
As they continue their walk they see Archemidia, the city of knowledge. The empty land Nytri’s clones remodeled to make the Archive tower 400years ago.

Emma is shocked, “I thought only a tower was to be here, how is there a city?!”

Nytri is also surprisded, “According to my clones’ memory there wasn’t a city here. Let me check something.” Nytri activates INFORMATION MAGIC > APPRAISAL and scans the city, “It seems to have been founded just 10 years since I was sealed. I guess refuges came here and established themselves”

Nytri keeps looking at the city as screen pop up around it with its history, “……… That girl kidnapped my automata.” Aia takes a few steps back so Nytri wouldn’t ask her, she knew who did it and she was lured into doing it.

Emma is confused, “Which girl?”

Nytri turns to Emma, “Isa.”

Emma taps her chin, “The girl who devoted her life to research for you?”

Nytri grumbles, “Yeah, luckily she only took the automata and left the golems behind. Why did she take them though?” she looks at Aira.

Aia’s thoughts, “Sorry big sis.” And she speaks, “Big sis Isa wanted to learn to make your level of automata, you have the highest level of automata creation so it seemed logical to borrow yours.” She gives a bright smile.

Nytri tilts her head, “And she baited you with cake?”

Aia pleas with Nytri, “You have to understand, the cake was delicious, I tasted it once and was hooked.” She said while drooling.

Emma’s thoughts, “That cake must have been very delicious to make her drool from remembering the taste alone. Hmm.” Emma looked around the forest, her eyes scanning the vibrant colors of the plants and the animals that had started to gather around her.

Emma sighs, "I have to go back now.” Emma turns to Nytri and Aira, “My presence here is causing the environment to mutate. Look at those plants over there, they have started to grow at an accelerated rate. I can sense the birth of new dryads in the area, it's a sign that I need to leave now."

Nytri nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Thank you for coming, Emma. We'll see you again soon."

With a nod, Emma disappears, leaving the forest as it is before. Nytri and Aira take to the skies, heading south to the city, Archemidia. A country that was under the authority of the sages. It was once just the Archive Tower and a few cottages, but now it is a flourishing kingdom, with a population of over 3,700,000 and has advanced to the Industrial Era since there were factories making mass produced goods.

The reason for this prosperity is because the golems and automata created by Nytri defends the city from attacks. However, they only protect the tower, not the people. So, the sages built a short brick wall all the way to the city walls, connecting the tower to the city walls. This makes the golems acknowledge the entire city as the tower. This move ensures the safety of the city's inhabitants, and the golems always stay outside the city walls since they are too big to fit in the narrow streets. The automata, on the other hand, were human-sized and had intelligence. Those left could communicate with the sages but mostly ignored them since their master allowed them to stay. If anyone with a bad intention towards the city (Tower) was noticed, the golems would crush them before they got to the city gates.

Nytri marvels at the sight of the golems, some of which were shaped like mages, knights, kings, and almost like chess pieces. They were enormous, with the smallest being about 40 meters tall and the largest nearly 80 meters tall.

Nytri’s thoughts, “My clones went all out to make them, they tried to copy the golem set but since I see no such connection among the golems, I think that failed. It was a longshot to try and remake the golem set.”

Nytri’s clones had created them to defend the tower, and they were doing an excellent job at that. The automata were subtler, but no less impressive. They were like a hive mind, all connected to each other and their master. They are intelligent and could do many things on their own.

Nytri observes them from a distance. She is pleased to see that her creations have served their purpose well and that her knowledge had been put to good use. She feels a sense of pride in the kingdom that has flourished under her knowledge.

The city of Archemidia is a shining example of what could be accomplished with knowledge and determination. The golems and automata are a testament to Nytri's skill as a creator, and the sages were a testament to her wisdom as a teacher. As Nytri looks out over the city, she knew that she had found a home among the people of Archemidia because of their desire for knowledge. That feeling is short-lived.

The duo approaches the city as they see the city gates to be almost empty. People mostly arrived by airships or aircrafts, tele-trains and flying carriages. The city surprisingly has thin walls since they didn’t seem to care about safety. Afterall, constructs of level 700 and above protected the city, even gods couldn’t sneak into the city.

Nytri notices the current leader of the sages standing on the 25th floor out of the 60 floors of the Archive Tower. He is a young, handsome man, and he is speaking to an older sage. Nytri is surprised when the young Sage leader standing on the 25th floor of the greets her with a light voice, "Welcome back, Master Nytri." Nytri has never spoken with the Sages, but she knew they had been keeping tabs on her.

The Sage leader then turns to an older Sage, "We need to prepare for Master Nytri's arrival. We cannot afford to lose her so soon, we might learn new things from her." The older Sage nods in agreement, and they begin discussing the details of how to welcome Nytri back.

The Sages knew that Master Nytri was not one for big parties or fanfare from records, so he suggested that they welcome her with a small entourage of Sages dressed in casual clothes. He reasoned that if they made a big show of it, Master Nytri might feel overwhelmed and leave again.

The older Sage agrees with the plan, but he added, "We must also show her that we have continued her work in her absence. We have made great strides in our pursuit of knowledge and innovation, and we must demonstrate that to her."

The Sage leader nods in agreement, and they continue their preparations. Nytri is still flying towards the city gates, but the Sages are already making plans to welcome her back and show her the progress they had made in her absence.

Nytri is curious, “The sage noticed me.”

Aia turns to Nytri, “What?”

Nytri tilts her head, “We seem to be in his line of sight, that’s why he noticed us.”

Aia chuckles, “Well, we aren’t exactly blending in.”

Nytri laughs, “Yeah, let’s slow down, they seem to be up to something.”

Aia flies upside down, “What if it’s a party…. Mum?” Aia stops and looks around, “Where did she go?”

Nytri speaks from behind her, “Then I’ll disappear like this.” Nytri appears behind Aia and spooked her from behind, Aia yelps as Nytri holds her up

Aia is flustered, “MU~M! you didn’t have to that!”

Nytri laughs, “You should be on your guard more often.” Aia pouts as they continue to Archimedia, some of the golems’ eyes glow and turn to look at Nytri. Nytri looks at them as they send information to her about their report so far.

Nytri quickly reads the screens or reports before her in seconds. “So, demons and beasts have made 180 attempts to attack my tower, well the city. Those guys have got guts to attack my tower, though I’m sure they didn’t know it was mine.”

Aia still pouts, “But didn’t you nearly cause the extinction of the beasts and demons on this world?”

Nytri smiles, “No, extinction is a bit too extreme for me, I culled their numbers down to dozens of them.”

Aia looks at Nytri, “And they launched revenge attacks.”

Nytri nods, “They are stronger than humans so it was expected. 400 years should be enough to get the numbers up again, at least enough to live on that continent. I’m surprised the Cath Sith didn’t come here.”

Nytri’s thoughts, “They have reached the 25th floor, they should have developed guns and flight transport by now, though it seems technology was monopolized by others, that left some people living in villages. Interesting.” Nytri and Aia get closer to the city, they land a bit far off and hide their wings. Nytri’s wings retracted into her body as Aia’s wings just disappeared, they start to walk towards the city, taking their sweet time to see the walls of the city.


NOTICE: Emma’s presence had this effect, Nytri and her kin does not show such obvious phenomena because they are from earth.

NOTICE: Tele-train. Train technology that relies on wormholes to travel from one place to another. The blueprint was made by Nytri as the Cath Sith achieved it, this made transport safer. Monster attacks reduce by nearly 80% on travelling vehicles.


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