Chapter 18

Hearing Mr. Jhon's words, Leon stopped his steps, stood still for a moment and answered Mr. Jhon's threat. Leon said loudly.

"What are you talking about?"

Mr. Jhon smiled slightly and turned his face away. His words this time made Leon react.

"If you don't understand what I'm saying, I will take Celine away from you."

Mr. Jhon rounded his eyes and stomped out his words firmly.

His threat this time is no joke, he has long expected Celine to be his lover, the support of Mrs. Amy makes him proud of himself, he knows that Mrs. Amy does not like Leon and is more in favor of him.

But Leon won't give in so easily, he clenches his fists and grits his teeth. His threats will only be talk, it will never happen to him and will only be a dream in broad daylight.

"You can't take Celine from me, she's my wife. I accept your challenge.”

Leon turned and walked over to Mr. Jhon, staring him in the eyes with conviction.

Celine came and approached, the two young men glaring at each other, their foreheads furrowed and both harboring anger, which of course made Celine step back in surprise.

She hadn't expected things to turn out like this, the two young men radiating a frightening look that made Celine turn her face away.

She doesn't know what to do to stop this fight the longer it goes on.

Celine pulled Lily's hand and whispered to her. What should we do to stop this, I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Hearing Celine's whisper, Lily said. Just let the fight go on, it's getting more and more exciting, we'll find out who's the best of them.

"You must be afraid that something bad will happen to Leon, right? Don't you want to humiliate him? It's time, Celine, don't be weak!”

Lily spoke sternly and loudly to Celine, making Celine anxious and swallowing her saliva, no one supported her to stop this fierce fight, it really made her claustrophobic, she didn't want to see anything bad happen to Leon. She was very worried about him, even though she hated him.

"What should I do now?"

Celine bit her finger as she stared blankly. She hadn't expected this fight to be so fierce and serious.

Lily pulled Celine's hand and told her to sit in the front seat. There she could clearly see the fierce fight between Leon and Jhon.

Of course, this caused a lot of excitement, and many young men posted the news on social media, so many young men and girls came to watch.

"Already Celine, you sit here, just watch, the next fight must be more exciting."

Jhon picked up some fencing sword equipment for the next challenge. He thought Leon didn't know the sport of fencing because it was only for the rich and only certain people played it. Jhon was definitely the victor this time.

He didn't want to lose for the second time, his pride would be insulted if he lost to Leon, a loser. He wanted to cover his face.

Mr. Jhon entered the arena wearing a full set of fencing equipment and carrying a sword. The roar of the crowd made the match even more intense.

"Mr. Jhon, Mr. Jhon"

The shouts of young men and girls encouraging Mr. Jhon made him wave his hand and smile in greeting. Mr. Jhon shouted firmly to his supporters on the arena field.

"Support me, I will defeat my enemy in a flash!"

The shouts of his supporters grew louder,

"Mr. Jhon! Mr. Jhon!”

Mr. Jhon was so confident, with his chest puffed out in front of his fans, he believed this match was the winner.

This made Celine uneasy, she didn't expect the next match to be fencing, how could Leon know about it, he lived in a village, maybe he had never heard of it.

Celine doesn't understand why she's worried about him now instead of expecting Leon to be humiliated by many people, isn't this the moment she's been waiting for?

It made Celine uncomfortable why she changed her mind this time, she wanted to support Leon and see him win the match.

"Leon, I'm sure you can do it, believe me!"

"Leon, Leon" was all Celine could hear.

Celine gave her support to Leon while smiling hopefully, she still hoped that Leon could win this match even though she was the only one giving support.

Hearing Celine's scream made Leon happy, the woman he loved was giving her full support. He hadn't expected Celine to trust him. It made him happy to defeat Mr. Jhon.

"Jhon, don't you know who I am?"

Leon said, smiling slightly at the roar of Jhon's supporters.

*** Co be continued

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