Memories of the Past

The duo is travelling in a random direction, Nytri reminisces of her past from when she started adventuring, she went on quests with her party and often fought monsters, it is boring but she did get to live her dream of adventuring for a while.


Nytri and her party enter the guild branch and go to Liara, the guild receptionist, the building is large as it is in the capital city of Mirthendom, just a big building with a sign of a shield and 2 guild boards for missions, Nytri and her party are gold rank

Nytri arrives at the receptionists’ table “Hi!” she sounded chirpy,

Liara’s busy writing something looks up, “Oh Nytri, how are you doing?” the quest board is right behind her.

Nytri chuckles, “I’m still alive.” And strikes a pose, Liara laughs. Nytri looks across the board, “Any quest for us?”

Liara turns to the board, “Ah yes, we have a request to slay a pack of wolves, they are greater wolves but I’m sure that won’t be a problem for your party.” She hands Nytri a paper with the details on it,

Nytri salutes with a bright smile, “Okay, we’ll get it done.”

Liara, “Thanks.” And her thoughts, “AAHH! SO CUTE!!”

Nytri turns and leaves the building and meets her party outside the building,

Lilia bends over and looks at Nytri, “What quest did we get?”

Nytri raises the paper at them, “Just to slay some wolves.”

Sylwia scowls, “How many?

Nytri replies and turns to leave, “About 30 of them.”

Kaida’s exasperated, “What a waste of time.” The party follows Nytri.

Nytri turns walking backwards, “We have to blend in remember, let’s go along with this, it’s either this or we laze around the whole week.” Kaida sighs.

Lilia is sarcastic, “So Calamities and Primordial gods are hunting wolves, this’ll be fun.”

Rhydderch is nibbling on a snack, “Can’t we kill a dragon and get our ranks up?”

Kael puts his hand on Nytri’s head petting her. “We could but that would be bad for the dragon, so long as we haven’t received a dragon subjugation quest, killing one will bring more trouble.” The group look at Kael with envy.

Nytri looks up at Kael, “I’m tired.” She climbs on Kaels shoulder as they go to play with the wolves.

Nytri’s status at the time:


Name: Nytri Alcore

Race: Azurian

Level: 758

Rank: World Ending Calamity

Base Stats:

- Health Points (HP): 12,000,950,000

- Energy Points (EP): 32,000,200,000

- Stamina Points (SP): 21,000,500,000

- Soul Points (SoP): 49,112,000,000

Physical Stats:

- Strength: 4,990,810,000

- Endurance: 9,000,000,000

- Agility: 11,100,000,000

- Intelligence: 19,987,000,000

- Wisdom: 21,223,700,000


- Armored Shell - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Elemental Control - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Reality Manipulation – Level 7

- Shape-shifting - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Runic Mastery - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Monster Replication - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Wing Manifestation - Level 9

- Invisibility - Level 3

- Telekinesis - Level 8

- Teleportation - Level 7

- Object Refinement - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Abyss Magic - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Information Magic - Level 9

- Golem Creation - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Automata Creation - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Golem Set - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Necromancy - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Summoning – Level 5

- Berserk - Level 9

- Cloning - Level 6

- Energy Generation - Level 10 (MAXED)

- Healing Magic - Level 8

- Mega morph – Level 10(MAXED)

- Polymorph - Level 10(MAXED: Due to Hidden Racial trait)


- Wisdom Progression (EXLUSIVE)

- Wishing (EXCLUSIVE)

- Cantus


- Complete Immunity: 98% >>>

- Soul Pain Resistance: 35%

- Physical Pain Resistance: 90%

- Magic Resistance: 100%

- Elemental Resistance: 90%

- Poison Resistance: 100%

- Psychic Resistance: 100%

- Abyss Resistance: 100%

- Information Resistance: 100%

- Disease Resistance: 100%

- Radiation Resistance: 40%

- Thermal Fluctuation Resistance: 95%

- Electric Resistance: 95%

- Acid Resistance: 90%

- Charm Resistance: 100%

- Fear Resistance: 100%

- Sleep Resistance: 95%

- Confusion Resistance: 95%

- Paralysis Resistance: 74%

- Curse Resistance: 100%

- Petrification Resistance: 95%


- Entitled Calamity

- The Unknown God

- The Rune Master

- The Monster Queen

- The Variant Progenitor > Azurian Progenitor

- The Golemancer

- The Automaton Mistress

- The Energy Weaver > Energy Dynamo

- The King of a Small Kingdom

- Bunker Builder > Fortress Builder

- Monster Hunter > Monster Tyrant

- Teleportation Queen > Reality Embodiment

- Queen of Nytria > Queen of Azuria

- Protector of the Bunker

- Champion of the Abyss

- Ruler of the Monsters (Can only control monsters above 50% of level and below 80% of level)


A few months later, Nytri she comes across a group of spirits who are being captured by spirit hunters. With a flick of her wrist, she easily defeats the hunters and frees the spirits. Grateful for her help, the spirits told their leader, the Spirit Empress, of Nytri's heroic actions.

As Nytri flicks away the spirit hunters, she could hear the grateful spirits murmuring their thanks. "Thank you so much, kind human.” The spirit asks with uncertainty, “You are human right?" Said one of the spirits. "You have saved us from a terrible fate."

Nytri smiles at them. "It’s my pleasure. I couldn't stand to see you suffer.", not answering the question of her being human.

Another spirit spoke up. "We must tell the Spirit Empress of your bravery. She will surely wish to meet you."

"The Spirit Empress?" Nytri asked, intrigued. “I’ve never heard of such a person before.”

"Yes, the ruler of our kind. She would be honored to meet the one who saved her subjects."

Nytri shrugged. "Sure, why not? I'd love to meet her."

As the spirits led Nytri to the Spirit's forest in Azuria (a forest connecting this realm to the Celestial realm made by the Spirit Empress), she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. She had never met a ruler (As in rank Ruler and leader of a race) before, and certainly not one who rules over spirits.

When they arrive at the forest, the Spirit Empress met and greeted Nytri warmly. "Welcome, dear one. I have heard of your bravery, and I am most grateful."

Nytri bows respectfully. "It was nothing, your majesty. I simply could not stand to see those poor spirits suffer."

The Spirit Empress smiles. "You are a rare human indeed. I would like to offer you a gift, as a token of my gratitude."

Nytri is surprised. "A gift? I couldn't possibly-"

But the Spirit Empress holds up a hand. "Please, it would be my honor. I have a rare phoenix egg, one that will hatch into a companion like no other. I would like you to have it."

Nytri is taken aback. “A phoenix egg?” She has heard stories of such creatures, but never imagined she would have the chance to raise one. She accepts the gift with gratitude.

Over the days, Nytri watched as the phoenix egg hatched and grew into a beautiful creature. She named her daughter Aira, and she became her closest companion. Nytri also formed a deep friendship with the Spirit Empress, who came to rely on her for advice and guidance.

Nytri would hunt spirit hunters with the spirit empress and Aira in their spare time and also a way to teach Aia of the world, everything happened quickly as Nytri saw just how far she had strayed from being human. She lived among the spirits and they also accepted her as an ally and close friend of the spirits.

As for the Spirit hunters, Nytri turned them into a new species of monsters called Corrupted Abominations. She allowed them to retain their memories as some were use as guard dogs and the rest to hunt the spirit hunters across the world.


Skill Ranks:

Ordinary skill (LEVEL: 1-3): average skills for anyone.

Greater skill (LEVEL: 4): advanced form of a skill.

Evolved skill (LEVEL: 5): the highest form of a skill.

Unique skill (LEVEL: 6): only one person has it which has bizarre effects, considered the peak of mortals.

Master skill (LEVEL: 7): capability to mold the skill according to one’s will.

Ultimate skill (LEVEL: 8): considered the peak of divinity.

Law skill (LEVEL: 9): allows the comprehension of a law.

Absolute skills (LEVEL: 10): capable of affecting the universe.

Soul skills/Silent skills (LEVEL: EXLUSIVE): capable of making impossible possible and possible impossible.

NOTICE: The Big 3 Ranks: Ruler, Calamity and Primac. Currently there’s no info on Primac as Nytri has yet to meet one. Ruler is a rank possessed by individuals above the rank of Primordial god, such individuals are mostly found in the Abyss realm and Celestial realm. Calamity is a rank similar to Rulers but Calamities have broken Reality laws, and this is evident due to the phenomenon that occurs in their presence. No one below these 3 equal ranks can detect them, a Calamity can walk through the streets without restraining his aura but no one will notice them because they aren’t focused but a demi-god would easily be detected.

NOTICE: Reality Laws are laws that are link to other laws, mastering and breaking the limit on one will lead to another reality law, example Space law which makes it possible to access Time law, Matter law, Void law, Constitution law and others. If you master a reality law without breaking it, you become a Ruler, if you break it then you become a Calamity, the requirement to become a Primac is unknow currently.

NOTICE: To determine the difference in strength between Primordial god and Ruler/Calamity/Primac, a Primordial god, the highest possible rank in the mortal realm is only level 190 to 200. Beyond this leads to the Big 3 ranks, no god has advanced into Ruler rank because of their weak constitution, any god that tried has died because of their body containing too much power.

NOTICE: The highest normal level of a skill in the mortal realm is 6, 8 for the abyssal realm and MAXED for monster realm. Examples of Calamities in the realm of Monsters: Dreadmaw, Serpentus, Gloomweaver, Blightcaller (Deceased, cause: Nytri), Stormbringer, Necrofiend, Lovecraftian (Cthulhu), Titanosaurian (Godzilla), Higharch Sentience, and others.


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