Information magic Acquired

Nytri wakes up after a while, she looks around and feels down, “So it wasn’t a dream *She looks down at the floor* so what, I will survive, I will live. But what was that light?” she looks at her hands and nothing happens, she turns it over and touches the wall but nothing happens, “What is wrong with me? GYA!” she covers her mouth. A purple screen appears,

Name: Nytri

Race: Human

Level: 1

Base Stats:

- Health Points (HP): 9/15

- Energy Points (EP): 4/4

- Stamina Points (SP): 6/6

- Soul Points (SoP): 10/10

Physical Stats:

- Strength: 4

- Endurance: 3

- Agility: 1

- Intelligence: 1

- Wisdom: 5


- Information magic > Appraisal (Level: 1), Analysis (Level: 1)

- Spider Kin > Web creation (Level:1), Wall traversal (Level: 1), Night vision (Level: 1), Skin Hardening (Level:1), Poison secretion (Level: 1)


-Poison (Level: 1), Pain (Level: 1)

Condition: Starved

Au: Physical Stats:

Strength: The highest amount of damage can be dealt

Agility: The distance one can cover at top speed in a second

Endurance: How much damage is negated when hit

Intelligence: Mastery over abilities

Wisdom: Capability to use abilities for the best outcome

Luck: Chances of positive encounters including Rate of critical hit

Charisma: Leadership skills


Nytri reads the screen and tries to understand what it’s about, “What’s this? That’s my name, and level? Is this like those people who go out for monsters? I have some skills too INFORMATION MAGIC and SPIDER KIN skills, so like skills of a spider. Resistances too, my condition is starved, does that explain why my health has dropped? My stomach does hurts, I want to find food but I should find out what the skills do so I don’t die early. Some are blue and some are white and black, I think the blue ones are the ones I’m using. Analysis, what does it do?” she activates ANALYSIS and nothing happens, she looks at the wall and another purple screen appears,

Analysis: Wall.


She touches the wall, “So Analysis lets me see stuff clearly or what they are, since this thing says information magic display that must be for Information magic. Then the spider kin skills must be for monster? But it says I’m human, how do I use them?” the NIGHT VISION skill that was white turns blue and the crack becomes clearer to Nytri as she sees the exit and what’s beyond it. “So white must mean I can use them, and this night vision lets me see more. Wall traversal must mean…” she touches the wall with her hands, she pulls herself up as her hands stick just after WALL TRAVERSAL turns blue. She uses her knees next as she lifts herself off the ground, “Woow, I’m not on the ground, this makes it easy for me to move from place to place.” She drops down as WALL TRAVERSAL turns white.

Next she looks at web creation as it turns blue, she stares at it intently, “Nothing is happening.” She raises her hand to touch the screen and see white threads hanging on her hand, “This is what it does, hmm, it seems to pick up dust, then that must mean it’s sticky.” WEB CREATION turns white as the web falls off, “Then this skin hardening, I think my body becomes hard, oh it turns blue, my body is the same but there’s some thing on me like my body is covered in a cloth.” She puts her finger on a wall and swipes down managing to leave a mark on it, “So, my hand is sharp, I can use this to hunt. The is poison, it turns blue, hmmm, nothing is happening to my hands, does it form somewhere else? Spiders throw webs from their butt so…” she gets up and looks at her butt but there’s nothing there. “Where is the poison, maybe…” she looks at a finger and licks it, leaving behind a green liquid, “The poison is in my mouth! Won’t I also get sick!” she starts to panic, “But I’m fine, maybe it doesn’t make me sick.”

Just then her stomach growls, “I have to eat, this place is safe so I’ll come back. I hope nothing finds this place.” She gets up and heads towards the exit of the crack slowly, “Before I leave, I should leave something here so maybe if a small monster comes, I can kill it.” She activates WEB CREATION and starts to produce webs, she then activates POISON SECRETION and starts to spit on the webs that clumped in her hands, she then puts her hands on the walls and starts to put the webs there stretching it from one wall and back. She did it a few times and placed the webs on the ground, “The web doesn’t stick to me so I can come and go anytime.” She then heads to the exit again.

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