Chapter 4

Leon was surprised to see the girl he was holding fall to the ground, her knees cut and bleeding.

"Hey, are you okay?" Leon looked down and crouched down to see Celine grimacing in pain as her skirt parted to reveal her smooth thighs, causing Leon to turn his face away.

"Aw, that hurts!"

Celine whimpered in pain at the sight of her injured knee, but Alex's guards began to approach, causing Celine to stand up in fear, forgetting the pain she felt. She was really scared.

"Shall we run again? The guards are getting closer.”

Leon grinned at Celine's earnest desire to be free of the criminals.

"Well, you were so eager to escape, even though you hurt your leg?"

"I don't want to be tortured by them anymore," Celine said sullenly.


Celine ran with a limp leg while carrying her heels, making Leon feel sorry for her and want to hide from the guards,

"How about we hide and rest in a safe place, seeing your condition it seems like the right idea," Leon said while stopping his steps at a children's playground.

There is a sand dune with a cave for children to hide in.

"Let's hide here."

Leon entered the cave where the children used to hide, making sure of its condition before Celine entered.

"How is it safe enough?" Celine said with a frown.

She was actually eager to rest after running so far, panting several times as she endured the pain in her legs.

When Leon invited her to rest, she was very grateful that her pain was finally reduced.

Besides, the night was getting late and it was almost dawn, the cold night air began to feel in Celine's throat, who was wearing only a work shirt and a miniskirt. Occasionally she shrugged her shoulders and wrapped her arms around herself to feel the chill of the night.

"Hurry and get inside, it's safe enough!"

Celine entered the cave hesitantly, but what could she do when this was the only place safe for her at the moment.

Leon turned on the light on his cell phone to illuminate the cave, which looked pretty dark.

He looked at Celine who was sitting on her injured leg, she knew Leon saw her so she looked away several times to avoid looking at each other.

What's your name?"

Leon said to start the conversation so it wouldn't be awkward.


Leon nodded his head slowly, he thought it was a pretty good name for a woman,

"I'm Leon!"

Celine smiled slightly as she bowed her head, it seemed awkward because it was just the two of them in the cave, two strangers meeting.

Suddenly, some of Alex's bodyguards came and looked around the garden, causing Celine to be surprised and almost scream in fear.

"There they are co…? “

But Leon immediately closed Celine's mouth, which finally made their eyes stare at each other. Celine and Leon's hearts were racing at that moment. But Celine brushed it off, she didn't want to fall in love with Leon, a young man who looked like a tramp with shabby clothes and a hick appearance.

Unlike Celine, who looks perfect with a beautiful face, fair skin and a young director, no young man can resist Celine's charms, even though she is the belle of the ball in Willten Hill at the moment.

Alex's bodyguard checks the children's playground, he seems to check every corner in the area until he checks the cave they are currently occupying.

There's no way they could have gotten away that fast, they've got to be around here," said a bodyguard, Alex, speaking to his friend in a loud voice.

"Alright, try to check the playground area, I'll check the other areas.

"Okay," the bodyguard said as he checked carefully.

It was time to check the cave where Celine and Leon were hiding. Leon turned off the light on his cell phone to trick the guard into not getting suspicious.

The bodyguard began to look around the cave, and to avoid being caught, Leon turned his body in a black shirt to cover Celine in front of the cave, so that from the outside to the inside, no one could be seen hiding in the cave.

An anxious look was on Leon's face, even though he was responsible for Celine's safety and his own freedom from the guards.

The cave was quite narrow and could only hold two people. However, it was very warm inside the cave to get through the cold night.

"Looks like they're not in this cave either!"

The bodyguard shouted as he looked into the cave,

After confirming it, the bodyguard immediately left the children's playground.

Leon and Celine let out a long sigh as they finally survived the bodyguard's ambush, relief radiating from Leon's face.

"Hmmm, thank God, we're safe!"

But water was dripping towards Celine in the cave, perhaps the water was a puddle that had soaked into the ground, causing the water to drip and soak Celine's shirt in the cave.

"My shirt is wet, why didn't I notice?”

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