The Calm Before the Storm
Nytri sits cross-legged on the 128th floor of the dungeon focused. She now has long black hair cascading over her shoulders as she concentrated on creating runic figures of different kinds. She compared them carefully, trying to decipher their meanings, muttering to herself as she observes their intricate details. She makes 2 different runic circles with the same or similar effects and compares them and she writes the meaning of each rune in the DATA LAKE as she goes.

Nytri murmurs, "These runes are so fascinating," Her black eyes flicking back and forth between the different circles. "I wonder what kind of magic they could produce if used in the right way."

Suddenly, her detection skill rang on the 13th floor, “Huh, what’s this all about?”. Nytri closes her eyes and use her clairvoyance to see what is happening. She peers into the upper levels, she sees demons gathering, their dark forms outlined against the flickering torches.

Nytri shrugs, "Humph, it's none of my business," she mutt
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