All Chapters of Little Secret of Son In Law : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 chapters
Chapter 11
Arriving at the house, Celine and Leon were greeted with a meal so sumptuous, let's just say it was a wedding celebration for Leon and Celine, that Martin's grandfather ordered all the dishes. "Look at this food Leon, this is all Grandpa has prepared for you as a wedding gift." Grandpa Martin said, looking very happy as he put the side dishes on Leon's plate. Grandpa Martin really cares for Leon. He loves him so much. The family members looked at him strangely."Celine, you eat a lot too. It's a historic day for you!”"Congratulations sis on your wedding, you finally got married to that village guy!". Marko glanced over with a dismissive look."Although I liked the guy who sent me a message yesterday better, it was unexpected that you married that village guy!" "You're so unlucky!" Marko added."Grandpa, when I grow up, don't set me up!" I really hate arranged marriages!”Martin's originally happy grandfather quickly changed his face. He said in a high tone. "You have the audac
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Chapter 12
"Don't you want to feel that pleasure again?" Didn't it excite you so much? You're my wife now!" "Tonight you are so beautiful, baby!" Leon kissed Celine on the lips and began his game. Leon's touch gave her goosebumps and made her feel like she was flying. It was beyond her imagination. She enjoyed Leon's game. "Argh!" She enjoyed Leon's touch so much. But she immediately remembered that Fredy, her crush, had reacted and even asked her out. It was something she had wanted all along. This was crazy, there was no way she could do anything wrong again.Celine rebelled to end the game, but Leon continued. Finally, Celine said in Leon's ear. "Let me go, I don't want to do this with someone I don't love!" Celine's words were clearly heard in Leon's ears, so he was stunned and immediately let go of Celine. He was silent for a moment, unable to believe what she had said, it was a slap in the face of his troubled heart. "Do you have no feelings for me?"Leon looked at Celine as she
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chapter 13
What should I tell Mom, nothing happened last night, but I'm obviously not a virgin anymore. " Celine didn't answer a word, just stared at the food she was about to eat while swallowing her saliva, her expression still confused. "So did something happen last night with you and that loser guy?" Mrs. Amy slammed her hand down on the table, making Celine jump and answer spontaneously."No!" "Of course not ma'am, how could I with him, he's a loser.”Celine explained with a faint smile and a frown. She hoped that her mother would believe her."Really? You're not lying to me?":"Right mom, last night we slept separately, he slept on the couch and I slept on the soft bed, really!" Celine explained her mother's question while raising her two fingers to convince her mother."Hmmmn!”Mrs. Amy is relieved that her daughter is still a virgin, she will approach Mr. White for a match with her d
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Chapter 13
What should I tell Mom, nothing happened last night, but I'm obviously not a virgin anymore. " Celine didn't answer a word, just stared at the food she was about to eat while swallowing her saliva, her expression still confused. "So did something happen last night with you and that loser guy?" Mrs. Amy slammed her hand down on the table, making Celine jump and answer spontaneously."No!" "Of course not ma'am, how could I with him, he's a loser.”Celine explained with a faint smile and a frown. She hoped that her mother would believe her."Really? You're not lying to me?":"Right mom, last night we slept separately, he slept on the couch and I slept on the soft bed, really!" Celine explained her mother's question while raising her two fingers to convince her mother."Hmmmn!”Mrs. Amy is relieved that her daughter is still a virgin, she will approach Mr. White for a match with her d
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Chapter 14
"All right, Dad, I'll be careful with him , I managed to take down a big gangster before, right? You don't need to worry too much, I can handle it." Leon's answer reassured Mr. Whangzou, who felt that his worries were gradually improving, all the enemies Leon had successfully dealt with so far. He believes that his son is very reliable. His ability cannot be doubted.Suddenly, Teacher Tobi gave Leon a small gift box and placed it on the table. He was proud of his student who always managed to complete every mission."This is a gift for you Leon, you have worked hard all this time, you deserve this gift.Leon took Master Tobi's gift and opened it, and suddenly, his eyes widened to see a legendary Dragon King magic dagger. The dagger was hunted by many warriors in the world because of its extraordinary magic. "Huh, is this the legendary Dragon King Dagger, Master?" Leon couldn't believe what he saw, it was amazing. The dagger was shiny and very sharp, and the carving of a coiled dra
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Chapter 15
"Why does my heart race when I see Leon?" Lisa murmured in her heart, even though they had been close since college, but she never felt her heart racing. This was the first time she felt something strange.It was like a shortness of breath that overwhelmed her, the vibrations were abnormal and made her feel uncomfortable."Uuh, you're heavy Lisa, wake up!" Leon surprised Lisa, bringing her back to the real world. "Ma- I'm sorry Brother Leon,”Lisa was stunned and immediately stood up, bowed her head to Leon and apologized to him. Leon got up and dusted off his clothes."Never mind, don't mention it, come with me, I'll show you something." Leon invited Lisa to follow him again and stopped at a lotus flower surrounded by a mud puddle. "Look at that lotus flower!" Leon pointed his index finger at the lotus flower among the mud puddles, it had a beautiful flower and looked very charming."The lotus flower is alive even though circumstances torment it, it remains strong even though m
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Chapter 16
She wore a tight T-shirt that showed her navel, and even her slender waist and legs were exposed. Coupled with her white skin, it attracts people to look at her.Although Leon wears only ordinary clothes, he looks handsome at close range, but how can Celine, a director, be matched with him, who is like a village man. It's like the hunchback who longs for the moon. It's just wishful thinking.Leon held out his hand and said "hello". But Lily ignored him and took Celine's hand and invited her to Mr. Jhon's place,"Come on, they must be waiting for us, Celine. " Celine nodded her head and said, "Come on, you too, Leon." Actually, Lily came to confront Leon on purpose, she wanted to make him lose face and not be able to be at Celine's side anymore.The three of them got into Lily's car. They soon arrived at their destination.It was a horse club with luxurious facilities. Many rich people and officials play there.As soon as they entered, some young men greeted them. "Two lovely ladies
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chapter 17
Mr. Jhon shot his arrow to hit the bull's eye at 9, everyone cheered, he got a high score at the distance of 20 meters, which was a proud thing for him, especially while riding a horse. It's very difficult to do, especially for a beginner."Mr. Jhon, Mr. Jhon" The youngsters cheered him on as he raised his fists, the noise deafening.He felt proud and happy that his name was being called by the young men and girls who saw him in action. Already like an idol, supported by his loyal fans, it really made him feel great that no one could match his action.Now she couldn't wait to see Leon riding a horse and shooting his crossbow, she thought he would be humiliated by the boys and girls because he had no experience in riding let alone archery.It was incredible for a country boy like Leon. How could he do this, horse racing and archery are expensive and elite sports, how could he afford to play them, even pay the rent he thought he couldn't afford.Mr. Jhon underestimated Leon.Now it's t
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Chapter 18
Hearing Mr. Jhon's words, Leon stopped his steps, stood still for a moment and answered Mr. Jhon's threat. Leon said loudly."What are you talking about?" Mr. Jhon smiled slightly and turned his face away. His words this time made Leon react."If you don't understand what I'm saying, I will take Celine away from you." Mr. Jhon rounded his eyes and stomped out his words firmly.His threat this time is no joke, he has long expected Celine to be his lover, the support of Mrs. Amy makes him proud of himself, he knows that Mrs. Amy does not like Leon and is more in favor of him.But Leon won't give in so easily, he clenches his fists and grits his teeth. His threats will only be talk, it will never happen to him and will only be a dream in broad daylight."You can't take Celine from me, she's my wife. I accept your challenge.”Leon turned and walked over to Mr. Jhon, staring him in the eyes with conviction.Celine came and approached, the two young men glaring at each other, their forehe
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Chapter 19
Mr. Jhon said that to provoke Leon's anger, he wanted to demonstrate fencing in front of him before the match."Leon, do you know what this sport is? You must have just seen it, right? " Jhon smiled slightly dismissively at Leon while holding his sword. He started to make some fencing moves."Of course I know, isn't that fencing?" Leon shook his head while smiling slightly to dismiss his accusation. He wanted to show Leon's true face a little. "Apparently you know fencing? How do you know that? Don't you live in a village?" said Mr. Jhon curiously."I'm just guessing, there are a lot of pictures like that on the internet anyway."Leon raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly.Actually, Leon often played this fencing game with his father when they were bored or on certain days, since they had the same hobby of fencing, riding and golfing."Take your sword and put on your armor!" Mr. Jhon told him to get ready with his sword equipment.So that the match would be over quickly."Hahaha,
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