Chapter 25

Mr. Wilson is always reliable for any problems in his office, if it is not a serious problem, Leon rarely goes to his office, he just checks every situation from the side of the camera on his cell phone. Mr. Wilson always gave him a report every day, whether it was financial problems or other problems that occurred in his office.

When he arrived at the office, he was greeted by an assistant who handed him a small case containing a work suit. Leon put it on and began to introduce himself.

"I am Leon Whang Zou.”

Leon walked dashingly in front of his employees, who were amazed and fascinated by his tall stature, tan skin, athleticism, and neat hair.

Many of his female employees liked him so much that one lost her concentration when she saw Leon and bumped into a pole.

"Mr. Leon is really handsome," said one female employee who saw Leon's charismatic figure.

"You're right, we are lucky to have such a handsome boss," said an employee who was mesmerized, her cheeks blushing.

Leon Wang Zou's charm makes girls fall in love when they see him.

He hasn't completely changed his appearance, just dressing up in a suit and tidying up his hair has made the girls fall in love with him, especially if he changes all his appearances, who knows what will happen. But only this time he returned to his office after the last few months.

There was a middle-aged man waiting for him in the office, let's just say he was the mafia boss Mr. Alex Mozu, who didn't know him, all the big businessmen knew him, he was a ruthless and cold figure.

"Is there something special that brings you here?"

Leon's words startled Mr. Alex, who was looking around from the third floor of his office building. He turned around and immediately approached Leon.

"Leon Whang Zou, the crazy rich of Wilten Hill City."

"You finally came out of your long hermitage, I've been waiting for you!"

Alex Mozu said as he clapped his hands together and walked over to Leon, surrounding him as he stood.

"Are you Alex Mozu?”

Leon noticed a trait his father had told him to watch out for in a man named Alex Mozu. He was dangerous and cunning. His build was the same as what his father had told him.

"Yes, you're right, I'm Alex Mozu, it turns out that you're very good at judging people, it's only fitting that you can easily defeat many enemies, you're very talented Leon Whang Zou, I admire you."

Mr. Alex bowed his head to Leon and complimented him on his accomplishments so far. People were right about him, he was a man to be reckoned with.

"Tell me what you want!

Leon asked confidently, but was furious at Alex's way of giving him such a small honorific.

Mr. Alex was so suspicious that he suddenly came to the office of Moba Mobile Group, a company in the field of technology and marketing, without making an appointment.

The Moba Mobile Group company was very advanced in Wilten Hill City, and many businessmen and customers wanted to join the company, especially since it was a member of OZORA, a well-known trade union group in Wilten Hill.

I would like to ask you to work together?"

Alex Mozu offered Leon a deal in which they would work together to build a mutually beneficial company.

"It would greatly benefit your company if you accept my offer?"

"What do you have to offer me?"

"I have a secret chip that will benefit your company later, and this chip is highly coveted by entrepreneurs."

Alex said while holding the chip in his left hand.

To make the company more advanced, you need a new breakthrough, and I have it, so your company will be more advanced and make more money. Do you see this?"

Alex Mozu handed the chip to Leon, who took it out of curiosity and looked at it closely.

"I didn't expect this middle-aged man to have such a secret chip and such a good idea, isn't Alex Mozu a mafia man for drugs and such?" muttered Leon in his mind.

Even he was a notorious gangster with many followers who bowed before him. He's so feared in all circles.

When Leon was about to open it on a laptop, Alex quickly took the chip and made a deal.

"If you want this chip, you have to expand my network in the OZORA union, you know what I mean?”


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