Little Secret of Son In Law
Little Secret of Son In Law
Author: Eg. Martina
Start of the meeting

Help, help"

The voice rang faintly in Leon's ears as he walked along the edge of a large shopping centre, the time showing 10pm as the full moon illuminated the dark sky in the middle of the night. It was the first time he had set foot in a city after 10 years of living in the rural foothills.

"Help, help, help."

The cry for help was deafening. He became increasingly curious about the source of the voice.

"Help me!”

Leon heard a woman screaming for help and followed the sound until he saw a woman being held captive by two men in an empty warehouse. They were wearing masks and appeared to have wrapped her body with rope around her hands and feet, preventing her from moving, let alone escaping.

"Be quiet, be quiet!”

A man in a hat approached the seated girl and lifted her chin as he said.

"Tell us quickly, the passcode, or will you die?"

The girl looked up at him, looking weak as she insisted on keeping the secret code from falling into the hands of criminals.

"I'm not going to tell you, who are you? How dare you threaten me like that?"


The man was visibly upset that his threats had not frightened her into fighting him. The bad guy was determined to scare her again with a stunt that would bring her to her knees. He picked up a pair of scissors and held them to her hair.

"Come on, say it or I'll cut your hair off!"

"No! Don't do that!”

The girl screamed and begged him not to. But she was a young director with a reputation to uphold. He insisted on covering up the secret code because it contained a lot of information about the BeENDS Group's new product development. The company was planning a new breakthrough in product packaging that would dominate the food market in Willten Hill. No wonder a lot of people and other companies were curious to get their hands on it.

The villain didn't care about the girl's cries and pleas as he cut off her long, loose hair bit by bit.


The girl screamed for mercy, but it seemed as if the bad guy wanted to continue.

Leon knew it was making him angry and he gritted his teeth as if he wanted to tear his mouth open so he wouldn't do such a despicable thing. His teacher had taught him to help people who were weak and needed help, he couldn't just let someone be oppressed.

Leon kicked his feet slowly, intending to start the action, walking on the tile to observe it closely, but apparently the tile he stepped on was slippery, so he slipped.


"Uh! Shit!"

Leon shouted in surprise, causing the two criminals to turn their heads towards the roof to see someone watching them from there.

"Did you hear something?"

The man in the hat stood up and looked around.

I heard someone screaming!"

"You're right, I heard it too!"

Leon covered his mouth and lowered his head so as not to be seen by anyone. However, he had to be careful not to make a mistake that would make the two men suspect him.

Leon went downstairs with a jump, wanting to start his attack on the bad guys.

The two evil men continued to cut the girl's hair until it was shoulder length. The girl's sobs did not make him feel sorry for her.

Come on, tell me the secret code, I'll cut your hair again until you don't have a single hair on your head?"

"Hahaha, you'll look like a bitch!"

The two evil men laughed happily at the girl, enjoying making her feel the pain.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash against the back wall.

"Bruk, bruk!"

The two bad guys were surprised, and one of them looked around the back of the empty building. He scanned the room but found nothing.

As he turned his head to the side, a heavy blow struck the hat-wearing man on the shoulder, knocking him unconscious. Leon grinned at the sight of the unconscious man.

"So easily defeated," Leon muttered to himself as he rubbed his itchy nose.

Sensing that something was wrong with his friend, the masked man came into the back room and saw his friend lying unconscious.

"Hey, wake up, who did this to you? You're so weak!"

He said as he woke up his unconscious friend.

Soon a luxury Lexus LM pulled up next to an empty room. A middle-aged man of about fifty got out of the car, wearing an Alexander Amosu suit; everyone who saw him bowed and smiled at his charm.

"Sincerely, Mr. Alex."

The hat-wearing villain bowed and paid his respects.

"Where is the girl? I want to talk to her!"


The man in the mask walked into the empty room, he didn't see the nose of the girl he was holding captive, the girl disappeared in a flash, leaving only a rope and a dropped watch.

“Where did that girl go? Oh God, she ran away!”

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