Logan finished off from the locker room and restored his phone where it used to be. It was time to go back to his job and focus. Daniel noticed his elated mood and wondered what was the matter.

"Did the manager give you a raise or something?" He asked Logan.

Logan showed signs of confusion.

"A raise?" He asked the other guy.

"I mean, look at you. You are so excited like you just got a lottery for yourself. It can only be a raise." Daniel said to him.

"What if I'm just happy that I got to stand up for myself for once in my life?" Logan asked him.

"Oh, you mean when you signed your death certificate? Certainly. Look out there, Carter has been threatening hell. See that white handkerchief he left outside, it's for you. A sign you're done for." Daniel said to him.

Only now did Logan look up and see the handkerchief outside the canteen on the ground. He could not see the goons though and wondered where they were.

"What about Carter and his men?" He asked Daniel.

"Gone to access the damage you did. If I may suggest, you better get out of the city right now because you are dead if you remain here." Daniel said to him.

That was actually clear.

"Thanks, buddy. That makes me feel totally better." Logan said to him sarcastically.

"I am always here to serve your conscience," Daniel said to him.

Logan did not actually care one bit about all of this. He was a millionaire now and that meant that even though he decides to want to run away, he could actually do it now. He however was still going to get to the bank just to make certain confirmations regarding the money as it was still unbelievable to him.

As it were, he found himself showing signs of excitement.

"Did someone give him something?" His manager asked as he came out one time.

"Not so. Did you give him a raise?" A co-worker asked him.

"A raise, now why would we give timid Logan a raise? I slashed his salary in three. He would get one part, we get to keep one part and the management would get the other." The conniving manager said.

"Then why is he so excited?" The jealous co-worker continued.

"Have you asked Daniel?" The manager asked him.

"Daniel affirms he did not get a raise. Perhaps, he has gone totally crazy." The coworker went on.

"Perhaps so." The manager responded and then to Logan," Keep at that, Logan. You mess up one bit and the rest of your salary would be gone!"

He said this in hopes to jitter Logan's mood. Seeing the guy looking so excited when he should be cowering did not seem to sit down well with the manager and within his capabilities, he was ready to lay waste to all of his excitement. Logan could tell they wanted to dampen his mood. Perhaps, he should play a little to the tune they were used to.

"Oh no, Mr manager. I am so sorry. I would take care now." Logan said frightfully.

"That's your hundredth apology with no changes, Logan. Keep up until it gets to a thousand and I'll make your sad dreams come true." The manager said and turned away.

Logan watched as he walked away angrily and smiled. He was supposed to have been used to this but somehow, it felt a little sad now and weird. He focused on his job with more care now and tried his hardest not to show that he was ever so excited. He would need to tidy up and get home.

His shift eventually came to an end that evening and Logan picked up his things and made his way home. He stepped out of the canteen and used his leg to push the handkerchief around to see if there were any written notes of the sort. Eventually, there was nothing and he stepped on it until it was looking so dirty before turning away.

Logan made his way home, but he was on the edge. The hairs at the back of his neck all stood erect as he had a fright of the unknown. It was possible that Carter and his men would come at him and he would be done for. He did not want to be taken by surprise right now and kept moving briskly. Through his walk home, he made certain to mingle with the crowd of people and each time he saw a person looking suspicious, he would dive around and hide away.

This was how he kept up at it until he had gotten home quite late. Perhaps, he should have taken the bus after all. But he had to go to the bank and be certain of the money in there. Logan had himself a long and hectic climb up his stairs and he got to his door. It was now he met with the note on his door written in very bad handwriting.



The note was pasted on his door with a sticky note and Logan looked up and down his corridor just in case but there was no one. Quickly, he entered and locked the door. He did not leave the door as he stood there with his back to the door while trying to catch his breath.

"I'm dead indeed." He muttered as he looked around. "I really should run away."

Finally, he had bought Daniel's advice to make a run for it. With the millions in his account, he could start a life somewhere else. Logan made a mental note of the things he would be taking with him as he rushed and grabbed his luggage. He opened it and set it on his bed as he started throwing his clothes into it and running around.

"Hello, host." The system suddenly says.

"Not now, system whatever. I need to get away." He muttered.

"You have unlocked the level two task. The bully has not learned his lesson." The system said to him.

"And is it my fault that he is too dumb to take a hint of what we're trying to teach him?" Logan asked.

"You have to teach him a lesson. This is an overview of what the level two of your task is all about." The system said to him.

"Oh yeah, right. I simply walk up to Carter and tell him, hello Carter, I want you to change and be a good boy, right?" Logan asked angrily.

He was visibly irritated at this point.

"Power system activating task level two." The system started off.

"! Don't you get it? I cannot stand up to Carter! I'm a coward. The king of all cowards!" Logan yelled.

"Level two, host must confront and subdue bully..." The system went on.

"Stop this, please." Logan cried out.

"The reward for this task would be a 500 percent raise reward of the initial reward. Failure would incur losing everything the host has acquired so far." The system stated.

"Wait, what?" Logan asked fearfully.

It was enticing as it was scary.

"The time allotted to this is twelve hours. Your time starts now." The system said.

And that was it. Logan officially switched to his fear mode as he did a rapid run-around in his head. All through the night, he found that he could not sleep and kept tossing around from one side of the bed to the other.

The system did its hourly reminder now and he realized that he had until morning to see whether he would accept the task or not.

Logan passed through the longest night of his life thanks to his wakefulness. He woke up feeling scared about what the day would bring. His eyes were so heavy but he decided that he had better not run away knowing he would lose everything.

He started off his preparation for work as he had three hours to go. Logan started for his pathway to work. He had just gotten to the turn when he was intercepted.

It was Carter. He had an eye patch over his left eye.

"And my princess has finally come to die. How would you want it?" Carter asked him.

Logan looked around and noticed how both Carter and his goons all had clubs. He decided to try and see how far he gets with this.

"How about this? How about you stop being a coward and face me like a man?" Logan asked him.

"A coward you say?" Carter asked and looked around at his goons. They started laughing.

"Yes. A big coward hiding behind his cronies." Logan shot at him.

"I am not a coward!" Carter insisted.

"Then prove it. Fight me and if I win, I get to go unharmed." Logan said to him.

Carter looked at his me, obviously, he was still amused with Logan's courage as he looked at his men now.

"You do realize it would be much easier if I do this with my men so you get a quick and lesser painful death. If I lay hands on you, it would be much more on the hellish side, do you really want that?" Carter asked him.

"That's for me to worry about. So unless you're scared, then fight me!" Logan yelled at him.

"Alright, princess. Do not say I did not warn you though." Carter said to him as he put down his club and then got ready to fight by stepping forward and beckoning on Logan to come at him.

"Let's do this," Logan said and dropped the bag with him.

This was it. The decider of his fate. He suddenly made a run for it as he ran towards Carter. He noticed the guy's stance was prepared to hit him and although he was scared, he somehow managed to dodge him and he realized that never in his entire life would he have been able to do that.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of strength within him as he swirled around and pushed Carter. The latter was angry and turned to attack Logan angrily but Logan was already ready.

He raised his right leg and sent a flying kick right into Carter's face.


The sound of the kick was loud and painful. The next minute, Carter was seen falling until he landed on the ground. Logan waited but as it would see to turn out, Carter did not rise up again. His body had gone limp and his un-patched eye was closed.

Carter was either dead or he was fainting.

His men rushed over to their leader as they hastily knelt around him and were checking him out.

One put a hand to his neck and listened to his heartbeat.

"He's alive but unconscious." He said.

Just then, the rest of the goons turned and glared at Logan who was still wondering how he had managed to do it.

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