LLAD (Chapter 11)
"What's wrong, Shane? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ciara asked with a furrowed brow, because the look in Shane's eyes was strange.

Shane smiled broadly before speaking. "I just wanted to tell you that love isn't my top priority right now. I'm actually hurt because I love you. That kiss was my last kiss to you. Trust me, you'll never get it again."

After speaking like that, Shane left Ciara who was stunned because she did not expect that Shane's establishment was capable of behaving like that to her.

Meanwhile, on the terrace of the registry office, Alexa sat staring blankly at the floor. Shane appeared to walk up from behind her, about to startle her.

As Shane approached, Alexa shied away from him slightly. Shane was surprised, but thought it was normal. Maybe Alexa would only be romantic in front of others.

Shane and Alexa stepped into the crowd of reporters from both online and offline news portals. Even some of the people present there seemed to dare to take pictures of th

Hello. I am back and I hope you are still waiting for this story and always read it. Previously I had a busy schedule that made me unable to continue this story. I will try to update 1 chapter every day. Don't forget to subscribe this story and then leave a comment on each chapter. Thank you, my readers.

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