Living Lavishly After Divorce

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Living Lavishly After Divorce

By: Nuna_nice29 OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 122

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Humiliated by his wife's family because he is poor, Shane, who gained power from a mysterious ring given to him by his late parents, rises to the occasion and shows that he is both the greatest fighter and the richest man. He begins to change everything. And now it's time for Sean to walk forward to rule the world.

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11 chapters
LLAD (Chapter 1)
This morning Shane had just arrived at work. He was still breathing hard because he was late for work. He had to run from the bus stop to the company where he worked.“Please, let me in. I'm only five minutes late,” Shane still sighed as he faced one of the security guards at the gate, who was never tired of doing his job.For a few seconds, the front gate security looked Shane up and down. “All employees who arrive late should not be able to enter. You know the rules of this company.”“I know.” Shane made a pitiable face. “At least give me a chance today. This is my first time coming in late.”Suddenly another security guard came over. “Send him in. The manager wants him to see his boss right away."Although confused, Shane finally entered. Instead of going to his cubicle to start work, he went straight to the manager's room.After almost thirty minutes had passed, the first thing Shane felt was the tension that crept like a dark shadow inside the room belonging to George Louise, the
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LLAD (Chapter 2)
Shane was still silent. He felt like he was plunged into an abyss of anxiety. He was still standing in front of Fred, the security guard who worked at the Winstone family home, who had just delivered Mrs. Winstone's message to him.He said to himself. 'My mother-in-law is waiting for me? How did she know that I was coming home? Could it be that she already knows that I've been fired from the company?'Shane still stepped inside, even though a storm of bad thoughts was now raging in his head. The thing he was most worried about was the condition of Drew, his brother.“Welcome, loser.”The 53-year-old Helen Winstone's voice was shrill, welcoming Shane's arrival. By now even Shane was standing in the center of the spacious living room like a palace hall.“Now your level has dropped even further, from loser to unemployed.” Helen smiled sarcastically.Of course it was easy for Helen to know that news, because the owner of the company was someone she knew very well.Shane closed his eyes an
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LLAD (Chapter 3)
Shane was still trying to contain his anger that was churning in his chest. He shot a dagger-sharp glare at his mother-in-law.“I'm not your mom! Let alone my son, a filthy carpet like you doesn't even deserve to be my son-in-law.” Helen continued to put Shane down.Erick didn't like Shane's attitude towards his mom. “What do you mean looking at my mom like that? Getting into trouble with my mom, that means you're getting into trouble with me too!”Briel approached her lover. “Teach this trash a lesson, honey.”Not waiting for long, Erick slapped his sister-in-law's face with a hard slap that hit her like a hammer, and cursed, “You really are a rotten bastard! You even dare to offend us, especially my mom. You really are blind and ignorant!”Shane fell down from the hard slap from Erick's hand. His vision fogged up as if he was seeing stars circling above his head.Unable to contain his anger, Shane stood up and grabbed Erick by the collar of his shirt and pulled him down. He threw a
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LLAD (Chapter 4)
Somehow, Shane's body could easily avoid the old man's attack. Several fighting moves were made by Shane to ward off the old man's attacks.“Hahaha... good.” The old man laughed loudly while rubbing his white beard. “Apparently your body's natural reflexes are working well. I'll teach you another martial art style.”The white-haired old man taught Shane some martial arts moves, which were transitional moves from basic martial arts to advanced Chinese martial arts.Even more surprisingly, Shane quickly mastered all the moves the white-haired old man taught him.“Who are you?” asked Shane with a look of surprise and confusion on his face as soon as the training was over.Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and...“Get up, asshole!”A kick to Shane's waist by Derek brought Shane to his senses. Before the questions he asked the white-haired old man could be answered, he had already shifted back to reality.'What exactly happened? Is this a dream?'He looked around the place again and found that
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LLAD (Chapter 5)
“No, Drew. You're my top priority. You need help too,” said Shane, who disagreed with his brother's words.Drew, with his pale face, just smiled while shaking his head. The look in the 8-year-old's eyes seemed to say that he wanted Shane to help the poor woman. Shane's mind and heart were at war. In the end, Shane chose to comply with Drew's request.“Promise me that you'll be okay, Drew,” said Shane who was only responded to with a weak nod by Drew.At this time Shane was standing right in front of the woman who covered her face with the mask.A man who had previously surrounded the woman who covered her face with the mask said while pointing at Shane. “Stay out of it, asshole!”Shane glared at the man who spoke harshly to her. The anger that was burning in his body due to the various bitter events he had experienced, made him not accept the snapping voice. No amount of harsh words could shake Shane's resolve.Instantly Shane felt the fire in his chest flare up even more, united wit
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LLAD (Chapter 6)
“You'd better come with me. I have something to talk to you about.” Dr. Gerard walked away from the emergency room. Shane immediately followed him to his office.By now Shane was sitting across from Dr. Gerard in his office.“What?! Drew needs to be operated on immediately!” Shane gasped in shock after listening to the doctor's explanation of Drew's condition. All he felt was endless confusion and despair.Doctor Gerard nodded and explained, “His weakened condition is caused by his kidneys that are completely dysfunctional. The long-term treatment he was on could no longer help him. The only way is a kidney transplant operation.”“Then how much will the surgery cost? Where should I look for people who are willing to donate their kidneys to Drew?” Shane threw a few questions at Dr. Gerard.“This hospital has a list of several people who are ready to become donors. We just need to check the level of compatibility. I happen to have found the right donor for your brother,” Dr. Gerard said
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LLAD (Chapter 7)
Alexa looked like she was thinking. “I need a good person who has a sincere heart like you to protect and take care of me.” Alexa's face instantly turned serious. “Especially since you're good at martial arts.”Shane rounded his eyes as he scratched his head. Even Shane was still confused by himself suddenly being able to do martial arts moves.Is he really good at martial arts?Even Shane was still not sure about all that. He had to get back to that bamboo forest dimension to convince himself that it wasn't a dream.Alexa ventured to grasp Shane's hand, then continued to say, “How about we get married?”“What?! Marry you?!” Shane's eyes, which were still staring at Alexa's face, widened.“Don't be afraid, guys. We're just contractually married until I get what's rightfully mine and find my missing brother.” This time Alexa's voice sounded fiery.“You must have your reasons for thinking of contract marriage with me. You can tell me, Alexa.” Shane looked suspiciously at Alexa.“Alright
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LLAD (Chapter 8)
Alexa was a little surprised, because it was the same disease that her brother had lost, but she tried to stay calm as she said, “It seems like you really love your brother. I can see how anxious you get whenever you think of him.”“My parents passed away a year ago.” Shane smiled bitterly. “So, I only have him as my family. I love him very much. When I asked for a little brother, God in his kindness brought him into our family life. A three-year-old boy I found in the forest.”“What? So you found him when he was 3 years old? That means he's not your biological brother?” asked Alexa, looking probing.“That's right. He is not my biological brother. But my parents and I love him very much. So what?” Shane looked confused.“What's your brother's name?” asked Alexa, who was increasingly curious about Shane's younger brother.Before Alexa's question could be answered, a nurse approached. “I finally found you here, Mr. Morgan. I've been looking for you. Dr. Gerard has been waiting for you.
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LLAD (Chapter 9)
Shane then told us how he found Drew. Shane, who was still in college at the time, went hiking with his friends and found Drew there in a state of dehydration and almost lost consciousness.Alexa shed her tears while clenching her hands into fists. “Chaterine and Raymond have to pay the price! I can't imagine how scared a three-year-old would be in a cold, dark forest. They really have no heart. They should get what's coming to them.”Shane said to himself, 'Apparently Alexa's life is much more miserable than mine. Even though she's a famous actress and lives with a lot of money. Who would have thought, behind her happy smile in front of the camera, there was a big gaping wound that was quite deep,' “You have to be strong, at least for Drew. He must be happy to see his real sister again.”Alexa smiled in the bitterness of her heart. “Thank you, Shane. My sister and I are so lucky to have met someone like you. With your strength you will be my and Drew's guardian angel. With my fortun
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LLAD (Chapter 10)
Not wanting to see those sickening faces again, Shane immediately went to his room and started to clean up all his clothes with trembling hands.Every memory he slowly had to leave behind and then forget. But the hardest thing was facing the fact that the love he once had for Ciara would slowly turn into ruins. He never expected that Ciara had played with the sanctity of their marriage bond.Shane had returned to the living room with a medium-sized suitcase filled with his and Drew's clothes. Without saying anything, he left the Winstone family home.Second after second passed until before he knew it, the day he had spoken to Ciara arrived. The day that Shane never expected to come. Yes, today is the day of his divorce from Ciara Winstone, his wife.Shane had arrived at the registry office first. He sat in the waiting room with a determined expression, waiting for the divorce proceedings with Ciara. When Ciara and Derek showed up a few minutes later, the atmosphere instantly became
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