Nytri’s Childhood

Nytri gives an exasperated face, “It’s a drag having to see that place again, so I’ll skip it. It’s basically the same events I said but the parts ahead will just start with my time in the Abyssal Sanctum. Anyway, I’m is in a blue dress, tattered one by now. It’s in my perspective so you’ll move somethings, that’s what all these perspectives are for.”

………………………Images flash by as Marcus peels his eyes trying to capture some………………….STOP.

Nytri is put in the dungeon on the 3rd floor, it isn’t total darkness but it’s humid and there’re water droplets from the roof. It is rocky as rocks are protruding from the floor and walls almost like spikes but luckily, they aren’t sharp.

Nytri has her legs tied to a rock and is left there as blood is splattered around her to draw anything to her. She curls herself into the rock she is tied as she shed tears and remained silent for a long time.

The dungeon has no concept of day or night, once inside your isolated from the outside world. She couldn't see anything beyond 15metres as the bandits took the lamps with them, and the noises of monsters made her cover her mouth as she weeps with her head between her knees as she hugs them.

"Why, why, why, why must I suffer like this? Can't anyone help me? Anyone, anyone, please save me," she weeps., occasionally hearing the grunts of monsters that makes her shiver in fear. Monsters keeps getting closer but what is expected to occur did not happen.

She spends hours like this until she finally thought to herself, "No one is coming, I have no one." At this point, the light in her eyes dims as if she has given up on life.

"Maybe I should just die, but I don't want to die. Then…Then I will live, however I want, living for myself," determination sparked in her eyes like a fire.

Nytri’s mind blanks out as she’s silent, unmoving. Golden energy bursts from her body as the chains fall off. Nytri stands on her feet as a humanoid figure stands before her covered in a bright light but Nytri’s mind is blank as if in a trance. The figure walks up to Nytri as they both vanish.

{I am here. I am here.}


{WISDOM PROGRESSION – ACQUIRED: This talent will be deactivated due to the extreme cost in using.}

{WISHING – ACQUIRED: ACTIVE. This talent has allowed SoP to be used willingly}

{My Dear Child, please come back soon.}

Nytri snaps out of her trance and finds herself in a different place compared to the previous place she was left. “Huh? Where am I?”

Nytri didn’t even see up to 15metres as there is total darkness all around her as she sits on the floor, she gets up and takes short, slow steps, quietly until she comes across a monster corpse. She is starving and thirsty, so she looks at the corpse and said to herself.

"I must survive. I must survive. I must survive. I will survive. I will survive. I will survive." almost like an incantation, she drew closer to the corpse clearly insane with those words leaving her mouth.

Her mental state causes her soul to respond, and as she looked at the corpse and takes a bite, her soul starts undergoing changes.

The more she stares at the corpse, the more she can see how it’s structured, it’s extremely bitter. When she swallows, the corpse choke her, “ARRCK ARCK” she still forced it down her throat with no tears on her eyes.

Her soul also begun trying to change her body by helping her to survive this is crystalizing energy in her body to make her strong enough to survive. This crystallization focused more on her stomach.

Nytri’s thought, "Am I really doing this? Eating a monster corpse to survive?" as she struggled to swallow.

Energy starts to gather around her absorbed from the corpse and her surroundings like a whirlpool, but her soul made a barrier to prevent attention from being drawn to her until she is able to stomach it. She falls unconscious.

When she came to, Nytri’s thoughts, “What happened?” she sees the corpse. Her hunger causes her to throw caution to the wind as she grits her teeth and she goes back to eating it. But she didn't choke anymore, and she eats it with both hands as if starved. The corpse can be assumed to be a spider monster corpse, it has 8 blade-like legs and had a large bite mark on it. Probably leftover of something with such large jaws

Nytri’s thoughts, "What happened? Why am I still alive? Did I really eat a monster?" she looks at the remains of bones and dried blood on the floor. “I was brought here by the bandits but this place is different, this wasn’t here.”

Then a strange aura appears on the remains of the corpse of the spider, is a blue aura. Nytri blinked her eyes and it changes to silver/white aura as the aura seems to be flowing into her.

Nytri’s thoughts, "I must be losing my mind. I need to get out of here." she gets up on her feet, she notices she’s lighter, she isn’t focused on her body but faced forward.

Nytri’s thoughts, “I’m not as heavy as I remember, whatever I have to hide. Huh.” Her ears twitched as she hears monster growls from the passage before her. So she turns back and walks away, she keeps her eyes open. She manages to see a bit farther after eating the corpse but not beyond 30metres.

Nytri’s thoughts, “I have to be careful and quiet, just like how I use to get food. Don’t be seen, don’t be heard.” She had unknowingly activated a stealth skill, she stuck to the wall as she walks forward.

Nytri’s thoughts, “What’s this, I’m getting tired, I have to find a pla- there.” She sees a crack in the wall, and gets closer to it.

Nytri’s thoughts, “Is it safe? I’ll have to go closer.” she places her left hand on the wall then she sees her left hand with a green light, she freaks out but covers her mouth before a sound can leave.

Nytri’s thoughts, “What is this, I have to hide this.” She moves her right hand to clean it off then sees the same light/aura on it, “This one too!” She looks down and sees her whole body in the green aura, “I can’t hide like this, stop, stop!” She holds her head as she squats down and the light stops. “It’s gone, the crack!” she moves slowly to the crack, she sees that it’s empty.

Nytri’s thoughts, “How do I know if something is inside? No rocks, no if I use rocks and if something is there it’ll find me. I Have to go inside. I can see better than before and far from before.” She slowly moves into the crack, it is about a half a meter wide though it gets narrower. She’s moving slowly until she reaches the end.

Nytri finally speaks, “There’s nothing here *Sighs*” She slumps down, “I can stay here for a while. But what do I do now? The light, what was i~t?“ and she fell asleep.

Meanwhile just outside the cave, a monster passes by heading towards the direction Nytri came from, this monster was like a hound but had horns and metal-like claws, it seems to be starved and is searching for food by scent. It came across the remains of Nytri and picks up her scent, it howls and follows her scent but after a few meters, it loses her scent. The hound growls and gives up, it turns back and continues down the path opposite from Nytri.


- There is always a change happening when someone finally steps into level 1.

- Skills can activate based on emotions and actions.


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