"So, you've finally come for your missed treat?" Carter asked him suddenly.

"Has anyone ever mentioned that you're a barbaric idiot?" Logan asked him suddenly.

That emitted gasps and confusion from the rest of the bullies as they would never in their wild dreams think of Logan being this bold. They themselves feared the guy like dread as he seemed really scary.

"Did you say something?" Carter asked him with a frown on his face.

"I mean no disrespect but your personality is awful. You keep going around and acting all big and bad bully but I tell you what, people also find you a horrible person." Logan rattled off.

He was trying to outwit the guy by making him very provoked and he sought after his weaknesses. He needed to be certain that he could actually get him off guard as right now Carter was watching him closely.

"Have you been drinking?" Carter asked him, totally amazed by his defiance as he looked up towards the canteen. "Hey, manager! I think your staff has been drinking on duty."

"Say's the coward guilty of everything including what he accuses me of," Logan said to him.

"Listen, buddy. Do you have a death wish or something? Because if you do, I think you should ask straight rather than cutting through the corners. I'm so generous enough to grant your wishes." Carter said to him.

"If I had any such wish, it would be the death wish for you instead. You know, you would be doing the entire world a favor if you're gone." Logan said and got ready to dodge.

Suddenly, Carter swung a punch at him.

"How dare you!" He howled at Logan as he swung his hand.

Being prepared for him was at his advantage as Logan easily stepped aside and then shifted out of his view.

"Missed!" He said to Carter.

"You punk!" Carter said to him and swung at him again but as easily as with the first, Logan stepped out easily and away from harm's way.

"You're throwing princess punches. Are you this weak?" Logan taunted him.

Some of his cronies could not hold it further as they blurted out into a dark laugh.

"Is that funny?" Carter asked, looking over his shoulder at them.

They ceased laughing but Logan was not done with him yet.

"Maybe." He said and Carter suddenly swung at him.

He barely missed being punched in the face as he fell through the whoosh of the blow as it passed him. Logan noticed how he had successfully taken him a little far away from his cronies.

Carter was agitated now.

"Stay still so I can kill you and grant your death wish!" Carter commanded him.

"I don't want any trouble," Logan said to him as he started backward.

Carter scoffed.

"Isn't it a little too late for that?" He asked Logan.

"Actually, I have my job to get back to. Maybe some other time." Logan said.

"No way! I will kill you right now!" Carter screams as he swung.

This time, he did so blindly and Logan took the opportunity to swing his hand at him and got him right in the left eye.

"Fuck!!!" Carter cries out in pain.

"Bye, Carter," Logan said as he took to his heels right as Carter's men started off towards him.

He made a run for the canteen and dashed inside through the doors. He looked outside and saw the disappointment in the face of his adversaries as they could not get him at all.

They were not allowed inside the canteen if it was for a fight. It was always an outside stuff and they stuck with that to avoid being at loggerheads with the sheriff.

Logan could not believe how easily he had been able to provoke Carter to come forward by merely showing himself to him so easily. It actually worked to his own advantage as he had successfully dealt the bully with a blow to his left eye.

He smiled now and then turned to get back to work only to meet face-to-face with his manager who was frowning now.

"My office in ten minutes." The manager said and started walking away.

Logan smiled now as he actually did not care if he gets punished, so long as he has been able to get things done to his own advantage, he did not mind at all.

He comported himself as he noticed how everyone in the canteen was looking at him. Only Daniel managed to give him a thumbs-up gesture as he made for the manager's office.

"Are you drunk?" His manager said to him.

"Of course not, Sir. We are not allowed to drink, especially when on duty." Logan said to him.

"Then I take it that you're tired of working with us?" His manager asked him.

He was not certain if his plight had pulled through and that meant he still had to keep his job.

"I'm not, Sir. They were actually getting on my nerves and I am sorry for neglecting them." Logan said to him.

This has been a grand opportunity to punish Logan and in no way would his manager be letting this go.

"You see, your time playing hero or jealous lover cost us a lot of money and customers." The manager said to him.

Logan was amazed at how easily he could lie just to get him agitated. He knew well enough he had his own cover and besides, he had not been gone for so long.

Well, whatever it was, he had to hear his verdict.

"I'm sorry, Sir. It will not happen again." He said.

"Be sorry to yourself because you would pay for the money lost. Apparently, your salary has been slashed into three and you would be getting one-third of it." His manager said to him.

In order not to seem too confident or rebellious, Logan decided to react to his words.

"But, Sir...." He resumed.

"You better get moving or I could actually slash more for hesitation." His manager said to him.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Logan said and he dejectedly walked out.

The moment he was out of sight, he dashed for the locker room and fished out his phone. He checked his balance but there was no notification.

He was startled and checked on the initial balance, it was still there.

Was it worth it then? Logan was emotionally downcast right now. He had successfully gotten himself into trouble.

He decided to set the phone away and return to work while awaiting his death when suddenly...

"Congratulations, host on successfully completing your task, new target, and the level one of your power system missions. 200 percent of the profit reward would now be wired to your account." The system said to him.

"Wait, but..." Logan was beginning to say when his phone chimed and he checked it quickly.

"Two million what?" He muttered as soon as he saw it.

Wait a minute, perhaps he would enjoy this after all. Here he was, a canteen attendant with cool two million, five hundred thousand dollars sitting in his account.

It was real after all. Finally, he had the system figured out.

"Very well then, to accomplishing more tasks." He muttered as he kissed his phone.

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