Living Lavishly After Divorce
Living Lavishly After Divorce
Author: Nuna_nice29
LLAD (Chapter 1)

This morning Shane had just arrived at work. He was still breathing hard because he was late for work. He had to run from the bus stop to the company where he worked.

“Please, let me in. I'm only five minutes late,” Shane still sighed as he faced one of the security guards at the gate, who was never tired of doing his job.

For a few seconds, the front gate security looked Shane up and down. “All employees who arrive late should not be able to enter. You know the rules of this company.”

“I know.” Shane made a pitiable face. “At least give me a chance today. This is my first time coming in late.”

Suddenly another security guard came over. “Send him in. The manager wants him to see his boss right away."

Although confused, Shane finally entered. Instead of going to his cubicle to start work, he went straight to the manager's room.

After almost thirty minutes had passed, the first thing Shane felt was the tension that crept like a dark shadow inside the room belonging to George Louise, the manager of an advertising services company called Blackstone Company.

Transfixed and in disbelief, Shane stared into the face of Mark, his coworker who had shared the company's laughs and hardships for three years. The man who was once his best friend was now the one who blasphemed and accused him mercilessly.

Unbelievably, like seeing a shooting star in broad daylight, Shane saw Mark grab a blue folder and hand it to the manager while saying, “This is the proof, Sir. He has sold this company's data to our competitors.”

Shane felt like lightning had struck his body. His eyes widened with his jaw open. “You can't just say anything, Mark. I've never done such a disgusting thing.” 

Shane would never accept Mark's accusation.

Mark, who was sitting next to Shane, only glanced at Shane for two seconds, then looked back at George, whose face was currently very flat like a wall, but had the kind of gaze that was sharper than a drawn sword.

Wide-eyed, George began to explore the contents of the blue folder. With an incredulous tone of voice, he said, “I really can't believe that my subordinates, who are so loyal to me and this company, could do such a disgusting thing.”

Mark spoke again with his sharp, heart-piercing tone of voice. “I was also incredulous at first, sir. But after doing some investigation, the results are the same.” Mark pointed at Shane. “He's the one who made our company fail to get the tender for the promotional advertisement of the movie starring the phenomenal actress, Lexy Court, because he leaked all the plans and sold the company's data to our competitors, sir.”

“That's not true! I don't accept being accused like this, sir.” Shane was furious with Mark's constant backing him into a corner. He stood up and grabbed Mark's shirt collar. “How could you do this to me, Mark.”

“But this photo evidence is irrefutable, Shane.” Mark persisted with his accusations, but strangely he didn't seem to dare look Shane in the face for long.


“Stop it! Don't argue in my room!” George, who had been focused on reading the evidence presented by Mark, now looked angry when he saw Shane about to give Mark a punch in the face.

Shane released his grip. He felt the waves of anger overflow, but he sat back down with his body trembling with anger. He tried to calm himself down as much as possible. Today was one of the worst days of his life, and bad luck seemed to have become a shadow in his life.

George looked at Shane with a sour face. “So how is it, Shane? Anything you want to explain?”

Shane still insisted on maintaining his beliefs, as if he was a fortress that could not be penetrated by unfounded accusations. Because in reality, he had never done anything like what Mark accused him of.

“Once again I emphasize that I don't think I did anything like what Mark accused me of. He has slandered me.” Shane pointed at Mark.

George handed Shane a blue folder. And the evidence inside looked like a sword ready to plunge into Shane's heart. “Then what is this? Even though this photo was taken from the back and side, everyone can tell that this person is you, Shane Morgan. Even a child would have guessed it.”

Shane's face instantly paled with his teeth chattering. “I don't know. What's clear is that this photo is an edit. The person in this photo is not me. I've been completely defamed, sir.”

George took a deep breath, feeling like his head had a time bomb that could explode at any moment. “As a manager, I have to be cooperative. Even though you are one of my most reliable employees, I still have to make a decision based on this evidence, Shane.”

“I beg you, sir. Trust me.” Shane pleaded with his manager.

George turned his gaze towards Shane and, with an apologetic face, handed him a white envelope, saying, “As the manager of the company, I am forced to make this decision pending further investigation. I have to give you a temporary suspension.”

Shane Morgan blinked his eyes several times. The words sounded like lightning striking in the middle of a sunny day, unexpected and devastating. Even in his dreams, he never expected something this bad to happen.

Temporary suspension was a euphemism for dismissal.

How would his wife Ciara Winstone respond if she knew Shane had lost his job?

Moreover, his wife is a career woman. She is a lawyer whose name is being recognized after successfully winning the case of an official's son who was involved in an assault case against his girlfriend at a nightclub.

“Please don't do that to me, sir.” Shane even clasped his hands together in front of his chest.

“Sorry, I can't do anything else. Just pray that our team's investigation can successfully prove your innocence.” George Louise's face was full of regret. “Now, please leave my room.” 

Before leaving George's room, Shane looked at Mark with his sharp eyes, like those of a lion ready to hunt down its prey. “I really didn't expect you to do that to me. You have broken the trust that we have built so far. I won't care about you anymore in the future. Thank you for the pain of friendship, Mark.”

After saying that, Shane walked away from the Blackstone Company to return to the Winstone family home, his wife's family.

Shane stood silently in front of the large gate of the Winstone family home. There was trepidation in his heart as he entered the house.

“Please come in, Mr. Morgan. Mrs. Winstone is waiting for you.”

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