All Chapters of Little Secret of Son In Law : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
32 chapters
Start of the meeting
Help, help"The voice rang faintly in Leon's ears as he walked along the edge of a large shopping centre, the time showing 10pm as the full moon illuminated the dark sky in the middle of the night. It was the first time he had set foot in a city after 10 years of living in the rural foothills."Help, help, help."The cry for help was deafening. He became increasingly curious about the source of the voice."Help me!”Leon heard a woman screaming for help and followed the sound until he saw a woman being held captive by two men in an empty warehouse. They were wearing masks and appeared to have wrapped her body with rope around her hands and feet, preventing her from moving, let alone escaping. "Be quiet, be quiet!”A man in a hat approached the seated girl and lifted her chin as he said."Tell us quickly, the passcode, or will you die?" The girl looked up at him, looking weak as she insisted on keeping the secret code from falling into the hands of criminals."I'm not going to tell y
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chapter 2
The masked man was anxiously looking for his captive girl who had suddenly disappeared, he was really afraid of being scolded by Big Boss Alex who was waiting for him."Where is the captive girl?""She disappeared, boss! I've been looking for her, but I can't find her."The middle-aged man stared intently at the masked man with his arms folded around his waist, his face quickly turning sour when he found out that the captive girl was missing."You're really sloppy, you can't even take care of a girl, you loser!" The masked man tried to explain to the Big Boss what had happened.I'm sure an intruder came here and took our prisoner, boss, my friend fainted unconscious as if it was the intruder's doing". Hearing the masked man's explanation, Alex was furious,An empty can was kicked by his left foot, hitting a wall which made the man wearing the mask shrink, his whole body was shaking, he couldn't say another word, his head was bowed, unable to look at the big boss who looked very angr
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Chapter 3
Leon was surprised to see the girl he was holding fall to the ground, her knees cut and bleeding."Hey, are you okay?" Leon looked down and sat on his haunches to see Celine whimpering in pain as the torn skirt showing her smooth thighs caused Leon to turn his face away."Aw, that hurts!" Celine whimpered in pain at the sight of her injured knee, but Alex's bodyguards began to approach, making Celine anxious and stunned as she stood up, forgetting her pain, she really didn't want to be arrested again after her long hair had been cut short by the criminals.“Shall we run again? The guards are getting closer."Leon grinned at Celine's eagerness to get away from the criminals."Well, you're so eager to escape, even though your leg is hurt?" "I don't want to be tortured by them anymore," Celine said sullenly."Okay.”Celine ran with a limp leg while carrying her heels, making Leon feel sorry for her as she tried to hide from the guards' pursuit, "How about we hide and rest in a safe pl
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Chapter 4
Leon was surprised to see the girl he was holding fall to the ground, her knees cut and bleeding."Hey, are you okay?" Leon looked down and crouched down to see Celine grimacing in pain as her skirt parted to reveal her smooth thighs, causing Leon to turn his face away."Aw, that hurts!" Celine whimpered in pain at the sight of her injured knee, but Alex's guards began to approach, causing Celine to stand up in fear, forgetting the pain she felt. She was really scared."Shall we run again? The guards are getting closer.”Leon grinned at Celine's earnest desire to be free of the criminals."Well, you were so eager to escape, even though you hurt your leg?" "I don't want to be tortured by them anymore," Celine said sullenly."Okay." Celine ran with a limp leg while carrying her heels, making Leon feel sorry for her and want to hide from the guards, "How about we hide and rest in a safe place, seeing your condition it seems like the right idea," Leon said while stopping his steps at
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Chapter 5
Celine patted her shirt, which was wet with water droplets. She sat closer to Leon to avoid the water droplets.Knowing that, Leon left the cave and looked for a small piece of wood to cover the dripping water. After being able to cover it, Leon sat back where he had been."Looks like we're going to spend the night here, if we get out of here I'm afraid the guards will still be around looking for us." Leon said convincing Celine.Celine could only nod her head in agreement with what Leon said, but she looked uncomfortable because her shirt was wet and her skirt was split.Do you see my wet shirt and my split skirt? What should I do?" Leon looked at Celine who was dejected with a confused look on her face, she held out her leg which had a wound on her knee while she rubbed the wound which seemed to be drying.Leon didn't know what to do when it came to a woman's clothes either, but it seemed like he had to sacrifice for a woman again tonight. Leon sniffed quietly."Wear my shirt so yo
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Chapter 6
Leon jerked Celine awake from her lap. She was surprised to find herself naked and immediately covered her breasts with the shirt she was wearing."Did we do this last night?" Celine awoke and remembered all the events of last night that had so suddenly captivated her, the incident still vivid in her mind. Leon and Celine stared at each other as they both unknowingly had intercourse last night, there was no one to blame because they were attracted to each other.Still remembering last night, Leon shivering from the cold woke Celine from her sleep, feeling guilty, Celine unbuttoned his shirt intending to hug him so he wouldn't feel cold. But while hugging him and feeling the warmth of his body, Celine and Leon's lust flared up and they started kissing hotly until they were passionately united. The feeling was so strange that they felt it was beyond their expectations, because the lust that was so turbulent at that time hit them, they even did it repeatedly and it was like a dream.
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Chapter 7
Leon opened the letter like a will, who knows what other tasks his father had written for him this time. Leon's eyes widened unexpectedly when he read it, he was shocked to death. "What?" This made Anumali Wilson surprised and curious as to what task Leon had been given that made him so depressed. She dared to ask Leon."Sir, why do you look surprised? What task did your father give you that made you depressed?Leon opened the letter like a will, who knows what other tasks his father had written for him this time. Leon's eyes widened unexpectedly when he read it, he was shocked to death. "What?" This made Anumali Wilson surprised and curious as to what task Leon had been given that made him so depressed. She dared to ask Leon."Sir, why do you look surprised? What task did your father give you that made you depressed?Leon just silently closed the letter and leaned back in the car seat. It seemed that Leon didn't want to talk about the contents of the letter his father had order
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Chapter 8
Her father nodded his head. "But they have a lot of requirements for new members!" "I heard that the president of the union is Mr. Wilson, and he's notoriously cold and arrogant!" Marko chimed in."Celine can't get him to cooperate with us, can she?" Marko wrinkled his forehead and looked down at them. "Is that true, Father?""I heard that the president of the union is Mr. Wilson, and he's notoriously cold and arrogant!" Marko chimed in."Celine can't get him to cooperate with us, can she?" Marko wrinkled his forehead and looked down at them. "What are you talking about? Nothing is impossible for your sister!”Celine said her eyes widened as she was very enthusiastic when she heard something favorable for her company.Her father nodded his head. "But they have a lot of requirements for new members!" "I heard that the president of the union is Mr. Wilson, he's notoriously cold and arrogant!" Marko chimed in."Celine can't get him to cooperate with us, can she?" Marko wrinkled his
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Chapter 9
"Grandpa wants you to get married and have a successor to Luis' family, and you've been set up with this man since childhood, it's an ancestral order." "But Grandpa, this is very sudden, Celine is not ready to get married, let alone have a successor?" So far, no one had dared to disobey Martin's grandfather's orders, he was a very influential person, the whole family respected him, except for Celine's brother Marco, who was a bit headstrong and unruly. But when it came to a girl, he was the most enthusiastic because he was a bad boy."What's the guy like?" Marko said, smiling teasingly at his brother.You'll find out later!" "You should be happy that you're getting married soon sis, you're an adult, do you want to be called an old maid?" Marco said with a dismissive look at his brother."I'm not an old maid, it's just that I'm busy with my work, many men like me, your sister is very popular in Wilten Hill. " Celine is known as a beautiful white swan, her beauty tempts the men of W
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Chapter 10
Leon extended his hand to Celine and invited her to shake his hand.Immediately Celine's body and hands were so shaky that she couldn't shake Leon's hand and had to raise her left hand to shake his. Her heart was so anxious and her mind was frantic. She swallowed her tongue several times, trying to accept the reality of what was happening.She hoped that Fredy would be her husband, she had liked Fredy for a long time. In her eyes he was a great guy who was responsible and always made her feel safe.No one can replace his position in her heart, of course it makes her shatter into pieces to accept the reality that is so bitter that she feels as if the world she built has exploded into pieces. He wanted to think of another way to get out of this problem, he really wanted to escape from the pressure that had come over him, it really made his chest feel tight.Fredy, oh Fredy, you're just Celine's dream in broad daylight, reality is like a nightmare to her. Grandpa Martin invited Leon t
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