Chapter 14 : Thank You

"Ara ara, your servant is quite the glutton, Jasmine."

Whether it's because of her usual playful behavior or some other reason, Melissa kept paying attention to Bin until he finished all the plates. Just when she was going to order the waiter to bring some more, Jasmine snorted and was first to call him.

'Hmpf! As a master, it's my duty to feed my servant, how can I let her do that at my place.'

Jasmine ordered expensive dishes to be brought but Melissa did the same. A competition began between them but unlike Jasmine who displayed a cold and emotionless face, Melissa covered her mouth and giggled.

"Melissa. You can stop now, I'll feed my own servant."

"Hehe, but isn't it a bit too late to say that? I already ordered some dishes for him."

For the spectators, they could see lightning sparks come out of both their eyes then crash into each other. Rivalry at its

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