LLAD (Chapter 4)

Somehow, Shane's body could easily avoid the old man's attack. Several fighting moves were made by Shane to ward off the old man's attacks.

“Hahaha... good.” The old man laughed loudly while rubbing his white beard. “Apparently your body's natural reflexes are working well. I'll teach you another martial art style.”

The white-haired old man taught Shane some martial arts moves, which were transitional moves from basic martial arts to advanced Chinese martial arts.

Even more surprisingly, Shane quickly mastered all the moves the white-haired old man taught him.

“Who are you?” asked Shane with a look of surprise and confusion on his face as soon as the training was over.

Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and...

“Get up, asshole!”

A kick to Shane's waist by Derek brought Shane to his senses. Before the questions he asked the white-haired old man could be answered, he had already shifted back to reality.

'What exactly happened? Is this a dream?'

He looked around the place again and found that he was back inside the Winstone family home.

The mysterious ring had given him new powers. Breathing heavily, Shane crawled up from the floor. He stood firmly like a rock in the middle of the sea.

“Hey, look, he's really awake.” Erick stammered as he watched Shane rise slowly. Everyone had been so panicked when they saw Shane's body motionless.

Once in an alert position, Shane began to take a stance. All the martial arts moves he did with the old man with white hair suddenly seemed to be spinning in his eyes.

Shane began to perform movements just like he did in the bamboo forest-like dimension. His body suddenly felt light as he performed the basic moves.

He stared at Erick and Derek with a look full of determination and newfound courage. Whatever happened, he knew that his destiny had changed that second.

In the drama-filled circumstances, Shane's fate had been woven with unexpected threads of destiny. The activation of a hidden power within his body through a mysterious ring given to him by his late parents, would be the beginning of his new journey.

Shane rose with his irises glowing bluish. His hands were clenched into fists. His muscles seemed to be powered by something that gave him great strength.

“Accept my vengeance!” Shane screamed with both hands clenched.

Derek and Erick took a few steps back. Their faces showed great fear and horror.

The fight broke out loudly again. Shane unleashed his boxing skills. His accurate punches were almost like a deadly dance, making Derek and Erick feel overwhelmed.

In just a few moves, Shane was able to knock Derek and Erick back simultaneously. The two men seemed to be an outlet for Shane's anger.

Helen and Ciara screamed as they saw the two men being beaten by Shane.

“Stop it, asshole!” 

Helen got closer to Shane who looked like he was going crazy. Unfortunately, a punch from Shane's fist accidentally hit Helen in the face, knocking her to the ground.

Derek was already unconscious. Meanwhile, Ciara, Erick, and Briel tried to get away from Shane who was now standing, staring intently, and stepping slowly towards them.

In a precarious situation, a maid suddenly appeared. “Mr. Morgan, I found Drew unconscious in front of his bedroom door!”

Shane, who had previously seemed possessed, immediately blinked his eyes. His consciousness had returned.


Not saying much, Shane immediately took his brother out of the house.

At this time even Shane was running on the side of the road while carrying the unconscious Drew to the hospital where Drew had dialysis every three weeks.

Yes, Drew was suffering from kidney failure.

Shane repeatedly tried to stop the taxi, but it was always filled. Not only did he try to stop taxis, but Shane also tried to stop ordinary cars. Who knows, a car driver might be moved to give him a ride.

Unfortunately, everything was just a hope. Finally, Shane decided to just run.

“River! Yes, it looks like I'm going to cross the river. That way is relatively closer to the hospital.” Shane said to himself. “Drew, please hold on. In this world I have no one else but you.”

Shane, who had encouraged himself, went back to running. About five hundred meters away, there will be a river. There was a bridge that was rarely used by vehicles because of its fragile condition and had not been repaired by the local government.

On the way to the hospital, Shane felt like he was sensing an impending disaster. He was like a pilot navigating a dark and stormy sky with no clear destination.

“Get out of my way. You will never be able to force me and do as you please!”

Shane, who had arrived around the river while carrying Drew on his back, was startled when he heard a woman's scream. He cast his eyes around the fairly deserted place.

A woman who covered her face with a mask seemed to be surrounded by five men wearing black suits.

“You'd better come with us before we resort to force and violence, Miss.”

There was a voice from one of the men who was clearly threatening the poor woman.

Unintentionally, the woman turned her head towards Shane who was standing still and staring at her from a distance. “Hey, please help me!”

Shane was surprised. He didn't expect that she would see him. The five men in black suits who surrounded the woman also looked back at Shane. They gave him an intimidating look, as if asking him to shut up and just get out of there.

'No, no, no. My priority right now is Drew. To hell with that woman. I need to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Why would I care about someone else's fate? No one else cares about me and my brother,' Shane tried to follow his mind and ignore the whispers of his heart.

Shane walked back to the small bridge and chose to pretend not to look at the poor woman with his mixed feelings.


Shane stopped his steps. He heard Drew calling him. That meant Drew was awake. Shane saw a lawn chair near the bridge and sat Drew down.

“Please help that woman, Shane. Poor she, her life is in danger,” Drew said in a weak voice.

Shane was silent. He really wanted to refuse his younger brother's request.

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