LLAD (Chapter 10)

Not wanting to see those sickening faces again, Shane immediately went to his room and started to clean up all his clothes with trembling hands.

Every memory he slowly had to leave behind and then forget. But the hardest thing was facing the fact that the love he once had for Ciara would slowly turn into ruins. He never expected that Ciara had played with the sanctity of their marriage bond.

Shane had returned to the living room with a medium-sized suitcase filled with his and Drew's clothes. Without saying anything, he left the Winstone family home.

Second after second passed until before he knew it, the day he had spoken to Ciara arrived. The day that Shane never expected to come.

Yes, today is the day of his divorce from Ciara Winstone, his wife.

Shane had arrived at the registry office first. He sat in the waiting room with a determined expression, waiting for the divorce proceedings with Ciara.

When Ciara and Derek showed up a few minutes later, the atmosphere instantly became
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