had no idea what had happened but he loved it. He could not believe he was still alive to see his canteen. Logan was really pressed by the time he got to the canteen and he went to ease himself. He had just finished and was washing his hand when it happened.

"Congratulations host on successfully completing your task. A raise of 500 percent has been credited to your account and you have successfully advanced the level. Feedback shall be provided shortly." The system's computerized voice said in his head.

Logan was shocked but he hurriedly washed his hands as he made straight for where he kept his phone. He found it and then prayed shortly before opening it. The moment he did, he saw the notification on his phone and then he smiled deeply.

"One...two.... three..... eight!" He exclaimed as he counted the zeros attached to the one. Ten million dollars had been credited to his balance and he now had a sum total of 12.5 million dollars.

That felt too good to be true. Too huge to accomplish that he decided that he would have to go to his bank and check.

Logan thought of a plan and came up with one as he went straight to the manager's office.

"Logan, late again?" His manager asked.

"Oh no, sir." He said.

"But you're just coming to my office." The manager said.

"I was in the restroom," Logan responded.

"Late to duty hours then." His manager said.

Seriously? What in the seven hells did this man want from him? He technically had given him everything he asked for crying out loud without complaining.

"Sir, I come to make a request," Logan said.

"If it is to increase your salary cut, I'm afraid that is impossible." He said to Logan.

"Of course not Sir. I would not bother you so. I only came to ask for the day off." Logan said.

"Do you want me to slash your remaining salary?" He asked Logan.

"Of course not Sir but I just noticed that the wound on my rib is beginning to rot. And you know that is not so hygienic to the customers." Logan said.

"Wound to your rib?" He asked Logan, confused.

"Yes, from the day I was beaten up Sir." Logan answered him and for effect, he added, "Do I open it, Sir?"

"Of course not. Keep your baggage and you know what, take the day off." He said to Logan who was excited now but hid it.

He pretended to be in pain as he thanked his manager and walked away. Logan went to pack his things and started out of the canteen as everyone watched him. The moment he was certain he was out of their sight, he broke into a run and started for the nearest exit.

He had no cash at hand but he knew there was a way around all of this. Logan flagged down a taxi.

"What do you say if you take me to the bank and wait until I'm out? I'll pay you five hundred dollars." He said to the man.

The taxi driver looked him over and then laughed horribly.

"And how do you intend to do that? Plan on robbing the bank or something? Get lost!" He said to Logan and drove off.

I mean, he would not be blamed totally. Logan was not exactly giving the vibes of someone with any assets.

Logan went on trying with more taxis but all he got was scorn and insults. Finally, when he was already about to give up, he decided to try one more time. The man looked scary as hell.

"Listen boy, if this is a trick just know that I would find you and I would gut you." He said.

Logan swallowed.

"I assure you, this is no trick," Logan said.

"Then hop in." He said to Logan.

Logan got into the car and they were on their way to the bank. It felt nervously wonderful and then the driver parked properly and reminded Logan of what kind of a man he was. This was to instill fear in Logan.

He could not remember when last he had come to the bank and the moment he entered, everything felt so strange to him. He went to a bank assistant by the entrance and told him what he wanted to do. The young man asked him to go to the other queue and write out his account number.

Logan finished and went to the queue. There were a couple of people before him and soon, it was his turn. The cashier eyed him angrily like she was seeing a dirtbag.

"What do you want?" She demanded from him angrily.

"I want to check on my account," Logan said to her.

She got up and looked at him from head to toe.

"Are you certain you know what you come here to do?" She asked him.

"Of course. I want to check my account balance." He said to her.

"Whatever penny you have there, you could have checked with the ATM." She said to Logan.

"My ATM is expired," Logan said.

"Then go work hard and get another. We do not attend to the likes of you with below a thousand in their accounts." She insulted me.

"The likes of me?" Logan asked her.

"Yes." She said to him.

"Very well, I would ask what would your manager say or would you check now?" He asked her.

"You had better not be wasting my time." She said angrily as she sat down again, took the account details from him, and started punching it on her computer.

Logan stood there as he was patiently waiting on her to get done.

It took a while but he knew when she suddenly looked at him with bewilderment that something was up. She started from the screen to Logan and back to the screen again.

"Unbelievable!" She exclaimed.

"Well?" Logan asked her.

"Sir, you should be a premium. I would have the manager himself attend to you. We only send special people to the top and you are one." She said to him.

"I do not understand, can I know what my balance is?" Logan asked her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Sir. You are going to the manager's line. Here's a note to give him. Please take the elevator to the left, floor four." She said to him.

Logan was confused but took the note she scribbled on and was headed to the elevator. When he got inside, he peered into the note that read,


He could not believe the segregation but obviously, something good was happening to him. Logan got to the fourth floor and was just about to make a turn to the office area when he heard someone sobbing. The area was so empty that he could hear it loud and clear.

He decided to go see if someone needs help. As he went, a man passed him, readjusting his tie and his belt.

Logan was confused as the cry was that of a female. He just entered the restroom when he found a girl sitting on the ground crying bitterly. She clung to her clothes which he noticed were torn and her makeup smudged.

She was frightened when she saw him.

"I'm not going to harm you." He said putting up his hands. "What happened to you?"

She was crying bitterly.

"Does it matter what happened to me? I'll just live with it." She said to him.

Logan did not want to settle for his fears but he had a gut feeling all was not well with him. Something had happened and he had his suspicions on the man that had passed him by.

"I'm here to help. Just tell me." He said to her.

"Even if I do, people like you and me can do nothing." She said to him.

"People like me and you? What do you mean?" He asked her.

"We're poor and without connections. But since you're so interested, I'll tell you. The man who just left here, he's the bank manager. He had his way with me." She said to him.

"He did what?" Logan asked angrily. He could not believe his ears and the fact that such a thing would even happen on the bank premises.

"Listen, keep your voice down. There's nothing we can do about it. Let's just go." She said to him calmly.

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