chapter 2

The masked man was anxiously looking for his captive girl who had suddenly disappeared, he was really afraid of being scolded by Big Boss Alex who was waiting for him.

"Where is the captive girl?"

"She disappeared, boss! I've been looking for her, but I can't find her."

The middle-aged man stared intently at the masked man with his arms folded around his waist, his face quickly turning sour when he found out that the captive girl was missing.

"You're really sloppy, you can't even take care of a girl, you loser!"

The masked man tried to explain to the Big Boss what had happened.

I'm sure an intruder came here and took our prisoner, boss, my friend fainted unconscious as if it was the intruder's doing".

Hearing the masked man's explanation, Alex was furious,

An empty can was kicked by his left foot, hitting a wall which made the man wearing the mask shrink, his whole body was shaking, he couldn't say another word, his head was bowed, unable to look at the big boss who looked very angry.

"You loser!"

"Guards find the captive girl now, she must still be around, bring her to me now!"

Alex, the middle-aged man, ordered his bodyguards to immediately search for his escaped captive girl. He stomped his left foot to vent his anger.

But that night became a very long night for Celine, a captive who managed to escape with the help of Leon, a village man who happened to see the kidnapping.

"Hurry up and run, do you want to get caught again?" Leon grumbled in annoyance.

"I tried to run with all my might, see how my feet look dirty with dirt?”

The captive girl ran to take off her heels to make it easier for her to run fast, but in reality she ran very slowly, if compared to a duck, maybe faster than a duck.

Leon shook his head at Celine's spoiled behavior, as if she had never run barefoot before.

"We'd better climb this barrier to get to the main road!"

"Are you out of your mind? It's so high, how am I supposed to get over it?”

Celine hesitated when she saw a high, solid wall in front of her. Leon gave her instructions on how to get through it quickly. For Leon, crossing a wall is a habit he does often at his martial arts school. In fact, every day Leon had to climb a hill to get holy water to be offered at the ancestor's holy event.

"Look at me, let me give you an example?"

Leon stepped back and prepared to jump over the wall. His eyes focused on a rock at the side of the wall.


Leon ran and stepped on the stone at the edge of the wall, then showed how his right foot easily jumped over the wall.

Celine's eyes widened as she watched Leon's heroic act, amazed that he could get past her in just a few seconds. Her eyes didn't blink, she stood still and didn't move an inch.

"Hurry up and jump!"

Celine gasped at Leon's words and returned to the real world. She hesitated because she had never jumped over a high wall before, walking barefoot was something she only experienced this time. Celine looked at the skirt she was wearing,

"Is it possible that she can jump with this miniskirt? It seems unbelievable and if she can do it, it's a miracle". She thought to herself.

"I can't do it, I'm scared!"

"Try it first!"

Before Celine could jump, the skirt she was wearing was torn up to her thighs, revealing the smooth skin of her thighs.

"My skirt is torn, I can't do it!" Celine shouted to explain as she covered her thighs.

But this alerted one of Alex's guards to Celine's whereabouts. He shouted for his friends to arrest the captive girl immediately.

"Quick, catch the captive girl, I've found her!"

Several bodyguards quickly gathered. They quickly approached Celine.

Celine looked worried as the guards approached her.

"How come the guards saw me and they're going to arrest me immediately?"

"You are really causing me trouble!”

To help Celine, Leon had to climb back up the high wall and run to hold her hand. He did it, he really did it to help the girl selflessly, it was beyond his mind, he also did not understand why he had to do it to help a girl.

The action of chasing each other happened, Leon pulled the girl's hand and ran so fast that the girl was scared. This time, he ran so fast that he didn't care about his prestige or the skirt that was torn to show his thighs. This time the girl did not care about anything except that she could survive the pursuit of the guards.

Celine looked back as the bodyguards were now quite far away, but the bodyguards split up and divided their group into different directions.

"Isn't it bad that they split into different groups?"

"Never mind them! Let's just concentrate on getting away from them!" Leon said curtly.

Because she looked back too long, Celine didn't see the path in front of her and stumbled over a rock.


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