Living Free

Nytri and Aira continue and when they are out of site, Nytri reverts back to her usual self and continues on foot. Nytri has conflicting thoughts of what just happened, “Should I have helped? They’re still weak, another disaster can happen again and their suffering would only repeat itself.”

She’s so lost in thought that she flew into a rock, well a rock flew into her vision and hit her. She looks down and sees a troll giant hurling rocks at them, it probably wants to eat them. Nytri looks at the creature as it throws rocks at her and she doesn’t budge.

Aia comes closer to Nytri, “Mum, what’s wrong?”

Nytri saw the worried look on her face, “Oh, sorry I worried you.” She looks in the direction of the village, “Was it right to help them?” The rocks no longer touch Nytri but are erased when they reach 5 meters around her outside her vision.

Aira flaps her wings at the troll, “What do you mean?” an ash statue is left staring at them.

Nytri’s vision zooms on the village, “The village, we did save them but their weak. If they don’t grow in strength then what happened will repeat itself.”

Aira’s thoughts, “Mum, just what happened to you when you were sealed?” then she moves to Nytri’s side assuming humanoid form then speaks, “Mum, there was a time I saved people once. When I did, they wanted me to live with them as a protector but I didn’t want to stay at one place for long, I told them to get stronger and trained them. When I left, they stopped training and trying to grow stronger, I always watched from a far and one day, they were attacked. I didn’t intervene because I had already told them what they had to do to get stronger. I did what I could do to help them, and you have done the same, it’s up to them to choose to grow or stay the same, you can’t help them every time.”

Aia looks up with a proud look, “In life when confronted with a situation you can’t fix, just do what you can. If another attack comes it has nothing to do with you, you were there and just decided to help because you thought it was right.” Nytri rubs Aia’s hair,

Nytri smiles, “I wonder where you heard this from.”

Aia giggles, “You told me mum.”

“I did huh, sorry hon, I seem to have forgotten them.” Nytri’s eyes look unfocused

Aia floats before Nytri, “Memories are what defines a person, if they lose their memories, they can make new ones and become a different person.” She hugs Nytri, “You’ve gone soft mum, I like this side of you also.”

Nytri hugs her back and says in her thoughts, “Hey, how was I 400years ago? Driving demons to extinction, starting wars, genocide. Well, I did genocide on the gods, they don’t count as people, right?”

Nytri hears a voice in her head, the same as hers but not her words. “We were the same towards our family but never cared about outsiders.” The voice belongs to her self-conscious soul uninhibited by the little chemicals in her body called emotions.

NOTICE: S.Nytri, Nytri’s soul gains a conscience 400 years ago, but they are the same person. Not multiple personalities but think of it as a body housing 2 consciousnesses which have the same personality but Nytri has access to emotions since she controls the body while S.Nytri has little to no emotions. S.Nytri = Soul Nytri and also the Nytri that can use 100% of her FULL POWER.

Nytri’s thoughts, “How much of my memories are gone?” Though she’s surprised to find another her in her mind, she couldn’t ignore that feeling of familiarity. She accepted it and moved on.

S.Nytri, “About 40% can’t be recovered.” A hologram displays in Nytri’s mind about a line with holes in it.

Nytri’s thoughts, “40%, somehow, I’m not worried. Do you know what it’s about?”

S.Nytri, “Sadly no, whatever erased our memories was thorough, fragments remain but I can’t fix them. Or I don’t know how to fix them.”

Nytri’s thoughts, “It’s like I can’t forget yet I can’t remember. Anyway, please restore the memories that you can.”

S.Nytri, “Sure.” The voice and hologram disappears.

Aia breaks her hug with Nytri and smiles, "And besides, Mama, you made a pretty good-looking man back there. Maybe you should try that form again sometime." Nytri was taken by surprise, Nytri laughed and ruffled Aira's hair,

Nytri tries to grab Aia, "You little troublemaker." Aia runs as Nytri chases after, it was a happy bonding moment. There was a man on the road doing his business and suddenly *WHOOSH WHOOOSH*

Dust clouds covers him up, the man is confused. “What the heck just happened.” He looks towards his left and right unaware of what just sped by or which direction it went. What sped by was actually Nytri chasing Aia, dust clouds could be seen kilometers away but not what was causing them as it was already out of sight.

By night, the two have set up camp, Aia sits beside Nytri as they stare at the fire.

Nytri pokes the fire with a stick she made from condensing energy. “I haven’t heard from your siblings since I woke up, are they still sleeping?”

Aia snuggles to Nytri’s side, “Yeah, the others got bored and went to sleep to spend time.”

Nytri takes Aia in her arms as a blanket is created over Aia. “What about you?”

Aia shrugs, “I hung around for a while and then I went to grandma, uncle is still uncle I suppose.”

“Is mum still cosplaying?” Nytri is hoping for a ‘No’.

Aia shakes her head, “Oh yeah, she tried to convince the aunties to join but great grandpa tied her up for 15years.”

Nytri’s head drops down, “*Sighs* Maybe I shouldn’t have exposed them to earth’s culture. What about Old Man Seaweed?”

Aia shrugs, “Hmph, he was sunbathing for a century claiming it’s how he regains his youthful nature.” There was silence and Nytri bursts into laughter.

Aia chuckles, “Uncle pulled a prank on him when he was sunbathing, I didn’t find uncle until 5 months later when I saw him pinned in a canyon. I don’t know how long he spent there since I couldn’t help him down. Uncle was sad that the pranks weren’t good without you.”

Nytri chuckles, “I’ll join him and pull the prank of the century, you wanna join?”

Aia shakes her head fervently, “No no no no nooo, I prefer not to die. I’m not as tough as you.” Nytri laughs, they went to sleep and Nytri wakes up 10minutes later refreshed, she frowned and used a rune sleep circle to sleep this time for more than 10minutes.

They wake up the next day and Nytri stretches and yawns as Aia also stretches and speaks, “I’m going to make breakfast.”

Nytri smiles, “No let me handle it, I’m sure my cooking skills at least remained.” Time slows down as a butterfly comes to a stop, Nytri starts walking towards the wood,

Aia gets up, “I’ll gather some herbs then.” And Nytri responded, “Okay.” Time is moving slowly not as a result of a skill but rather, they are moving fast although to them it was just a morning stroll. This is possible because of their Ranks as their ranks aren’t restricted by the Reality laws so they could do the illogical as logical.

Currently, Nytri is standing beside a rabbit that is in the air, it seems to be jumping to reach a leaf, Nytri examines it, “Hmmmm, too cute to kill.” She moves on to the next potential breakfast, she comes across a group of orcs with clubs and it seems to be trying to attack a group of people also camping, they seem to be refuges.

Nytri walks up to the orc, “I prefer not to eat anything that’s intelligent or humanoid from earth.” She takes the club from 1 orc and smashes their heads in as she moves on, the people have no idea as time isn’t moving or she is just moving too fast.

Meanwhile, Aia is over 2 kilometers away in a wyvern cave and she is plucking mushrooms, the wyvern is awake but it’s frozen.

Nytri moves and sees a family of deer, she walks past it and finally sees a lone warthog. “A warthog, breakfast is served.” She rubs her hands together while licking her lips, she walks towards the warthog and lifts it up like a stick by the horn and its posture is the same as she carries it off. Aia has also returned with herbs and mushrooms.

Nytri looks at Aia as she shows the warthog to Aia, “I caught something good.”

Aia is impressed, “Oh you caught a boar.” Her thoughts, “For a second, I thought she’d catch a little bunny. Mum is afraid of eating too much after all.”

Nytri has a confused look and looks a the boar,” ….. Yes, a boar.” And her thoughts, “Hey, what’s the difference?”

S.Nytri’s voice is heard in Nytri’s mind, “How should I know, you’re me remember.” Nytri chuckles and drops the boar as it’s still on its back like how it was. Nytri gets the fire and grind the herbs into powder in one motion….

Nytri’s thoughts, “ENERGY GENERATION > ENERGY KNIVES” she uses her skill and makes knives from pure energy, she gets closer to the boar and carves it and prepares food with it. Poor thing didn’t even know when or how it died.

Breakfast is ready, Aia has set a table in the words, this is no normal family. It is just like at home and Nytri serves the boar meat with soup, the scent got Aia drooling some much that lava is dripping from her mouth, Nytri chuckles and wipes it off with her bare hands. They set out to eating and then time starts to move.

The rabbit lands and looks around its surroundings, the orcs who got their heads smashed falls and the people still scream because they are still panicking, the wyvern Aia went to its cave sneezes and picks up her scent, it abandons its home and leaves the area never to return, mysteriously it was leaking as it fled.

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