Memories of the Past – Return to the World

When Nytri finally left the dungeon, she realized that she had been gone for nine years. She felt like an outcast, a stranger in a world she no longer recognized. She didn’t care.

But Nytri knew that she was stronger now, and she vowed to use her abilities to survive no matter what even if it meant turning the whole world against her, at this point she was already famous among the demons so none, NONE DARED CROSS PATHS WITH HER unless they didn’t know she was the one before them. She had conversations with the monsters she encountered, including the ancient dragons who lived in the dungeon, they came to meet her after she had slain one of their kin but had no intention to fight her but became her ally and friend. When they saw how she had killed her kin, they were actually worried that they were next, they met her in hopes of not being hunted.


IN the dungeon, Abyssal Sanctum. Nytri is heading to the surface as she meets some of the dragons, when they see her, they bow to her and have a conversation with her as she sends her people ahead of her.

Dungeon dragon king steps before Nytri, “Nightmare, have you finally decided to leave the dungeon?”

Nytri in an eerie voice enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine, “Yes, the person I was afraid of is my prisoner, along with his family, the rest of his friends are dead.”

Blue dragon covered in blue flames lands beside Nytri, “Hmmmm,”

Nytri is confused, “Is something the matter?”

Blue dragon sniffs Nytri, “You have changed so much.”

Nytri chuckles, “I’ve lived amongst monsters, of course I have grown up.”

White dragon looks at Nytri with motherly warmth, “Do take care of yourself child, even if you are strong, humanity (humans, elves, dwarves, all human races) do not take kindly to those who appear weak.”

Nytri grins from ear to ear, “Then they’ll have to learn not to judge people by their appearances.”

Dragon king puffs smoke to the ceiling, “That is indeed true, safe travels young one.”

Dragon 15 of them, “Safe travels young one.”

Nytri waves, “Stay safe, all of you.” And the white dragon rubs her paws on Nytri’s hair, although they are of different races, after living with her they saw her as one of her own, the eerie voice she made was because they told her to use such a voice since the mightier your voice is the stronger you look.

With that Nytri left the dungeon, Nytri knows that her past had made her into the person she is today, and she is grateful for every hardship she has endured. If not for them, she would be a frail little girl who couldn’t control her own life but lived according to other’s will. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, confident in her ability to overcome them.


Back to the present time, Nytri and Aia are flying as her memories about her past ‘Memories of the past’ keep surfacing in her mind. Nytri’s thoughts, “All these are memories I lived, though I think I went insane. Or was I the sane one? I am the first Calamity born in the mortal realm so I might be the sane one and everyone else is insane.”

All that was over 400 years ago but now she was stronger them how she was, she chuckles when she remembers that she was told to make her voice scary.

Aia turns to Nytri as she flies up and looks below her, “What’s funny mum?”

Nytri looks up, “Nothing sweety.”

Aia lands on Nytri’s back, “Humm, it’s not fair if you laugh alone.”

Nytri, “Okay, okay.” She speaks in eerie voice, “it’s this.” Aia’s feathers stand straight when she heard that voice, she shakes on her mama’s head. Nytri speaks in normal voice, “How was it?”

Aia speaks very low as she’s pale, “Please don’t do that again mum, I almost had an accident.” Nytri bursts out into laugher at how Aia is reacting. Aia hmph and folds her wings like arms as she looks away.

Nytri senses a village in the distance, “Oh, a village. This’ll be my first encounter with a society after waking up, how should I approach them?” In the map in her mind, she sees the place to be in chaos as the people move in unison. The village is about 40 kilometers away from her

Nytri tilts her head, “That’s odd, a festival at this time?”

Aia makes her wings like binoculars as she stares at the direction but is unclear, “It could be a carnival.” She does see people moving erratically as if together.

Nytri looks up, “Huh, aren’t they the same?”

Aia hums ‘I don’t know’, “But they all seem to deal with celebration.”

Nytri smiles, “Well, let’s check it out and have fun.” They quickened their speed, as they approach the village, they can see smoke rising from the buildings and hear the sounds of screams and chaos. Her heart sank as she sees the bandits pillaging and looting, killing anyone who resisted.

Nytri has a gloomy look, “Even after 400 years bandits still run loose, aren’t there measures to prevent this with all this technology?”

Aia shakes her head, “Well, there are technology but these guys couldn’t get hunters to stay here as they all move to the big cities for more money.”

Nytri looks up, “You sure know a lot.”

Aia looks up with weary, “*Sighs* When you’re bored for 400 years, you learn a lot of things.” Nytri picks Aia from her head and hugs Aia saying, “I’m sorry for having to leave you alone for so long.”

Aia blushes, “Mu~m, even though I missed you, I had my siblings to play with me. Ignistrix, Vyrmidon and Emberastra would take me to have fun you know like hunting and” Speaks in a low voice, “playing burn the city.”

“Hmm, What was that?” Nytri is uncertain of what Aia said.

Aia waves her wings, “Playing burn the cards.” Nytri stares at her as she sweats icy air, “You know like dominos where you arrange stuff and set it on fire and see how much you can burn and” She regains her composure, “You should see it, we make beautiful fireworks and paintings from burning them.’

Nytri looks at Aia in a cautious way, “Sure.” In her thoughts, “I have to speak with Ignitrix later on not playing with fire.” Well, she forgot about that.

She felt her body heat up as she saw innocent children being harmed. She received flashbacks of her childhood, that made her intervene. Her thoughts, “Memories of abuse, dying, dying. I don’t even remember my human parents.”

Nytri watches the scene in the village as her thoughts, “This is crossing the line, it’s wrong to harm innocents. Should I intervene? I’ve got no feeling for justice or whatever that crap is. It’ll be me squashing a few bugs because I want to, but it’ll be strange with my use of abilities.”

She turned to her daughter, Aira, who was watching the scene with a mixture of sadness and pity. Nytri looks at Aia though her face expressionless, "I can't just stand by and watch this happen, I’m going to intervene. But I’ll change my identity to draw attention from me."

Her daughter nods in agreement, and Nytri’s body breaks into purple mist. In a matter of moments, she has taken on the form of a tall, muscular man with short, cropped hair and a thick beard. He (Nytri) wielded a massive sword in one hand and a shield in the other, ready to fight. Aia looks at his mother or father with wide eyes as she turns into a tamed bird monster.

Nytri flies down and teleports to the gate, uses her Psychic prowess to make people not focus on how she came then she charges into battle, taking the bandits by surprise. She/He fights with a fierce determination, cutting down any who stood in his way like how a normal human would. His daughter follows behind him, using her runic circles/magic circles to blast the bandits with fire and ice while in the form of a tamed Rigela bird (a bird with its neck-feathers like rings). They could deal with them in an instant but she had to keep her identity hidden.

As the battle rages on, Nytri comes face to face with the bandit leader. He is a tall, broad-shouldered man with a wild look in his eyes. He sneers at him, swinging his sword in a wide arc.

Bandit leader laughs maniacally, "You're a fool to challenge me, I am the strongest of the bandits, and I will crush you like a bug."

Nytri’s thoughts, “Why do weaklings always claim to be stronger than weaklings, I don’t give a rat’s butt” Nytri didn't respond to his provocations.

Bandit leader sneers, he thinks Nytri(male) is weak, “Ha, you won’t respond. I’m the great – blah blah blah blah blah blah.” And some idio- bandits cheer for him and he turns around to receive their cheers.

Nytri thoughts, “*Sighs* This guy is underestimating me too much, gotta stay calm or I might wipe everything away, every bandit leader says their strong. They only challenge the weak and not the strong.” He(Nytri) charges forward, his sword and shield at the ready. He clashes with the bandit leader. *CLANG* Their weapons ringing out in a deafening chorus.

The fight is intense, but Nytri pretends to be determined to win although pretending to be pushed back. She nearly let a yawn slip but when she tries to hold it back the bandit thinks he is winning. He(Nytri) uses his magic to enhance his strength and speed, moving faster than the bandit leader could anticipate all for show. With a powerful swing, he knocked his sword out of his hand and sent him sprawling to the ground.

As the bandit leader lay there, defeated. Nytri looms over him, his sword at his throat. "You have two choices, Surrender and face justice for your crimes. Or face the consequences of your actions." While her/his thoughts, “He will choose death, urgh I don’t have time to play, he chose death am chopping his head off.”

The bandit leader spat at his feet. "I'll never surrender.” he growls, “I wi- “

Nytri nods, and with a swift motion, she brings his sword down, ending the bandit leader's life with his head rolling and a look of shock on his face. Aia is being courted by a bird as she perches on the tree, poor bird went to build a nest only for Aia to fly to Nytri’s shoulder and not even look at it/him.

After the battle, Nytri and his daughter help the villagers to rebuild. They speak with the villagers and learn about their struggles and their lives as she takes this chance to gather information. Nytri even gave herself a name, the "Sword of Justice," to inspire the villagers and create a legend that would distract them from her true identity.

As they prepared to leave, Nytri and her daughter watches as the villagers thank them for their help. Nytri waves and smiles at them, she feels nothing from helping them. Although she is against the bandits attacking them, she didn’t gain any pleasure at all, if at all, she thought she had gotten herself involved with other people’s business, she helped because of morals.

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