Chapter 26

Alex Mozu made him an offer that put Leon on the spot. The man really took his breath away, the rumors about him were true.

Even now, some big gangsters have made him their Big Boss Bone's accomplice, and their yoga is both infamous and ruthless.

Many rumors circulated about the two of them, making Leon feel insecure, making it harder for him to protect his family and business.

Remembering that Leon's mother died giving birth to him, but after investigation it turned out to be a conspiracy of several enemies who wanted to bring down the Moba Mobile company.

Leon took a glass of cold drink and gave it to Mr. Alex Mozu, who wanted to extract information about the company he was currently running.

"Let's talk first Mr. Alex Mozu, we shouldn't rush." Leon said, looking at Mr. Alex with an unusual look.

Seeing Leon's kindness, he finally took the cold water given to him.

"Where is your company located, may I know? If we are partners later, I hope we will be open with each other."

"Of course," Alex said, nodding his head.

"It's up north near the Muhai Sea, do you know it?”

Although he had never been to the place in question, Leon had heard of it.

It turned out that he had hidden his company in an uninhabited place, so cleverly that the officers were fooled by him.

Now the news about him is true.

"He can't join the OZORA Group, it's very dangerous," he thought to himself.

If that happens, his network will become stronger and his illegal company will flourish.

She had to do something or firmly reject him.

"If I refuse or accept, what will you do?"

Leon stared intently at the middle-aged man, his threats not intended to sway her with the huge profits, even though they would be just as profitable if they did.

But judging by his illegal company, it was the same as helping him in his illegal business.

"If you accept my offer, I will be very happy, we will be friends and brothers, I have admired you for a long time, but if you don't want to?"

"There will be a reckoning for you!"

Alex Moza rounded his eyes and raised his eyebrows, his look full of conviction and emotion.

Her threat seemed so real to Leon.

"Huh." I knew he was cunning, he wouldn't do anything without a threat and a special offer in his favor". Leon said in his heart, not expecting that Alex Mozu had other intentions to trap him.

Leon didn't move an inch, this was tantamount to inviting him to war in business and in life, Leon felt so tight in his chest that he loosened the tie he was wearing.

"He threatened me, I won't be affected by any of this, I am Leon Whang Zou!”

Leon had to think about the consequences if he accepted her offer, he also had to be aware that something would happen to him if he refused, anyone who disappointed her would not be safe in her hands, she was so ruthless and cold-blooded.

"So what's your answer?

Don't make me wait!"

His anger began to boil over, he looked even more sinister and frightening when he was angry.

A call from his men rang out.

Did you get rid of that guy? Good job, you're very reliable, Bone." "Hahahahahah"

Alex Mozu was happy that his plan had succeeded in making all the enemies disappear in front of him.

Hearing this, Leon looked worried as if it was a matter of life and death.

If he accepted Alex's offer, he would live, but if he refused, he would disappear.

"Huh, you should have warned me, he's really very dangerous," he said to himself.

Leon's chest felt so tight, the threat this time made it difficult to breathe freely.

"Father, what should I do now? This enemy is very dangerous."

This was the first time Leon felt his chest tighten, it really made him angry.

The middle-aged man wanted Leon's answer as soon as possible, he didn't want to waste much time waiting, this was what he had planned for a long time.

But unexpectedly, Leon returned the chip Alex gave him with a cold face without any expression.

Alex understood that this made him laugh out loud.

"Have you thought it through? Don't regret it."

Alex Mozu gave him a meaningful look.

"This young man dares to challenge me, he doesn't know who he's dealing with yet." He thought to himself.

Alex underestimated Leon. He wanted to make a calculation with him.

"You will find out who Alex Mozu really is!"

Alex whispered her words to Leon before she turned and left.


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