Chapter 20

When Leon was about to play with his sword, some of Mr. Jhon's fans shouted loudly.

"Rematch, rematch!"

The shout was so loud that it made Leon stop his swordplay, he paused for a moment to talk to his rival Mr. Jhon.

"Do you want a rematch?"

Leon approached Mr. Jhon and whispered in his ear.

"Aren't you afraid of losing to me again? I can easily overcome your skills.”

Hearing Leon's words, Mr. Jhon's eyes widened, this loser had the audacity to speak to him out loud. Is he not afraid of death?

"You? How dare you speak to me out loud? Don't you know who I am?"

Mr. Jhon looked furious at Leon's underestimation of his abilities. But if he fights again, his fans will know his limits.

"Of course I know who you are, Mr. Jhon Hitten White!" Hotel owner MORINA. "

Leon said to him firmly,


"How did that country gentleman know that he was Jhon Hitten White, the owner of the MORINA Hotel? He hasn't introduced himself yet," Mr. Jhon thought.

He felt that there was something strange about Leon, why he was so mysterious,

Even if Jhon was famous and a star in this arena, how could Leon know that he was from the White family and so far only introduced the name Jhon Hitten and only those closest to him knew that he was from the White family.

"Are you a detective?”

Mr. Jhon became curious about Leon's unusual behavior. He watched Leon's movements looking for answers to his curiosity.

But Leon seemed relaxed and responded to Mr. Jhon who became more and more angry and curious. He answered Mr. Jhon's question very loudly.

"Fool! ! How could I be a detective!" Leon sniffed coldly and turned his face away.

Mr. Jhon looked even more furious that he dared to talk stupidly to him, what a loud country man, he seemed to be bored with life.

Jhon wanted to beat up the loud man as soon as possible, but he had to hold back his anger and look authoritative.

"How about a rematch?" Leon couldn't wait for Jhon's decision.

Mr. Jhon paused and thought again, he swallowed his saliva, he knew that Leon was good at fencing, his guess was wrong and he would feel embarrassed if he had to repeat the defeat again.

But now he is curious about Leon, his ability is very extraordinary even though he is from the village, who exactly is his figure? If he is a villager, there is no way he can be proficient in the sport of the elite…

Mr. Jhon suddenly grabbed Leon's shirt and led him to the sidelines.

"Who are you really? Are you not an ordinary person? Tell me!"

Leon smiled slightly at his words, as Mr. Jhon began to suspect him of his extraordinary abilities, Leon whispered and said, "I am Leon Whang Zou.

"Leon Whang Zou"

Immediately, her eyes rounded at Leon's words, his words seemed to repeat in her ears, causing her to tremble and get goosebumps.

"Is it true what he said? Or is it his hearing problem this time?

As long as her ears are normal, it's impossible for her to hear wrong." She thought to herself.

But Jhon had to make sure it was true.

"Leon Whang Zou, isn't that a crazy rich man in Malacca City? No wonder his abilities are extraordinary, it turns out I'm like an ant to him." Mr. Jhon continued his thought.

But why does he look like a villager when he should be showing his power instead of being a country gentleman, maybe he is up to something? Whether that was true or not was none of Jhon's business.

But his curiosity has been answered, he now realizes that he is nothing compared to Leon who is influential in the town of Wilten Hill.

Immediately her body shook and she looked weak and fell down in front of Leon.

"I'm sorry Mr. Leon, I was presumptuous of you."

Jhon bowed in shame and admitted that he had lost to Leon.

"Hide my identity or you will die today!" Leon said and whispered in Jhon's ear.

"Alright Leon." Jhon bowed in respect.

Jhon stood up and walked to the center of the arena, everyone was looking at him curiously, Celine and Lily could clearly see that Jhon was preparing to announce a decision.

"Listen up, today I lost to Leon, I am no match for him, no one should take pictures or record the action, otherwise they won't survive me!" Mr. Jhon said loudly to his fans and then left the arena without looking at anyone.

Of course, Mr. Jhon's words caused an uproar, as he did not expect to admit his defeat in front of everyone. He really wanted to cover his face, but he was more afraid of Leon, who would destroy him if he acted rashly.

"Is Mr. Jhon crazy to admit his defeat in the middle of the arena? What happened to him? Lily asked Celine curiously.

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