Chapter 19

Mr. Jhon said that to provoke Leon's anger, he wanted to demonstrate fencing in front of him before the match.

"Leon, do you know what this sport is? You must have just seen it, right? "

Jhon smiled slightly dismissively at Leon while holding his sword. He started to make some fencing moves.

"Of course I know, isn't that fencing?"

Leon shook his head while smiling slightly to dismiss his accusation. He wanted to show Leon's true face a little.

"Apparently you know fencing? How do you know that? Don't you live in a village?" said Mr. Jhon curiously.

"I'm just guessing, there are a lot of pictures like that on the internet anyway."

Leon raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.

Actually, Leon often played this fencing game with his father when they were bored or on certain days, since they had the same hobby of fencing, riding and golfing.

"Take your sword and put on your armor!"

Mr. Jhon told him to get ready with his sword equipment.

So that the match would be over quickly.

"Hahaha, you can't even hold your sword properly." Lord Jhon said while laughing at Leon who was about to hold his sword.

Leon sniffed coldly at Lord Jhon's dismissive behavior, knowing that he just wanted to humiliate Leon in public.

"How can a country bumpkin like him fence?" One of Lord Jhon's fans shouted loudly.

"Just look at his tattered clothes, he must have never fenced before.


Mr. Jhon's fans commented and laughed at Leon in front of many people.

Mr. Jhon only smiled slightly in response to the insults of his fans on Leon, he actually supported him because he wanted to see Leon humiliated, but Celine shouted at Leon, encouraging him that he did not want the girl he liked to lose her feelings for him.

"That's it, enough silence, the match is about to start." Mr. Jhon put his index finger to his lips to tell his fans to

to be quiet.

Immediately there was silence.

"Why aren't you wearing any protection?" Mr. Jhon said curiously.

"It's okay, I can handle it," Leon said firmly and coldly.

Celine noticed Leon's movements from a distance and approached Leon and said angrily.

"Leon, can you wear fencing clothes? Mr. Jhon suggested that Leon put on his clothes so that he doesn't get hurt. Remember, this match has to be fair. Celine said to persuade Mr. Jhon to help Leon.

But Mr. Jhon sniffed coldly when he saw Celine paying so much attention to Leon. Why was she paying attention to Leon instead of him, it was obvious that he was superior, even he looked like a real loser for not being able to wear a fencing harness.

"Don't you want to wear the safety suit, hurry up!"

"No, leave it on." Leon said firmly and coldly to the astonishment of everyone who saw him.

"That's it, don't blame me if something bad happens to you!"

Mr. Jhon said arrogantly and started to play with his sword.

Mr. Jhon started to move, he raised his foot and attacked the opponent with his sword, but Leon quickly parried it and twisted the sword that Mr. Jhon had wrapped around him until it was thrown away.

"Huh, what are you doing Leon?"

Mr. Jhon was surprised that his sword was thrown away without him noticing that he had lost so quickly.

It's not like I parried your attack and then knocked you down." Leon said to Jhon with a slight smile.

Suddenly, everyone who saw him was shocked. What an amazing technique Leon used to knock down his opponent. He had only seen techniques like Leon's, but it was amazing.

Some people were stunned and covered their mouths without noticing.

"Is what I saw really Leon?" "Did Leon beat Mr. Jhon?"

Celine was shocked beyond belief, she was speechless at Leon's skill with the sword.

Feeling defeated, Mr. Jhon wanted to incite Leon so that his fans would not be disappointed and attack Leon back.

"Leon, why are you wrapped around my sword, because my sword fell because of your twist.

Mr. Jhon blamed Leon for his defeat.

"Cheater!" Leon, you cheated!

"Cheater! Cheater!"

Jhon's supporters accused Leon of cheating, not believing that Leon had beaten him so quickly.

Look at Leon, you still get blamed even when you win. Mr. Jhon said as he smiled dismissively at Leon.

Feeling himself cornered, Leon finally wanted to show that he could play the sword. He said loudly.

"Alright, let's play with this sword for a while, my hands are itching, they will know my abilities."

Leon said and started to play with his sword.


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