Legend Of The War God
Legend Of The War God
Author: Electro lord
The Return

"Welcome Home!"

Voices echoed throughout the airport, armed men stood in rows beside a helicopter that had just arrived.

The airport had been cleared, and only the voices of these armed men could be heard as they looked at the Young man who had just alighted from the plane with respect.

"God of war!"

The men echoed once again, their voices filled with respect and they fell to their knees.

That was the God of war of Erudia. The Youngest God of war in history.

His power was said to be unmatched and unparalleled. Once, he'd inflict a crushing defeat on the strongest battalions of twenty countries, he was an overbearing and formidable man.

It was said that he created the five great War Regiments, each Regiment consisting of more than five hundred men.

The strength of these regiments was strong enough to strike fear in the hearts of their enemies and they had never been defeated.

Once they head out, they would always crush their enemies, earning them the title, Death Walker. As a result, no country dared to antagonize Erudia.

"Azure Dragon, what's happening here?" A young man in his late twenties frowned alighting from the helicopter looking around.

Azure Dragon, the commander of the Five War Regiment, a tall lanky man by the Young man's side frowned slightly before replying.

"They are here to welcome you back, they've been instructed by the higher-ups to welcome you back."

"Tell them to head back, there's no need." A smirk appeared on the young man's lips as he Instructed before walking away.


Jordan Owens stepped out of the airport with a smile on his face.

Finally, he was back. It had been five years since he was gone.

He could remember what had happened that night. It was as though it had been imprinted in his mind never to forget.

Born without knowing who he was, he was adopted by the Garrison family. But they hated and looked down on him, treating him as an outsider.

Jordan had ignored all these and strove for excellence. In the end, he ended up creating the Owen group of Companies which then shot the Garrison family right to fame.

On his wedding night, he was plotted against and was drugged, then placed on his sister-in-law's bed.

Overnight, he became the shame of the Garrison family, quickly they expelled him, beat and broke his limbs, and then he was left to die.

But that was not all, his in-laws didn't let matter slide and sued him for sexual assault. In the end, he was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

He could still remember the look of disappointment in his wife's face that night and she didn't even come to witness his sentence.

After he was sent to prison, he was taken away by the army where he fought his way from an ordinary soldier to the God of War, making him the youngest in history and created the Five Regiment.

After defeating the enemies of the Erudia, he had finally returned.

Now that he was back, the Garrison family was naturally going to have to pay for their sins.

He was going to take back all they had taken from him, he wouldn't spare a single one of them.

"Azure Dragon, how is it going?" Jordan asked, looking at the man standing beside him.

"Sir, the Garrison family is holding a banquet and has invited the God of war. I haven't accepted or rejected the invitation." Azure Dragon replied.

"Then accept it." A smile appeared on Jordan's face as he replied.

Naturally, all of North Hampton knew of his return, but no one had ever seen him, nor did they know what he looked like, so the Garrison family which had grown extremely powerful all due to Jordan's help wouldn't miss the chance to kiss up to the God of War.

"Also sir, it's said that your wife is getting remarried today." Azure Dragon continued after a while.

Jordan squinted his brows hearing this but didn't say anything. He had been keeping tabs on his wife and knew that she was coerced into doing what she was doing.

"Let's head to the Garrison's banquet," Jordan continued after a while.

"Yes sir."Azure Dragon nodded and immediately stopped a taxi before getting in with Jordan.


At the Garrison Family's Villa.

"Everything must be in place, we have to hurry!" A short chubby figure frowned as he commanded looking around.

"What's the Rush for, Bryan?" A man in his late sixties frowned looking at the man.

"Father, the God of war has accepted our Invitation, he'll be here any minute," Bryan replied with excitement.

"There has to be no mistakes." The man nodded looking at Bryan.

"Well done son." He continued patting Bryan on the shoulder.

"That's not Bryan's honor, it belongs to Jordan." A sneer suddenly came.

"How dare you talk about that disgrace of a human." The old man frowned.

"If you say one more word, then you'll be grounded." The man continued, reprimanding the girl who was in her early twenties.

"Father, you know she's not wrong right?" Bryan laughed looking at the old man.

"All thanks to Jordan, we are where we are today." He laughed.

"But that's what he should have done. He's just a dog The Garrison family has cared for, so a dog should be diligent."

"Exactly." The old man laughed, feeling pleased.

Soon, other family members of the Garrison family arrived and were all talking smack about Jordan.

"Speaking about that trash, he's supposed to be released today." One of them suddenly said,

"Yes, how could we forget about that." The old man nodded.

"The God of war has accepted our invitation, we mustn't let that trash destroy our image." The old man continued.

"Holy Fuck!"

The other family members cursed hearing what the old man said.

"Yes, we must not let that trash destroy our image. We have to chase him away as soon as he comes." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Sorry, I arrived late!" A low voice suddenly sounded, distracting everyone.

It was low, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of all those who heard it because the voice was extremely familiar.

"Jordan!" All the members of the Garrison family froze, turning to look at the figure standing by the door.

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