A Surprise Visit

Nytri and Aira walk through the forest, enjoying the serene atmosphere. They make small talk about the latest monster Nytri had faced and how Aira's training was coming along.

Suddenly, Nytri stopped in her tracks and her detection abilities alerted her of someone close. She quickly turned around and tackled the person with a bear hug attack.

"Emma! It's been too long," Nytri exclaimed with joy. The person turned out to be none other than Emma, the Spirit Empress of the Celestial realm.

Emma hugged Nytri back tightly, "I've missed you so much, my friend. How have you been?"

Nytri chuckles, “Good, good, what about you?”

Emma sighs in relief, “I well. So, what happened? I came here a couple of years back and I couldn’t sense you, Aia said you’re sleeping so I didn’t ask her in details. I figured you might be sick but you don’t get sick, so I chose to wait for you to come back.” Her face darkened and she cracked her knuckles, “What is this I hear about you letting people’s opinion affect you.” Nytri shivers.

Nytri laughs nervously, “It’s not that I let their opinions get to me or anything, just…w….well, a cool plan to let the average level rise. You know, to fight the oppressors. I just gave StarAxel to the champion.” Emma’s face twitch clearly with rage, “and I faked my defeat. But everything’s alright now, I’m just roaming the world except now people don’t run from seeing me. Plus, I’ll get my weapon when the barrier falls.” *BANG!*

Emma gave Nytri a knock on the head, although the ground caved in and Nytri fell on her knees. Emma roars in rage, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! Mortals are weak, greedy, selfish, AND YOU RISKED YOUR LIFE FOR THEM?!"

Nytri made excuses, "It’s no big deal, I wasn’t in danger either. No one on earth can kill me, it’s ju-"

Emma cuts in, "You gave them your weapon which can slay a god just from touching it. *Sighs* You should know better, Nytri. Sealing yourself just because people feared you was foolish, especially when you give them your weapon. You should let them die, they’re not your responsibility. "

Nytri’s eyes get teary, “You didn’t have to hit so hard. Besides, I did feel bad for the earth since their survival is only 1.3%. There was no other safe way to execute the plan.”

Emma sighed, "I understand, but you should have known better. It’s not your responsibility to fight for the earth, they should fight for themselves. And if their weak,” Emma raises her fists and yells, “CONSCRIPT THE WHOLE WORLD IF YOU HAVE TO. Anyway, enough of that. Let's catch up on lost time."

Aia was watching with a wry smile and looks at her other mother as her thoughts, “I guess Mother Emma is the only capable of matching Mama in strength.”

Emma then turned her attention to Aira, she moves like the wind and hugs her. "Look at how much you've grown, my dear. How are you doing?" She holds Aia’s cheeks.

Aia replies with her cheeks squished, "Iuom dhoing whell, thank yhou." And smiles.

Emma gives Aia a kiss on the forehead, "That's good to hear. But, my dear, don't end up like your other mother here. If people give you their damn opinions, just burn them to ash." she smiles at Aia and teases Nytri.

Nytri pouts as she kneels on the ground, "I can hear, you know?"

Emma laughed, "I know you can, that's why I said it. Now, let's catch up on everything that's been happening in your lives."

Nytri rubs her head as her thoughts, “I never knew she could knock so hard. What kind of wars has she been fighting in the past?” she gets up on her feet and shares her plans with Emma. Aia listens intently, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Aia had always been curious about the world beyond the flying fortress Dialdelios and couldn't wait to explore it with her mother. She spoke up, her voice full of admiration.

Aia’s excited, "Mama, you're amazing! You made Dialdelios and all the amazing things inside it. And now you have an archive tower filled with your knowledge? That's so cool!"

Nytri chuckles at her daughter's enthusiasm, "Thank you, Aira. I'm glad you think so."

Aira continues, "And your arch-knights are taking care of Dialdelios in your absence"

Nytri feigned ignorance, "Arch-knights? I don't know what you're talking about." Emma glares at Nytri.

Aia pouts, "Mama, that's not fair. You know who I'm talking about. They're your loyal followers who swore to protect you and Dialdelios." Emma holds a spear.

Nytri grins as a chill goes down her spine, "I'm just teasing you, Aia. Of course, I remember them. They were loyal to me even when I was sealed away."

Aia sighs in relief. "That's good to hear, I thought you might have forgotten them also.” Emma looks at Nytri confused as Nytri avoids her gaze. Aia continues, “I'm glad they're still looking after Dialdelios. I miss it, but I'm also happy to be traveling with you now."

Nytri, Aia and Emma sat down, Emma plays with her toes. “Do you know the arch-knights nearly went to war with the world?”

Aia lets out a nervous laugh, "Yes, they did. But Levie, their leader, convinced them not to. He even chained the most loyal knight to prevent them from acting out."

Emma chimes in, "But didn't one of them end up joining the demons to kill humans?"

Aira nods, "Yes, he did. But I managed to bring him back, and Levie chained him up as well."

Nytri let out a sigh, "I was only being sealed away, not murdered. They didn't have to go to such lengths."

Emma spoke up again, "It's your fault they are that loyal, Nytri. Also, why do you keep those pets?”

Nytri looks at Emma and shrugs, “I don’t know. My clones just picked them up when they were building the archive tower cuz they seemed like Kitt.”

Emma lies down, “It’s a good thing that snake (Levie) got them back. I was just in the mood for a fight that day.”

Nytri’s thoughts, “Fight? With who?! Your level is even higher than mine, who did you intend to fight? Maybe the wars in the Celestial realm is getting to her, she did cry when she got drunk about how many wars she had to fight.” Nytri shakes her head, “How did you know I’ve returned?”

Emma shrugs, “It’s easy, your aura leaked like crazy when you woke up. If the world could sense your energy, they’d be scared shitless. And, you don’t try to hide it”

Nytri gives a wry smile, “Well no one can detect me so I see no reason to hide it.”

Emma lifts her spear, the spear is actually Supreme grade second to Nytri’s weapon currently in the mortal realm. “I got the metals to make this spear from earth, and free service at the blacksmith.”

Nytri turns to Emma, “Hold up, you didn’t threaten the Xenos to make the spear, right?”

Emma smiles, “No, no. I asked them……Politely.” Nytri raises a brow as she looks at Emma, she turns to Aia.

Aia tries to stay out of it but Nytri’s stare got her talking, “She did ask. But no one got hurt.” She gives a wry smile.

Emma looks at Nytri, “Nytri, why do you fight the invaders? You could just live in the Monster realm or join me in the Celestial realm until they finish taking from the earth. I see you gaining nothing from fighting them.”

Nytri looks at the sky, “You’re right, I gain nothing from this. It’s just the thought of the world ending like that feels wrong to me. There are a bunch of places I wanna go, even that crystal beach I told you about.”

Emma snickers, “The beach where people are naked? Pass. Though I might go if I kill everyone there.”

Nytri chuckles, “The wars seem to be getting to you.”

Emma laughs, “Look who’s talking. You’ve got trillions of invaders to kill. Maan, I wish we could spend time like this together forever. If you were born in the Celestial realm, I’m certain you wouldn’t bother yourself with the earth and we’d have fun.” She raises a fist at Nytri, Nytri smiles and bumps fist with her.

Emma smiles, “Oh, Aia lost a baby tooth a few decades back.”

Aia’s flustered, “M….Mother!”

Nytri gets up and tickles Aia, “Aww, my baby girl is going to get her adult teeth soon.” Aia tries not to laugh as she’s tickled….a lot. Emma laughs and joins in tickling Aia who’s close to crying with laughter.

They settle down as Aia curls herself trying to exhibit her anger but she looks all the cuter, the duo sit behind her. Emma ask Nytri, "Anyway, what about the Sages of the Keep? What do they think of your release?"

Nytri chuckles, "They will not be thrilled, to say the least. They were against my revival, but they made provisions for the cult in the shadows. They know why I made a way for myself to be sealed, and they spoke against my revival, but they remain one of the most powerful forces out there."

Emma is surprised, “Nytri, how did you know that the Sages made provisions for the cult in the shadows?”

Nytri opens her hands to Emma, “It's information magic. I used it on the cult leader and saw their activities with the Sages.”

Emma is intrigued, “Information magic? That's amazing. How does it work?”

Nytri picks up grass, “It's a type of magic that allows you to gather information from sources without them knowing and others. I was able to use it to get track of the cult's activities even after I was revived in a few moments.”

Emma nods, “A few mom-what?! Emma asked in disbelief, “That's impressive. And what about the Sages? Why were they against your revival?”

Nytri shrugs, “They were against my revival because they knew I was the power source of the barrier keeping the invaders off the earth. But they only spoke against it to show the world that they want peace.”

Emma is confused, “So they made provisions for the cult, but they were only pretending to be against your revival?” Nytri nods as Emma continues,” I see. Your powers are truly incredible, Nytri. With Information magic I might be able to defeat the Shadon people”

Nytri is confused, “Shadon people? Looks like you’re up against a new specie.”

Emma sighs, “Yeah, just a normal day in the Celestial realm. Earth is actually peaceful despite its impending doom.”

Nytri raises a brow and chuckles, “You call an alien invasion peaceful?”

Emma laughs, “Yeah, back there, no day passes by without a war breaking out. Hmmm.” Emma’s eyes glows eerily, “If you were to come, I could defeat all my enemies or scare them away from my people.”

Nytri gives a wry smile, “Yeah, I already have a massacre planed, maybe another time. Besides, I think my presence will only bring more enemies to you.”

Emma shrugs, “Hmph okay, but you have to teach me this Information magic. Seems pretty useful and convenient way to use knowledge.” Aia is picking fruits by the trees a bit far from them while a horned tiger pounces at her. Aia auto-defense skill burns the tiger to ash, she had no idea a tiger was hunting her.

Nytri grins, " And speaking of my knowledge, I'm curious to see what the Sages of the Keep have been able to decipher from my archive tower. I can't wait to see how much they've learned."

Emma chuckled softly. "You always did have a love for technology and runes. I'm sure they'll be excited to show you what they've learned." Nytri smiles.

“Here you go.” Nytri gives a knowledge orb to Emma containing how the skill Information Magic works and how to level it up, Emma taps her head with the orb and gains the knowledge, she closes her eyes and understands the knowledge. Nytri stretches her hand to Emma, “I WISH you have Information magic.” Gold energy leaves Nytri and wraps Emma, she gains the skill.

Emma raises a brow at Nytri, “Your wish skill can work on me now?”

Nytri gives a wry smile, “I seem to have grown stronger in my sleep. I think it’s because I aged and I’m a Calamity.”

Emma sulks, “I’m so jealous, Calamities grow stronger just from growing. Me, as a Ruler has to work my butt of just to keep up with you.” Nytri chuckles.

They get up and walk through the forest, Nytri and Aia talk excitedly about their plans, while Emma walks alongside them, listening with interest and practicing INFORMATION MAGIC. Nytri is grateful to have such supportive friends and family.

Nytri speaks with excitement laced in her voice, "I want to explore and see the world that has changed so much since I've been sealed. I want to see the latest technology and witness the advancements that humanity has made," Aia nods in agreement.


NOTICE: Aia is a phoenix born from an egg, her parent should be the phoenix which laid the egg. Rather her parents are Nytri and Emma because they fed the egg with EP until it hatched making them her mothers. It also imprinted on Aia when she was born though she found the truth she still sees them as such.

NOTICE: ‘World beyond Dialdelios’ Dialdelios is a Xeno flying fortress hovering below the peak of the dome earth. Beyond Dialdelios is Out World, aka Space.

NOTICE: Going with flat earth so I can stuff as much planets I want without having to increase the solar system and universe every time.


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