Get Her To Sign It

"Mother, this calls for a Celebration." Mark grinned as he couldn't believe his eyes while going through the papers.

Mabel nodded in agreement, she too was not expecting Zoey to be able to secure a contract and was surprised.

"I bet it must be some kind of dumb luck." Mark grinned and stood up.

He was ready to go and show off the contract. Now, the Clarkson family was going to become invincible; they were directly affiliated with a first-tier company, and this was a huge boost.

As long as they maintained the contract, even a first-tier family wouldn't be willing to offend them; after all, Skyline Technologies was one of the most powerful companies in the whole of North Hampton.

"Excuse me, may I come in." A deep male voice came just as Mark was about to leave.

"Yes come in," Mark yelled, not caring about who might be at the door. He was very happy and thus wouldn't give a damn at the moment.

The next moment, a tall lanky figure walked into the sitting room holding a briefcase with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Benson!" Mabel's eyes opened wide in shock, seeing the figures, and instantly jumped out of the couch where she was relaxing.

Mark was a little bit slow because he was shocked and by the time he recovered, his mother had already invited Mr. Benson into the house.

"Sorry for my son's rudeness earlier, we didn't know it was you." Mabel apologized bowing low.

"You don't have to bow," Mr. Benson shook his head, swallowing his Saliva.

Even though he was the manager of Skyline Technologies and many heads of prominent families would have to be respectful in front of him, these sets of people were not ordinary.

"If I may ask, where is Miss Zoey Clarkson?" He requested, looking at Mabel.

"Zoey left just now. May I ask what it is that you want with her?" Mabel replied, trying to keep her voice as neutral as she could.

Her heart was beating with excitement, though she didn't know what Mr. Benson came to do, she still hoped that it was something positive.

"It's nothing much." Benson laughed, waving his hands, sweat gathered on his forehead.

"I came to collect the contract signed by Miss Zoey so that it can take effect."

"Ohh that." Mark laughed and then brought out the contract.

"Here it is." He continued and handed the contract to Benson.

Benson nodded and then took the contract from Mark before going through it carefully.

"If I may ask, was it Miss Zoey who signed the contract?" Benson questioned after a while.

"No, it's not Zoey who signed the contract. She's unfit to handle it and she's married to a criminal." Mark blurted out almost immediately.

"There's no way we would allow someone like her to handle the contract."

"So, I just took her place and signed it instead." He continued.

Hearing this, Benson's expression changed, and immediately, he dropped the contract and then stood up.

"Huh?" Mabel and Mark froze seeing this wondering what was wrong.

"Mr. Benson, is anything wrong?" Mabel asked slowly.

"I'm afraid we'll have to sue you for a breach of contract terms," Benson said, his voice turning strict.

"We...we don't understand how we breached the contract...." Mabel stuttered, not knowing what to do.

"On the contract page, it was stated that only Miss Zoey was allowed to sign the contract and she would be in charge of the contract from the beginning to the end. If you fail to meet this condition, then you'll have to compensate us." Benson uttered calmly, looking at the horrified expression on Mark's and Mabel's faces.

"But I just read through the contract and I didn't see anything that's about that...." Mark stuttered as he tried to argue.

"Check the last page at the bottom, you'll find it there." Benson enunciated.

Instantly, Mark rushed forward and took the contract, opened to the last page, and just as Benson had said, there was the contract Clause.

"Next time, open your eyes and read the clauses from the top to the bottom." Benson sneered and walked towards the door.

"Sir, how are we going to rectify this?" Mabel yelled as she ran after Benson who was walking out of the house.

"I'm afraid you have only two options," Benson stated, turning around to face Mabel.

"First is to get Miss Zoey to sign the contract, and second, you take the brunt of breaking one of the contract Clauses."

Benson was still wondering in his heart where the Clarkson family had their guts from.

Didn't they know who Jordan was? Even though he also didn't know Jordan's real identity, he knew that Jordan was someone who was able to force the higher-ups of the company to bend his rules.

If one were to read the contract Clauses well, then they would discover that it was just so damn good to be true and this was because it all came from Jordan.

Also, there was going to be no penalty if the contract Clause was broken by Zoey and this was only if she was the one who broke it.

Yet, they couldn't see all of these and still went ahead to snatch it away from her. He had to say that they were a little bit gusty.

"Mr. Benson, isn't there another way round to this?" Mabel inquired, the fury in her voice could be felt.

"No, there's no way around it, and for your information, you have just three days to get Miss Zoey to sign the contract, or else you will face the consequences.." Benson voiced, his voice turning serious towards the end.

"When you are ready, you can take this contract to her and make her sign it; else you will be facing whatever the company decides." Benson continued and then pulled out another contract from the briefcase he was holding.

"Wishing you all good luck with whatever you decide." He added and then turned around and left under the gazes of Mabel and Mark.

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